I am the tanner and I am the reporter
So like its been a crazy days of lots of things happening, LIke Joey going to the Emerge and See doctor because his eye was all fu...er messed up and like HE was totally out of it being mr Shakes and all that. But then he was so totally OK and ready to be like WHATSSUUP Tanner lets play.
My AUNT is here who is not aunt patty but this one is Michelle and she gives me lots of treats when Mom is not looking and even though Joey SAYS I am the fatterest she still says OK have some of my food!
BUT oK this is the excitering part that JOEY said I would talk about. Mom and Dad and like a million other family people went to a place to eat without JOEY and ME and when they Come home MOM had this thing on her finger that means that Joey aND me are not going to be illigeterate um illiterate ummm that basically Joey AND me Are going to have a married MOm and DAD!

SO it looks like that and MOM says it makes her HAPPYEREST so that is good because My MOM is nice and makes me happy too.
68 Stains:
Wow ! I am the first to say it -
Huge congratulations to your mum and dad, that is great news :-)
Maybe they will marry in Vegas ;-)
Or maybe we can have a DWB wedding !!
Congratulations!!!!!! Will you get to go to the wedding?
Simba xx
Woo hoo, big congrats to your mum and dad! That ring is so pretty! How exciting.
Oscar x
If you need my PINK bow tie to wear for the wedding.. you will need to get it from Chester okies???
p/s... the ring looks deeelleeeecciioouss... you sure it is not ediable?
Congratulations!!! I hope you and Tanner get to be in the wedding! Hey, know what? You already have your tuxedo's on!
Love ya lots,
YAAAAAAAY! Congratumalations to your mum and dad! That calls for SNACKS all around! Are you guys gonna be in the wedding? Is Doofus going to try to eat the ring? Did Joe's eye turn pink cuz he stared directly at the diamond too long?
Congratulations Mom & Dad!!! What exciting news (and gorgeous ring)!! Now your Dad has to decide who is the best man...Joey or Tanner. Or maybe Tanner could be the Doofus of Honor!! Ya know, weddings mean CAKE! Time for Tanner to get tubbier.
Sherman, Penny & Lola
(and Jen too - Congrats!!!!)
Congratulations to your mum and dad!! I hope you are going to be able to be at some of the wedding - there's lots of food and people to suck up to at weddings!!
Tanner Boy!
How cool! Congratulations to your mama and your dad. It's time for snacks... definitely.
Of course, you will both have to be in the wedding. And, I think they should have it at a dog park so all of us can come & supervise cake cutting and stuff.
Goober love,
G'day Joey, Tanner, and Mum and Dad!,
Congratulations and thanks for your good wishes to me and my mum!
A DWB wedding! Will all of us doggies be invited?
xxx Asta down under
congrats to your mommay & dadday :D
Congrats!!!! That's so exciting! I hope you guys get to be in the wedding...we bostons are always dressed for it!
Congratulations!!! Its so exciting. Will you and Joey be able to attend the wedding?
Yay!!!! Awesome news Tanner and Joe!!! I'm so happy for your Mom & Dad...that dad is a smart man...both for marrying your Mom and picking out a most pawsome ring!!!
Woo Hoo!!! Lots of Licks, Ruby and Michele
Oh we have a huge huge huge congrats to your mom and dad. We are glad your mom is Happyerest because she deserves it. When is the wedding by the way?
Peanut, Flash and
Rachelle the mom.
congratulations to your mom and dad, and to you and joey! muzzer says there are no illi whatever dogs or kids, that it is all the fault of a system to suffocate the masses under paperwork. That said, she and dad just celebrated number 36, so it can't be too bad (years, not kids or dogs!)
We like the idea of a DWB wedding. Take your webcam along and post it live on DWB TV.
I have two bow ties in shade of red and blue if that goes with the color scheme you can borry them
OH WOW!!! Congrats!!!! That is a bootiful ring..... :) My Mom and I are happy for you. We are going to have another wedding on DWB!! After Maggie's sister wedding remember?
The marriage ring is proof of common love to the world.
Let's deepen love. :)
from loved ume tyan
WOW~Your mamma is getting Hitched..hehe CONGRATS!!!!
Ohh... I tot they're already married. Well, CONGRATS to them both!!!
Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer
WOOT! BIG Congrats, Joey and Tanner's Mom and Dad!!!
Tanner - are you and Joey going to be the ring bearers?!?!
And it's such an honor for YOU to be the one to share the news!!!
Congratulations to your mom and dad. Your mom's ring is beautiful! I hope you two are happy too!
Have a nice day
YAY - Who will be the best man - Joey or Tanner?
PS - my mom loves your ring.
The heck with the actual wedding ... make sure you go to the part where they all sit around and eat! All the guesties will feed you until you pop! It's totally awesome, dude!
When will the wedding be? Can you starve until then so you can fit more food in your belly?
Congrats to everyone! Wedding cake is yummy!!!!
Karen and Balboa
wow...i cant wait to come to the wedding...are all us dogsonthe blog welcome do you think tanner...what..there is only like 5oo or so...it will be so much fun..i am happy you are getting lots of treats tanner...cuz i am getting none...aparently i am too fluffy for my own good...the light goes on for the air bag...i dont know what that has to do with anything...congrats to your mommy and her shiney thing
What a scoop,Tanner the reporter.
Congratulations to your mum and dad!Wedding food is great,the cake is better !!
Oh my Dog Joey and Tanner , that's gweat news..you're going to be legibimate, plus have super happy pawents..CONGWATULATIONS! to your Mom and to you guys too..this means lots of celebwations and tweats galore, yeah!!!!!!
smoochie kisses to all of you
Asta and her pawent
pee ess..nice ROCK!, heheheh
Yeah! Congrats! That is amazing!
You and Joey don't even have to get new outfits, you are already dressed for the special event!
wow tanner, congrats to your mom and dad, and to you and joe for being legitimate ;)
Groovy! Did dad propose in front of everyone? On his knees?
Hey Tanner and Joey!
Please congratulate your mom and dad for me! And Tanner - your reporting skills are incredible! I might have to hire you next time I need some reporting done...
Love Clover xo
FANDABIT F.....G DOZI! to use a Scottish Expression.
congrats to your Mam and Dad.
I am so glad you are not goin to be illiterate......
wowsa bowsa. What fandabi f.....news....
WTF grand stuff! love and licks, Marvin who has learned to swear since reading your fandabi dozi blog xxxx
ooooh just a thought here, is The Doofus goin to be the Bridesmaid.........ha ha ha ha !
Your mom sure IS nice, and I'm glad she's happyerest too, Tanner!!! How exciting will it be to become literate now?!?!
PS - my girl LOVES her ring....
Congrats .....
Are you guys illegel?? Your Mom has a very very pretty ring...
Too bad you didn't get to go out to eat - you missed the big moment...
Congrats again to your momma and yay for you and Joey!
WOOHOO! Tell your Mom and Dad congratulations! My mom and dad adopted me 3 weeks after they got married! My dacshund sister and cat brother were adopted beore they were married and they always talk about how stressful it was for them because there were starngers in our house. Are you going to be party of the wedding party?
WHHHHHHOOOOOOOOOOAAAAAAAA!!!!!!! that is soooooooo super exciting i have to pee!!!!!!!!11
congratulations to your mom and dad! are you guys gonna be in the wedding!??!?!??! you would look so totally rockin' in little bosty-tuxes!!!! ohmydog how fun!!!!
what lovely bling on mom's finger, too! i wanna chew on it right now!!!
oh and pee s. you guys are totally legit, no matter what your parents do, don't you know that?!??!
Oh that is so very special. Congratulations to the engaged couple and congratulations to Joey and tanner on not being illegitimate.
Yorkie Kisses,
Maggie Rose
Congratulations Joey & Tanner (and Mom & Dad, too). We are so glad you are not going to be uh, uh, illiterate anymore.
Ozzie & Rocky
congratulations to Joey & Tanner's mom and dad. is that exciting news or what? when is the wedding?? my mom and dad are having the wedding this coming oct. they had engaged for like 3 years and finally getting married.
wet wet licks
omdoG!!! congratulations to your mom and dad! so, good things can happen even when they leave you at home alone huh? :p will they do it more often then? hee hee
congratulations again. that's a bootiful ring :)
Wow, that is sooooo exciting!! Congratulations!!! When is the big day??? Do you get to be in the wedding? That would be very exciting! You can both wear cute little tux's!!
Wow, that is sooooo exciting!! Congratulations!!! When is the big day??? Do you get to be in the wedding? That would be very exciting! You can both wear cute little tux's!!
Great News - Congratulations! Maybe your Mum and Dad will let you go to the wedding and score cake!
Nugget & the boys
Congratulations to your Ma and Pa, Joey and Tanner!
The ring is lovely, so pretty. You are lucky wee boys to have such lovely parents.
Please excuse my swearing Dog, Marvin, he has certainly learned some things reading your blog!!!!!!!!
Keep up the good work, we love your Blog - it cheers us up every day!
love from Jeannie xxxxxx Marvin's Mum xxxxx
Congrat!! Congrat !! Congratulatioooooooooooooooon !!!
Im soooooooooooooo happy now. Everybody get happy when come to wedding. When ist?? when ist??
That is such a bootiful ring.. You 2 will be the best dog for the wedding?
~ girl girl
wowweee!!! CONGRATULATIONS to Joey & Tanner's Mom & Dad!!!
dats 1 big bling bling!
Woo Hoo!! Congrats to your Mom and Dad!! This is so exciting!!!
WOWZERS! Congrats to your mom and dad! That ring is bee-roo-tiful! Do you guys get to go to the wedding? Will one of you give your mom away and the other be your dad's best dog? How COOL!
Glad Joey's eye is OK - what happened?
Play bows,
Hey pal, congrats and all that stuff! Will it mean more food? And a big party? Hope so! J x
Whoo Hoo, ya better be in the wedding, right?!
Congratulations, Tanner, and Joey! We're so happy for you. Do you guys get to be in the wedding? You must take pictures.
Keep us posted!
Whoofs & Baroos,
Eddie & Peaches
2) Congrats to Joey and Tanner for being 'legit' finally!!
I am so happierest for all of you.. So when's the big day guys??
*ps. mom says that the ring is beautiful.
Congrats! Very pretty ring!
Yippeee! Congrats to your mom and dad. Maybe we can have a double wedding in Las Vegas? Your mom and dad and me and you.....That is, if you still love me!? I don't know if you do or not?
Love, Lillie
Lots of kisses to your mom on her bootiful ring!!
oh..congratulation2 ur mum n dad!
OMG-- SO exciting!!!!Congrats to the family!! I remember when i was illegit-- My parents just celebrates their 1st!
My mom wants to hear details and she loves the ring (nice cut)..so you need to use those great reporting skills and have a part 2.
(My mom cried like a baby i've been told)
Congrats again!!!
Bernard (and mom and dad too)
Congrats, Joey and Tanner's mum and dad!
Hi Joey & Tanner,
Well CONGRATULATIONS to you and your
Love and Licks
Texas (and his humans).
Congratulations to your mama and papa!!! Are you two going to be in their wedding party?? Maybe your parents can have a Boston Terrier theme wedding...hey that sounds cool :)
Oooo!!! I loooove your mom's SHINY ring!!! I want one!
a very pretty ring!!!
The ring is beautiful.
Boy n Baby
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