to too tue two 2 tanner day!
HEY People and Dogs and Girl Girl WHATSUUUUUUUUP?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SO I live in like this place its called a Desert. This is not a DESSERT like Ice Creams but a sandy hot place where its dry a LOT. BUT yesterdays there was raining!!!! So MOM said Lets put on your Raining Coats ok? WELL
HERE I am but JOey said NO NO NO and would not go outside! He is BAD!
Look at all that rainering! It was a puddle of rain in my yard and in mom's plantings!
I was like OMG this is like dark and raining and all these birds were in our yard trying to eat some stuff and Joey wasnt there to try ot eat them with me and I was like
WHATSUUUUUUUPPPPP BIrds you don't have a raining coat and now you are all wets and dRipping!!! SO then I went back in that house to tell Joey...
He said, Leave me ALONE. OMG he says that like 39 times a day and I just laugh and say OK OK for now I will ok?!
I hope you all having one of These Coats for keeping Dry in the raining!!!!!