GUYS can I have your attention PLEASE. I would like to formerly introduce you to my NEW BROTHER....

His name is Steve. But you can call him STEEEEEEEEVE!!!!
This guy was found wandering the streets of Mesa AZ when a nice family picked him up. The nicerest family kept him for two weeks while they looked for his real family, but they could not find them. He did not have one of those potato chips in his back with his human's name on it. SO the nice family called the totally pawesome people at The Arizona Boston Terrier Rescue who said we will totally take that little dude. Well, Mom was already talking to the rescue lady and she let Mom know there was a '2 year old male stray' coming in to rescue. Mom said WE ARE VERY INTERESTED.
If this dog is TWO I will give my treat money up for a year. NO WAY JOSE! But really the rescue said he is more like ONE but we said, we will give him a try!!
WELL he has been here a week and we are officially adoptering him!!! He is my new brother!!!
We have SO MUCH FUN together...

We are already BFFs.

He is also super awesome to have around because he can get on that table in one hop! GO STEVE GO!!
The only problem we have so far...what Mom? Jumping on the table is a PROBLEM? WHATEVER lady. The problem we have is...
The couch keeps eating his head! LOLOLOLOLOL
I hope you like meeting my new brother Steve. Um. He has only been here one week and like, somehow, he already has a date with the LacieBeast??? Check out her blog, here to read all about it.
This was my face when he told me who he had a date with...


One last look at my new brother and Tan Torkelson BEST big brother ever OUT!!
33 Stains:
Congrats, Tan Tork and Steeeeve!Looks like a perfect fit to me but I do think you should cancel the Lacie date until he has been around a little longer and learned the wicked ways of you know who!
I'm proud of you Tanner for being a best ever big brother and Steve looks like a swell guy.
Tan towkelson
What a lucky guy Steeeeeeve is to have you fow a big Bwuvvew..the little doode lucked out and i think in addition to all the fun, you will have the added benefit of getting mowe foodables so that you don't waste awawy wif all that gweat excewcise .
Poow innocent Steeeve..the sofa eating his head is minow compawed wif his upcoming date..doesn't he know???????
you have to save him.. I love my BFF Laciekins, and she is fun but?.......... you know, she is a heawtbweakew and hawdly twoo bloo
oh well, i suppose he'll have to leawn the hawd way.
i think Steeeve is a cutie and you AWE absolutely the best to welcome him
smoochie kisses
STEVE rocks
I am EXHAUSTED just watching the two of you play!!
Welcome home Steve!
I used to root in our sofa all the time looking for dropped foodables! Maybe this is what Steve is up to too!
Your younger brother sure is a handsome dude, Tanner!
Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch
Tanner! Is it possible that he is even nuttier than you? Does he have extra rocket boosters in his butt or something? Look at that little dude go!
Tanner will be svelte in no time at all with that kind of Steeeeevercise programme!
As fur The Beastie, be brave Steeeeeve - be FURRY brave!
Woo might need some earplugs or something to blokhk the SKHREEEEEEEEECHIN and SHRIEKKKKKKKKKKKIN
Just sayin'
PeeEssWoo: I khan see Angel JS and his delight in seeing NO DOOFUS DOT!!! Woo got some good peeps there!
Maybe yer Mom and Dad will get a new cowch that won't eat doods head.
And is he part Mastiff? He's colorored like Mango. Dood sure has moves.
Bobo and Meja
We loved this post about your new brudder STEEEEEEEVE and we're going to send Edgrrrrrrrrr to play with him because they both like mad crazy zoomies and jumping on things. Good luck with that!
Sheps w/Pep
WELCOME, STEEEEEEEEEEEEVE - you ARE one handsome dude. And Tanner, we bet you are thrilled to have a playmate. Did Joey leave him some yummy crumbs in that sofa? And we hear those Diamondbacks on in the background. Hope he will be a big fan too. We are so happy for you guys and we bet Joey is too.
Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara
WHAT? He's only one??? (Lacie grins and twists a tiny tuff of fur thoughtfully between her little paws...) He sure sounded older that that on the phone.
Um...can he dri er enjoy a smoothie? Will he be carded??
As for all the, no way am I runnin' that much on our DATE.
I'm thinkin' we should go to a fun would that be? Have him bring some $$. And Tanner, is it my imagination or does he have a dot on his left side?? Or is it one of those glue and stick ones cuz he wants to be like you?
And no worries Tanner...I'll take it easy on the hapless fellow...I just can't help if they ALL fall in love with me.
Miss Lacie Teacakes.
Welcome Home Steeeeeeve!!!
Pugs & Kisses,
Yoda, Brutus & Ellie
Welcome to Steeeeeve! I particularily enjoy your "mexican standoffs" in the yard videos. Hope you guys find whatever it is in that couch. Good times again in Tanner's house. Ann
OMD Tanner! He is the handsomerest because he looks just like me!!! I think we might be bros! Congratulations bud!
Oh my goodness you guys have so much fun playing. We are so happee you found Steve!!
Love and snorts
Benny & Lily
Welcome Steeeeve...looks like you and Tanner are going to be great brothers. You have found a great home.
Steve dood, welcome home! I know dat Tanner will teach yoo all the greeeeeeeat stuff to do there, seems as if yoo found a gud spot to hide yer head too. BOL
::springs in my feet::
::springs in my feet::
I is Jake!!
STEEEEEEEEVE! Steve-a-rino. Steve-a-riffic. The Stevester. Steevie Jeebies! STEEEEEEEEEEVE!
Well wicked news!! Boy oh Boy Steeeeeve lucked out dude getting you as his bff brother Tan. Wagging you're having a smashing time zooming and table springing. Steeeeeeeeeve must have WFT (wirey fox terrier) springs in his legs huh?
Better warn him Tanner the flakie Lacie is a lot like that sofa. She'll eat him for breakfast. And spit him out at suppertime.....
Wiry welcome ones Steeeeeeve coming over the pig pee. Eric xxxx
lucky dog
Congrats on your new little bro!
Joey and Jack
OMD!!! You are such a good big brother! The two of you are super fast and out of control!!!!! Hellooooo Steeeeeve!!!!
We are so happy for you and Steve!!! Welcome to the family Steve!!!!!!
Steeeeeve looks a pretty buff. Tanner's gonna have to hit the gym.
OMD! You are the best big brother ever! Now that Joe is gone, you need to be strong and tough and do a little grumping now and then so he knows who's boss! And has he even learned about making stains?
Welcome home!
Steeeeeeve and Tanner, you bring joy to everybody! You two are too playful, what a perfect playteam.
Joe must be very please to see Tanner has a energetic playpal.
We're hot,hot 102 yesterday, how's the weather over there Joe?
Welcome Steeeeeeve!!! You are so cute and talented too! Tan, you are going to be a great big brother. Have fun!
This brought the biggest smile to my face. Nice to meet you Steeeeeeeeve!!
Very nice videos, thanks for sharing...
Welcome Steve. Looking Nice.
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