Joe Stains

This is the blog of an angry old boston terrier. (and his little brother Tanner who gets to post every Tuesday)

Sunday, November 30, 2008

We fell asleep and Christmas SPLODED in our house!!

We were peacefully sleeping, and when we woke up it was like Christmas EXPLODED all over our house!!!

Ya, that is TWO trees. Mom is nuts.

We also started getting christmas cards and a PACKAGE from Simba!!

Tanner seemed a little stunned by all the changes.

Then I realized I slept through some MAJOR leftover eating, so I had to get right back in the game. Dad did NOT share any pie with me :(

I am going back to sleep, maybe when I wake up Santa will already be here with a bunch of presents for me!

Saturday, November 29, 2008

We are POOPED!

We are totally pooped guys, Mom is slowly getting around to all the blogs, but we are out of energy over here! Stinkin Turkey does make you tired!!

This is all I did...

and this...

I did wake up long enough to be handsome...

Now I am going back to sleep! We will talk to you tomorrow guys!

Friday, November 28, 2008


I hope you all had a GREAT Thanksgiving if you celebrated it. We had a blast at our house with the family and friends.

I stayed in the center of the action just in case anything fell...

I also made sure Great-Gramps remembered how much we like him too, he gives great pets.

Tanner loved playing with our human cousin, and she LOVED throwing food off her highchair at us. She is the best!

Tanner really hoped all that ham might fall off the plate, but that didn't happen.

SOMEONE (Grampa) let Tanner lick his plate. Don't worry, I got my uncles!! LOL! Mom sure can't keep an eye on us ALL the time.



I was so scared, why would it storm on THANKSGIVING!?!

But then my friend Ryan came over, and he made me feel ok. He has since been educated on what a Wubba is, so its ok for us to hang out again. I hope you all had a GREAT Thanksgiving!

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Hey Hey We're the Monkees...

So everyone seems to think Tan Torkelson is a great name, and someone said that the Peter Tork dude from the group the Monkee's was actually Peter Torkelson. So of course, Mom had to bust out the movie maker...


monkees from Rhonda on Vimeo.

(Note from Mom - these videos were taken while we TRY to clean for Thanksgiving, the dogs are always right there 'helping'.)

Tuesday, November 25, 2008


WHATSSSSSSSUUUUUUUUUPPPPP!!!!!!!!!!! DUDES?! I am here for more laughings for sad dogs. I have decided that I do not like that name Tanner STAINS because that is one Joey's name. I think I want to be called Tanner Torkelson. I think it Sounds VERY sofistikhated!!! TAN Torkelson here to report on TROTTIN Tuesday!!! We like how KHYRA does that WALKIN Wensday so I said, I want to do a TROTTIN TUESDAY!!!! READY??

This is the first thing we see. the GIANT school next to our house.

Here is a video of us walkin by it...

Mom doesn't like to talk on these Movies, but that is the school, and um some bushes. She stinks at this camera movies stuff!!!

We had to check peemails here because look at this...

That guy is a SAMOYED Husky, just like Joe's older brother LOBO who is over that Rainbow Bridge. I bets he and Freda are telling 1,2 1,2 a LOT of stories about Joey.

In this movie, we cross the street to pees on on a bush, then Mom shows some palm trees.

We have lots of cool trees and stuff here that you may not have.

We have these called CatGut trees, they are OUCHY and you cannot pee on them. (OMG its a CACTUS, -Joey)

This tree grows lemons!!

People don't have lots of grass here cuz its the desert and it is SO dry!! SO they have pretty rocks instead.

I like to help water since it IS a desert.

We also have cool mountains.

OMDOG Mom is a complete doofus in this next movie when she realizes there is a smudge on the camera. LOL

I am very busy on our walks running around listening for other doggies...

Towards the end of the walk, we go in the big parking lot at that skhool so there are no distractions and we just run run run run run...

Then it is back home while the sunsets...

I hope you liked our little walkhing tour!!! your friend, TAN TORKELSON!

Monday, November 24, 2008

Light up your life...

Since I know that a lot of dogs and humans are sad about Freda I thought we'd share our Christmas Card photos that did not QUITE make the grade...

You guys will probably laugh, but Mom wasn't finding us to be very funny...

She said I could probably look a little bit HAPPY.

um, ya FAIL

Half of us were cooperating...

I do look pretty miserable, BECAUSE I WAS!! I love the card exchange SO MUCH but I hate the picture taking part.

You guys will be seeing the finished product in your mailboxes soon. We will post it on here also as Christmas gets closer.

Cheer Up guys. Freda would have wanted us to have 1,2 1,2 a million more laughs.

Sunday, November 23, 2008

What a night...

Last night we learned of Freda's passing. So long Freda.

so long Freda

Mom was so sad when she went to sleep but then woke up to this comment...

Marvin has left a new comment on your post "Busy!!":

oh the music is kinda head banging stuff! Or should I say knee trembling!!

I am back. It took a great deal of sad eyes and stuff, but she who must be obeyed has agreed to start being my secretary and editor in chief once more.

I hope you can call in sometimes.

love and many licks, Marvin xxxx

OMDOG, Marvin is coming back to us. Mom's eyes started leaking all over again. We lost one great friend in Freda and from her passing we have been given back our wonderful friend Marvin.

welcome back marvin
Welcome back Marvin.

You should go to each and spread the DWB love. We have such a great community here, in good times and bad.

Saturday, November 22, 2008


We have been pretty busy today, Mom did ALL of our Christmas cards, now she just has to buy stamps for them all.

What were the boys doing while I made Mom do my cards???

Watching some Netflix. LOL

Dad was watching a video of a concert of a band he likes. Tanner likes to snuggle, and he loves having his head pet.

He will even put up with THIS, just to get pets...

Dad is ALWAYS playing drum parts with his feet. Sometimes it drives Mom bananas, but Tanner sure doesn't seem to mind!!

I hope you guys are having a great weekend!

Friday, November 21, 2008


TGIF GUYS!!! Next week Mom and Dad only go to work for 2 days then we are having Thanksgiving HERE! OMDOG I can't wait for all that FOOD!!

I am happy to tell you the Steelers KILLED those Bengal khats and the game was great. I seriously need to get a cell phone or something to put my calendar on so I know about all my important events!

Lots of folks ask about our feed, as we don't use the traditional blogger feed. Our feed address is There is also a button on the sidebar to add our feed if you want to.

ANYWAY, Check this out...

I don't think I understand the need for this?? Mom said something about us ruining the couch and her not wanting our Thanksgiving guests to have to see it.

Do you guys have any idea what she is talking about?? I mean, is she talking about that teensy tiny tear on the back where we sit to look out the front door?? And they say I am dramatic...sheesh...

Thursday, November 20, 2008

I am a terrible fan!

Mom came home today and was like OK Joe are you ready for some football?? I was all, LADY I know you have been working hard but it is THURSDAY...not Sunday, not even Monday! She then informed me that there is indeed a Steelers game tonight.


Mom got our stuff ready (we were, of course, following the Army of Four Sibe photo taking rules) for the game and then...

I was out of there! I have to go send an email to the Steelers apologizing for being the worst fan, I hope I didn't jinx them!!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Rock and Roll

If you don't know our Dad has been playing drums for a million years and just started filling in for a band he used to be in while they search for a permanent drummer. He had to get his drums back in order and of COURSE Tanner had to help...

We call this 'little help', cuz at one time Tanner was really little, so everything he does was called 'little'. Perhaps now it should be called 'chubby help'? He HAS to stick his nose right in to everything you are doing!

When Dad is out at practice I stay VERY alert for ALL noises as it MIGHT be my Dad coming home. Usually Mom locks us in the bedroom with her with the TV on loud so we aren't barking at the front door every time a car goes down our street.

So we look like this...

And then this happens...

I WANT to sleep so bad, but I keep hearing things, any of those things COULD be my Dad coming home. BTW in this video, it totally wasn't my Dad coming home, oops.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

TANNER is BACK Tuesday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


I want to show FIRST this picture of our friend Peanut's BOY...He got those furballs for his BIRTHDAY and guess what he named them???

TANNER and TUESDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!! OMDOG!!!!!!!!!! Can you believe it, what an HONOR! THANKS PEANUTS BOY!!!!!!!!!

Can you SEE me?


You could see me???

OMDOG, it is like getting to be freezingerest here, and I don't know how because it was like FREEEEZIIIINGEREST in Ohio where I used to live. Joey said it is because I am now used to living in this hotterest place. ALl I Know is I say BRRR and use those blankets a lot now, but not as much as old man Joe.

FINALLY omdog this movie...Mom has that LASER garden and it grows something called MINT. I LOVE MINT. OMDOG it tastes so good and makes my TUMMY feel so nice. MOm said it certainly helps my breath too. WHATEVER...but it is like SO HARD to eat! Here is a movie showing how much I have to CONSUNTRATE to eat it!!!

I HOPE YOU MISSED ME and this was a good TANNER TUESDAY for you!!!

Monday, November 17, 2008

More Pics of Amsterdam...

Some dogs wanted to see more pics of Amsterdam, so here you go. Tomorrow will return with regularly scheduled Tanner Tuesday and JUST DOGS on this blog from now on. Not human trips!

There are canals all over Amsterdam, it is actually built BELOW sea level! Mom and Dad took a tour through the canals and learned all about the bridges and homes and saw houseboats!

There are cool draw bridges that open to let ships through.

There are bikes all over there, everyone rides a bike!

The city is very clean and has lots of neat little alleys you can go down to see shops, restaurants, bars and Mom said even ladies you can pay for. HMMM I dunno what that means but I don't think I WANT to know!!!

There were also lots of good pastries...

Mom got one of those chocolate covered waffles and she said it was DEEEEELICIOUS. I bet that is not my dog safe chocolate :(

Finally, here is Mom looking COLD but happy by the canal.

OK the DOG blog continues tomorrow...

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Getting back to normal...

Things are getting back to normal around here again. We have read through our backlog of blogs, were saddened deeply by the loss of Girl Girl, concerned over the illness of our friend Amber, relieved to see that Bobo is doing better and were VERY amused by a lot of adventures our friends had while we were gone. INCLUDING Tanner and his little poker excursion.

I am glad to be back to relieve Wally of his number 1 boyfriend duties with my love, Sophie. Most of all though...

I am ready for some FOOTBALL!!!!!!!!!! Steelers are stressing me out big time so I am not looking at the TV right now, just sending them some offensive vibes.