TANNER is BACK Tuesday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I want to show FIRST this picture of our friend Peanut's BOY...He got those furballs for his BIRTHDAY and guess what he named them???

TANNER and TUESDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!! OMDOG!!!!!!!!!! Can you believe it, what an HONOR! THANKS PEANUTS BOY!!!!!!!!!
Can you SEE me?


You could see me???

OMDOG, it is like getting to be freezingerest here, and I don't know how because it was like FREEEEZIIIINGEREST in Ohio where I used to live. Joey said it is because I am now used to living in this hotterest place. ALl I Know is I say BRRR and use those blankets a lot now, but not as much as old man Joe.
FINALLY omdog this movie...Mom has that LASER garden and it grows something called MINT. I LOVE MINT. OMDOG it tastes so good and makes my TUMMY feel so nice. MOm said it certainly helps my breath too. WHATEVER...but it is like SO HARD to eat! Here is a movie showing how much I have to CONSUNTRATE to eat it!!!
I HOPE YOU MISSED ME and this was a good TANNER TUESDAY for you!!!
41 Stains:
Well, I akhtually miss Joey more but....
Several of my Sibe Sibs like to steal mint from the khontainers!
Stay warm!
Would you like me to send some of my heavy duty Husky fuzz?
omd my boy was so so excited to be on tanner tuesday. he says he is glad you are back and so are we.
Tanner, I'm so glad you mentioned that those were furballs, because I was afraid he had some crazy hybrid mustache/beard growing!
We had snow flurries this morning, Tanner! I had to wear a sweater for our morning walk. Ah, that favorite season, between too hot and so cold I need to wear clothes, has passed too quickly.
Stay toasty or I'll HAVE to send you some of my wardrobe!
Your pal,
OMD! You are so darn cute eating that mint! I wonder if my mom should grow a mint plant for me so that my breath will be fresh for Eric when I finally get to meet him...
We are very glad you are back.. and you look so cute chewing on your mint. we have any mint to chew on but it sure does look like fun!!
The Puppies
Hi, Tanner...
OMdoG...I missed you & Joey sooo much...
It's getting really cold here, too...We had snow this morning...That stuff is really cold on your paws...
I never ate mint...but it looks fun to chew on...But then, most stuff is fun to chew on...
Abby xxxooo
Whoa, fuzzballs named TANNER and TUESDAY?! You are getting to be famouserest!
Ooo boy you sure are snuggled under that blanket! And I'd love to chew up those fuzzy dog toys! Isn't everything a dog toy! :)
I like it cold... bring on the cold! I can run and run forever when it's cold!
Welcome back Tanneroosky! We missed you buds! Hope you are enjoying your minty fresh breath!
I've missed Tanner Tuesday a BUNCH!
I thought it was very cute that Falsh & Peanut's boy nammed his furball things Tanner and Tuesday. Mom is going to try to grow mint in her garden next year so I'll be sure to study your video really hard on how to eat mint.
Glad you're back!!!!!!!
Welcome back TANNER! We love the video. And we thought it was great that Peanut's boy named the furballs after you.
gussie n Teka
This is a little personal but does the mint make your poop smell better?
Because I might start making my brudder eat it.
wally t.
The Tanner Tuesday did it for me.And the shop filled with cheese. And the huge pizza. And the snoozy beds. Put your request in for a Steelers whatsists to Rudolph, he's telling Santa. Remember to put the note up the chimney too.Best when there's not a fire burning ok?
Wags, Eric
dear tanner, we missed you AND joey!
w00f's Pups, me missed u bof too...heehee me seed peanut n flashes boy wiff his furry thingys..hmm boys, u needs to git use to cold, mama and daddy says they thinks its gonna b a cold winter...the wooly worms wux all dark back..
b safe,
Mom saw that pic of your footsie stickie out of the blankie and just melted! I think it reminded her of me!! heeehee
Tanner you are too yummysom! Awe!
The akitas never need blankets, they looove the cold weather... freaks. Big freaks!
Tanner, Don't tell Joey I said this, but you look so cute eating that mint.
I don't think that's really food, you know. Yuck!
Hi, Tanner!
You chose the best place to be in a cold day! Under covers! I do the same!
Is that mint tasty?
Kisses and hugs
Hahaha. Tanner, you eat mint just like Maizy eats apples. It takes lots of concentration! :)
OH Tannner...
I'm so glad you are back!!! I missed you! I was really happy to see you in that video...I actually liked the screen!!! Stay warm buddy!
Lots of Licks, Ruby
hay tannerer!! whaaassuupp??? boyoboy i am glad yur parentz madeded it bak frum that "dam" place!! did thay bring u anyfing?? it iz gittin cold heer tu.spechully at nite. brrrr. i am fixin tu go cover up rite now but i wanteded tu say whaaassuuppp tu mi twinnerer! an haybudshaybudshaybudshaybuds tu joee!!
hi 5s
every Tanner Tuesday is a good day...I m sorry you are colderest Tanner, but I dont understand how you get too cold. What is the temperature there?
Geez YER BACK !!!!!!
Sorry we haven't checked lately....ya almost didn't send enuf winnin' vibes fer the Steelers....we could tell ya were gone cause they were losin'.....Amesterdam looks wonderful....hope yer Ps had a great time......enjoy that mint Tanner....bet it smells great....
Dewey Dewster here.....
Maybe it's time to get some thermal clothes, Tanner. Those will keep you warm. I have to wear them here in the winter when it gets very cold, which is most of the time!
We're glad to have you back on Tuesday!!
T-man's mom, CC-man and T-man Angel
poor tanner, too cold and u have short coat. i think i can handle the cold with my furry body. lol
wet wet licks
OMD Tanner
I missed you tewwibly..so glad you'we back!!!! That mint looked supew hawd to eat..It sounds like it would be beneficial fow evewyone's bweaf, but you know what? I eat leaves outside evewyday, and about two minutes latew I thwow up..Mommi says I'm vewy stoopid fow doing it, but I just Looove to chew those leaves, and besides I don't thwow up inside so I don't know what the big deal is..
If you think it's cold thewe..you wouldn't believe it hewe ..supew Fweezing today wif wind chillses.
Peanut's boy is a doll and is gweat at choosing names
smoochie kisses
We are very happy to have Tanner Tuesday back. Good job on the mint.
What a nice trip your parents had.
How cool to have a furball name after you Tanner. I can see your cute feet
~ Bae
At our old house we had mint in the garden and it grew all over the place. Mummy pulled handfuls of it out everyday. I never tried to eat it though. I wish I had now.
Simba x
We have mint growing along our pond but neither one of us likes to eat it! Are we missing something here, Tanner?
Stay warm, Joey!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
Welcome back, Tanner. I miss your Tuesday post. You make the mint looks delicious.
Tanner you are a honorary WHIPPET covering up in the blanket like that.
Tell Joe Stains that when we try to "follow" your blog, it says you have no feed.
That is sad and you must be very hungry. We did miss you.
we are a little too sad to wag this quiet morning, but we are still the whippets and we love yu guys
Hi Tanner
Good to see you and Joe back. Arrow missed you a lot too. He says you need a coat. You have almost no fur.
Welcome back, Tanner! You were SORELY missed.
I'm glad you found a blanket to snuggle in when it is freezing cold. But cold weather means it's getting closer for Santa's visit!!!
Peanut's boy is very cute and he knows how to pick good names.
Tanner, of course we missed you!! My Tuesdays have not been the same since you last posted.
I like your peppermint chewing video! It does look hard to eat...
Love Clover xo
We've missed you lots! And how cool those two furballs were named after you!
Hey Tanner,
Glad you guys are back! That mint looks rather green ... I usually make a rule not to eat green stuff (beans, broccoli, other good-for-you-stuff), but if you say it's yummy, I might have to ask Mama to get me some.
Does it make your farts smell minty-fresh?
Murphy Dogg
We wicked missed you!! You are concentrating so hard it looks like your brain is going to explode! Love A+A
I hope that mint is really good, because now mom is talking about getting some for me!
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