Joe Stains

This is the blog of an angry old boston terrier. (and his little brother Tanner who gets to post every Tuesday)

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Joey Doesn't KNOW AT ALL!

So like we totally have PROOFS now that Scooter and I are Twinners....look at THAT!!!

We even have ID cards that say SO! Thats like totally OFFICESHUL!

In other excitering news, the STEELERS totaaaalllly won last night!! OMDOG it was so exciting!!! Joey and I totally SNUGGED before the game then I didn't really see him much after that, I wonder where he was??

BUT what that means is that before EVERY game, Joey has to SNUGGLE with me!!

I said we should PRACTICE for next week...

OMDOG and snuggin with HIS sleeping bag!! GO STEELERS!!

Joey has his 'game face' on I guess, he is real serious about football. (Note from Joe, that is NOT my game face, that is my I Hate Karma face)

OMDOG Mom is soooo totally behind on blogging and junk like that so we will be visiting you dogs TONIGHT!

Monday, September 29, 2008


Mom said the Steelers loss last week may be Karma related, and that maybe if I was nicer to Tanner things might go better for them tonight in the BIG Monday Night Football Game...

You want me to share my SNUGGLE BALL?????????

OK, how is this...

Tanner insists this is a SNUGGLE ball and I should snuggle with him.

Holy cow!

How is THAT?

Omdog the things I do for my Steelers...


Sunday, September 28, 2008


Look at this thing our Dad's Grandpa drew!! Isn't that funny?! That is Tanner in the drawing. He sure is one talented dude. Our great Grandpa, not Tanner :)

(we do NOT support the Red Sox, just so ya know!!)

Saturday, September 27, 2008

The woman is nuts....

Mom was out shopping today for our human cousin's first birthday. She went to Toys R' Us and discovered they have an entire section called, Pets R' Us. Great. She looked at agility stuff, treats, toys and all sorts of fun things. But do you know what she came home with???

A FRICKIN BATH ROBE?!?!? argh. Since I have lost my hair I get very cold after I get out of the tub, so she bought this thing for me. The little things hanging down in the front are for her to put her hands in to help dry me off I guess? argh.

It even has a pocket. FOR WHAT?

But, much like that crazy snuggle ball I have to admit it is pretty soft and warm.

Ok Mom, I am not too upset since it only cost $5. BUT I hope this doesn't mean I will be getting more baths!

Friday, September 26, 2008

Happy Friday, we got some awards!

We received so many awards lately, and we appreciate them all. If our secretary missed some, we are so sorry. She is only human ;)

We got the I love your blog award: Image and video hosting by TinyPic

We got this from, China and Madie, Abby and Huskee and Hershey.

Thank you guys SO much!!!

We also got this award

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from the Army of Four. Thank you guys, we are honored!!

We got this award

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From Helios. Thank you buddy!!!

We got this award
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From Mango the Maltese. Thank you Mango, we really like to lift people's spirits!!

Finally we got this award:

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“Com o Prêmio Dardos, se reconhecem os valores que cada blogueiro mostra cada dia em seu empenho por transmitir valores culturais, éticos, literários, pessoais etc. que, em suma, demonstram sua criatividade através do pensamento vivo que permanece intacto entre suas letras e suas palavras.“Este selo implica duas regras:a primeira, linkar o blog do qual recebeu o prêmio. A segunda – escolher blogs para entregar o prêmio.

"With the Premium Dardos, recognize the values that each blogger shows each day in commitment to transmit cultural values, ethical, literary, personal etc. that, in short, demonstrate their creativity by alive thinking that remains intact from their letters and words. "

This came from Dewey. GRACIAS!

Thank you all so much for reading my blog and for all your great comments all of the time. We appreciate each and every one, even if you just say WHATSSSUUUPPPP!! ;)

TGIF guys!

(thanks all for keeping my secret, I am really loving this bed, even though I did find out it is for OLD dogs. whatever!)

Thursday, September 25, 2008

I have a secret....

I found out last night...

I really DO like this bed...

Don't tell Tanner or he will probably make it splode. Can you guys keep my secret???

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

I get by with a little help from my friends...

There is a lot of sad news in DWB land today, but Gizmo wanted us to make his Mom laugh, so we are going to try...

First of all, head on over to Cubby's Blog and click the link and fill out a few bits of info so that the Legacy Boxer Rescue gets $10,000!!!

Second of all, HAPPY BIRTHDAY ASTA!!!!!!!!!!

In an attempt to cheer you up, Mom did something dumb. Well, she was doing something she thought would be NICE for us. She bought us some ridiculous BALL bed?

WTFFFFFF IS THIS THING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Seriously, GET ME OUT!

Um, how much did you spend on this exactly????

OH how much????

There, are you happy. I am sitting on your damn snuggle ball.

Is she still looking????

Tuesday, September 23, 2008



I found out that I have a TWIN BROTHER!? Can you BELIEVE IT!!!!????

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That is HIM! His name is SCOOTER! He has this blog, HERE and his birthday is on Sept 13th!!!!!!!! That is only TWO days away from MY BIRTHDAY! We both are VERY smart but only sometimes, but we LOVE to have FUN. PLUS he is 11 and I am 4 so Joey said NO WAY can we be twins, AND he said we don't even look alike.

I told Joey that is because he has never SEEN us dressing alike!!! SO I flew to TEXAS and Scooter and I went to try on some OUTFITS!!!

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OMDOG we TOTALLY look like twins. The lady at the store said that maybe we should find more MANSCULINE looking outfits since we are BOYS?!

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WHAT ABOUT THESE LOLOLOL! Scooter and I had SO MUCH FUN! I hear he is going to go on a car trip soon and I think I might just TAG ALONG!!!!!! OMDOG having a Twin Brother is SO FUN!!!

Monday, September 22, 2008

Stinkin' Steelers!!

Sophie got so-so news from the vet, the results are so far inconclusive so she has to take it easy. Please keep sending vibes!

Yesterday we were watching the Steelers and watching our quarterback getting CRUSHED and Tanner and I got so mad we started playing tug...

We even used our Steelers rope toy!

After all of that yelling and tugging the Steelers STILL LOST.

I went to bed until the Yankees game started. Thank DOG they won.

Sunday, September 21, 2008


First and most important, I need you to send 2989084905 healing vibes to Sophie who hurt her leg. We are really hoping she didn't tear a ligament, so all the healing vibes you can spare need to go her way please...

Today is a HUGE day around here! The Steelers play the team from the other side of our state, the Philadelphia Eagles. (Wally, grab a monkey to catch your tears because you might be crying over this game!!!)

ALSO, today is the LAST GAME EVER at Yankee Stadium.

To be sure I was ready I got on my appropriate gear...

And I got a good luck beef lung treat...

I was just finishing that when I smelled something else delicious...

Mom grilled a WHOLE CHICKEN! The Doofus burnt the skin but the meat was DELICIOUS.

I will take that piece, thank you very much...

I am ready for the games, I have some chicken, my gear on and the TV is set! I hope you guys have a great Sunday! GO Steelers, GO Yankees!!!

Friday, September 19, 2008

Awards and TGIF

We have some awards to give out, finally!

A while back Sophie at the Pugg and Bug blog submitted the following stain:

licking stain
BUT this is not a pee stain, this is a LICKING stain. KUDOS for originality and for changing the stain world. It doesn't always have to be pee or poo!!! Great JOB!

Next we have a stain made by Lacie after ingesting a LOT of water. She let go with a flood of pee ALL OVER. Of course I am sure she looked dignified and proper while doing it. (I don't want to get my butt kicked over here)

Her humans had to wash the bedding after she opened the flood gates. GREAT JOB!

You guys have both earned the coveted STAIN AWARD!

stain award

Finally it has started to get a LITTLE bit cooler around here in the desert. It has been less than 100 in the day and getting into the 70s at night. It will be beautiful here soon!!!

sun dogs


Thursday, September 18, 2008

More Birthday FUN!

OMDOG I got some presents in that MAIL from my WIFE LILLIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

She is the besterest. OMDOG

She sent me this which is called a SCRAP book for putting pictures in!!!

BUT YOU wanna know what?? It is made out of brown Lunch Bags!! HOW CLEVER IS THAT?!?! My Wife is the smarterest ever!!!

THe BEST thing is she sent me a card with HER picture on it and I put it in my LITTLE HOUSE!!!

Can you see me???? Can you see LILLIE?????? SHe is wearing funny glasses that make you LAUGH. SHe is Funny AND Clever AND pretty! I am a winner of a great wife!!! (I AM ALSO NOT BALD LOLOLOLOL JOEY)

OMDOG THANK YOU THANK YOU WIFE!!!! I also got one of those singing EMAIL cards from Akira and Shiro and I danced to it! THANKS GUYS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, September 17, 2008


Ok first of all we have some awards to post and some awards to give, and I swear I have not forgotten and I do appreciate them, but we have been busy over here with birthdays and vets.

Second thank you ALL for the info about the luxating patella. It calmed Mom's worries a lot.


Tanner got those pawesome birthday wishes yesterday. That dude above is named Bentley and he is a fan of our blog AND a fan of the Steelers AND a boston terrier. CLEARLY he is BFF material! Thank you Butchy and Snickers and Thank you Bentley.

FINALLY the Steelers DID win on Sunday and here is a pic of us enjoying the game...

You can see we have our Steeler's tissues handy in case we burst into tears, but they did pretty well and they beat those STINKY Browns and that is all that matters!

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

WTF Wednesday

First, an update on the birthday fun. Mr. Chip Munk is currently residing on the top of the fridge after suffering a terrible spontaneous splosion of his butt. He will be mended and returned to active toy duty soon. Beer Can is also on the fridge because Mom was not willing to see that one splode when she was at work.

BUT ON TO IMPORTANT NEWS. HORRIFIC NEWS. (this is a long post with a lot of words which is SO not our style but I have a lot to say today)

I was sleeping today when I heard the door open hours before Mom and Dad were supposed to be home. I was SO excited. Mom put Tanner back in his little house and then followed me into the yard and as soon as I was done pooping, she picked it up and put it in a zippy bag. strange.

Then she got my leash. WOOOO.

Then we got to the VET. Boooooooo. She gave them my POOP?! I am betting they are going to try to decode my stain master abilities with that poop. We switched vets just after we got Tanner to a practice recommended by my Mom's good friend and we have been so happy with them. BUT this is the first time I was being seen by the TOG DAWG vet at this place, since I am an old dude I need special attention.

This guy looked me over from ear to tail, squeezing everything moving my joints around and omdog he said I have a mild case of something where my KNEECAPS MOVE AROUND AND POP OUT?! WTF?! Mom couldn't understand what he said something about a patella then he showed her and it just popped out OMDOG?! He said I probably had this since I was a pup and I don't have to worry but I could get Arthur Itis?!!! WTF?

Then we addressed my fur issues. In the past year or so I have lost lots of fur on my legs and belly. Please see the below picture and feel free to sob openly at my horribly bald belly.

The VET said it could be allergies, so this new food we are on may just fix it. BUT if it doesn't look better in 2 months I have to go in for a THYROID test!!

I told that Vet that under no circumstances did I take Thyroids and I never hung out with Jose Canseco OR Barry Bonds... WTF?!?!?!

I am also losing hair on my tail...

I am very self conscious about that one.

Finally, he addressed my little skin thingy that I have had for a while...

He called that a "Skin Tag" and said it is totally harmless. WHEW! (notice my PINK HAIRLESS BELLY *sob*) I think I might name it. I sense a contest coming up with those free books we got for naming my skin tag!!

So OMDOG to sum it up:

1. I may be sent in for Thyroid testing. I hope they don't have to put an asterisk next to my name for winning all those awards :(

2. I have busted knees and may develop Arthur Itis which probably means I will need round the clock care from Sophie.

3. I STILL hate the Vet.

(from Mom - 4. He is a DRAMA QUEEN. The vet said he looked GREAT for a dog his age and all the things we found today are precautionary and he is otherwise very healthy. The fish oil and other supplements we give him will help with his patella issue - I sure wish I could remember what he called it, I may have to call them or see if its on the papers we got today.)