Cheeseburger Friday for Joe Stains
I just wanted to check in and let you know that we are OK and that I am OK and not TOO sad. We cannot thank you guys ENOUGH for all those comments. We will visit you guys this weekend we promise.
We miss that Joe Stains so much our hearts break a little all the time, BUT Joe Stains was never about the cry cry and sad. He was about the celebration. So in his honor we are declaring today...
When we figured out the tuna was really winning against Joe the only weapon we had left to fight it was CHEESEBURGERS.

Joe got LOTS of cheeseburgers the last few weeks, so we thought it would be nice to have every dog get some cheeseburger in his MEMORY. ok?
I KNOW it is shorterest notice so maybe we can have Cheeseburgers SOMETIME this weekend ok?
Get the don't want to upset Angel Stains...

You won't like him when he is angry!
57 Stains:
Great post, we posted about Joe yesterday. We are very sad
Benny & Lily
This is a wonderful idea! We sure wouldn't want to get angel Joey upset! We need to swallow our donuts first and they we're off to ask dad!
Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch
Yes, Joe is about the pawtying - that's why I used that posted when I shared his khrossing -
He didn't want us to be sad -
'nuf said!
I'll make sure to insist Mom prokhure a CB fur me ovFUR the weekend!
Here's to woo and your pawrents!
Will a Cheeseburger from Five Guys do? We do not have Steak and Shake in this town yet! But I am working on it.
Wonderful Idea
Gussie n Teka
I am wondering if those tornados were just Joey making his mark over the rainbow bridge. Cheeseburger day sounds fantastic (now if I can just get the DOH to remember).
We are certainly with much hopes that you did not send The Stain Man to heaven in them pajamies.
As fer the cheesyburgers - we're in man!!!
Bobo and MEja
I'll see what I can do about CHEESEBURGERS!!! Zim isn't allowed, he's on a real serious prescription-only diet, but I'll have his share, too!
My mom had a dream last night with you in it, Tanner! How cool is that?!!
Yummers!, mom says we can stop and get some after agility class.
Morgan & Maisie
w00fs, yeaaa, me gets a happy to hear u is ok, we still miss joey too..
b safe,
I am ON IT!
I'd do anything to celebrate Joey's life, and if it means I have to suffer through some cheesy burgery goodness, so be it. :)
Cheeseburger Friday! Darwin's totally going to participate in that!
We ate our cheeseburger in honor of Joe today.
Java & Bobby
Hip hip hooray for cheeseburgers - Mom says we can all have some tomorrow for dinner. Thanks, Joey - great way for us to remember you.
Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara
I have been following Joe for several years. I have 2 boston terriers. I cried when I saw that he died. At least he's not in pain any more. I loved him so much and haven't even met him!
howdy doody!
i'm comin' over from phantom and thunder and miss ciara's. i just wanted to woof that i'm so sorry that joe had to leave for the bridge, and i'm sendin' lots of gooey nose kisses 'n huggles your way. oh, and i will totally eat a nommy cheeseburger in his honor!!
the booker man
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Tanner...this is a delightful idea...we will pop by the drivethru and get three to go with all the works...
We know the Bridge is a far crazier place this week with Joe bein' up there to organize food, drink and athletics...we can only imagine...
Give your mom and dad some doofus kisses and some from us too...
Scruffy's in the fridge gettin' the Heinz ready for the burgers...
Love you guys...
Miss Lacie Girlie
Oh...I just snapped at A NONNY MOOSE...made contact too...he might need a bandaid. Maybe a couple bandaids...
Miss Lacie Toofers....with an Attitude bout people crashing our blogs.
YES! I will most certainly show this to the pawrents and make them find a burger place for me ASAP!
Suki Sumo
I am sure Joey is happy knowing about this special day for him!
Now... every time we have cheeseburgers we will think of Joey!
Take care
Kisses and hugs
we couldnt quite get a cheeseburger but we did manage a stain...
That picture is so Joe!
My peep and I have been reading your blog for quite a while now,
and many a time have we been shaking with laughter at Joe's grumpiness and your antics, Tanner.Joe hated the cold as much as I do and I love fries too!
You and your peeps will be,perhaps, happy to know that my local Boston Terrier Meet-Up group, up here in Canada, posted "Cheeseburger Friday" along with the blog and tumblr links on its message board. Joe Stains is reaching worldwide and a lot of Boston Terriers are licking their chops in loving memory of him. I sure did!
And, Tanner, I hope you keep on blogging, even if only on Tuesdays.
The Bougalou Bear, proud to be a Boston Terrier like Joe Stains and his Maman. (The one with thumbs)
My mom ate some McDonalds tonight, but didn't have a cheeseburger. We'll have to go back this week in honor of Joey. Ooh, that Joe Angel sure looks seriously scary with his glowing halo...Tanner you had better not make him mad! Now he can see what you're up to all the time ;)
Whooooo! We got the burger meat, we got the cheese and we got the bunz. Tomorrow will be official Cheezeburger Joe Stains Day!
We love the Bad Angel picture of Joe with the glowing halo. So perfect! (well, yes, except for the jammies).
I like to think of the USA covered with a smokey haze from all of Joe's pals makin' cheezeburgers.
Stella and Mom
We will have to twist Mom's arm harderest so she will get out there this weekend and bring us one of those cheeseburgers! We love that picture of Joe with the Halo! It is perfect, just like him:-)
Lots of licks,
Ozzie, Rocky & Lola
I don't think we ever met. Although weren't you one of my rivals with Sophie La Flirtador? (I know, there were a few).
But, condolences, it's always hard. And we did post a toasty pic cos there are no cheeseburgers here on dwb fb page in joe's honour.
Pippa and Katherine
So sorry to hear this news. Joe will be a wonderful presence forever... Mmmmmmm...yummy cheeseburgers! Forever live this delicious treat :)
Sweet hugs,
Sierra Rose
WE had cheese on our dinners. Hope that counts.
Molly, Taffy, MOnty and Winnie
Ok, so my mom was gonna make some fish on the grill tonight, but I just read your post so we are totally having cheeseburgers!
Thanks Tanner!
Gee we're soo sorry to hear that Joey went ta the bridge a few days ago.....please accept our deepest condolences....we will all miss him but we bet he is happily frolickin' with all the furries who went before him and makin' lots of great STAINS !
Dewey Dewster here...
Along with Asta Marie, Toby, Gram 'n Pap too.....
Oh yeah....we'd love ta have a cheeseburger ta toast Joey....all we need ta do is convince Gram that it's OK.....
Dewey Dewster here again.....
We are on our way to McDonalds.... Listen Doof.... we are here for what ever ya need..... like if you want to bother somebody or something. Arch is your man.. We love ya little dude Love A+A
Love to you, dear Joe Stains. Bacon for every dog!
Hugs to your humans.
Much love from,
Franki V
definitely getting Lola a cheeseburger on next visit to McDs in honour of Joey baby! x0
They are going on the grill as we speak! Ann TBL
Cheeseburgers are for me!! Joey would be proud.
Love and Lots of Koobuss Kisses,
pee ess So sorry to hear of Joey's passing.
Joe you are the scariest Angel I've ever seen. I sure don't want to upset you! I got some hamburger but no cheese cause it gives Arrow the poops. I am going to make every day Hamburger Friday in your honor.
Oh man, I was outta town. I'm so sorry we will not have Joe around. He was certainly a little devil that one couldnt' help love.
we will most definitely give the cheeseburgers to the two beasts in the house of Wild his honor of course!
WE just found out that Joey left for the bridge. Mommy is so very sad but she said she knows Joey is up at the brdige having a great time with all our DWB friends and I know he can have all the cheeseburgers he wanta from now one. WE will get cheesburgers tonight and with every bite think of Joey.
Tanner please keep Joey's blog going. Mommy saqid be brave for your parents and she will keeo you all in our prayers.
God Bless Joey and say hello for Samantha for Mommy, she loved cheesburgers too.
Love....Mona. Weenie and thr Mommy too.
Can't believe I missed this! I'll ask Old Girl for something special to celebrate Joe tonight!
Woof! Woof! Golden Laughs ... we just read Kari's post ... they also had cheeseburger. Sorry to hear about Joe ... Having a delish cheeseburger is sure a great way to remember him. Lots of Golden Woofs, Sugar
No clue what a cheeseburger is, but I'll definitely find out! I didn't know Joe, but I'm sending puppy prayers to you all!
Woofs & hugs,
I think that is a fabulous idea! Beats cake in my book!
Here's to Joe, so everyone raise their cheeseburgers in salute!
Holly & Khady
We've been out of the blog loop and just heard the news about our wonderful Pal Joey. He was Petey's sidekick in Beagadoon, a groomsman at his wedding, and his partner-in-crime for more than a few adventures. We loved his wit and wisdom, and of course, our shared love of the Yankees. Miss Sophie Brador and her chauffeur will be here next week and I promise that she and Petey will share a burger in honor of Joey. He was a funny little tough guy with a heart of gold and I know your home must feel empty without him.
Love from Jane and Petey
Interesting post, thanks for sharing.
I'm so sorry to hear about Joey. My M has been so busy nowadays that she doesn't read blogs as regularly and only found out through my friend Joey Jack Russel.
We totally understand how you feel, but that's the way with us dogs, our lives are shorter than humans but with our short lives, we strive to brighten up your day, everyday!
I'll make sure my M gets me a cheeseburger REAL soon to remember Joey by!
We are heartbroken. We only just found out and we are so so sorry, Mum especially always had a soft spot for you guys so she is springing leaks as we type but I have made her PROMISE that we will ALL have cheeseburgers in my buddys memory and we will SMILE. I'm so sad that we are never around anymore, but that doesn't mean we don't think of you, we absolutely do. True furfriends leave their pawprints on your heart and we love you dearly. Stay strong buddy, Mum sends a gentle kiss for the tip of your cute lil nose and a very big hug. Ben xxxx
We are so sorry to read about Joe Stains.
We are glad that you are doing OK.
Love -
Hershey and Kaci
Tanner, mom and dad,
We are so sorry about Joey - just catching up today and read the sad news. We are having a real good cry at the computer... thanks for being such a great and loving family to him. We will miss him so much.
Love Clover, Chewy & mom xo
Hope Tanner is adjusting well. Been thinking about the little guy. I know they mourn too...
OMD Angel Stains expression is too epic! BOL!!! And I say YAHOOOOO for Cheeseburger Day!
Woof! I really love cheeseburgers! Thanks for sharing ah. love it! ^_^
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good post.
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We know you would be an angel waiting for delicious cheeseburger to eat. That is a great photo of you. Thanks for the share. Have a wonderful rest of your day.
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