Rock and Roll
If you don't know our Dad has been playing drums for a million years and just started filling in for a band he used to be in while they search for a permanent drummer. He had to get his drums back in order and of COURSE Tanner had to help...

We call this 'little help', cuz at one time Tanner was really little, so everything he does was called 'little'. Perhaps now it should be called 'chubby help'? He HAS to stick his nose right in to everything you are doing!
When Dad is out at practice I stay VERY alert for ALL noises as it MIGHT be my Dad coming home. Usually Mom locks us in the bedroom with her with the TV on loud so we aren't barking at the front door every time a car goes down our street.
So we look like this...

And then this happens...
I WANT to sleep so bad, but I keep hearing things, any of those things COULD be my Dad coming home. BTW in this video, it totally wasn't my Dad coming home, oops.
29 Stains:
What a pain to have to be up all night on guard duty. Maybe you guys could take turns or something.
guard duty is tuff, but someone has to do it! we know the sounds of all our peoples cars. we also know the sound right before the pop tart will pop out of the toaster, but that's another kind of guard duty!
Little Dudes!
He'll be bakhk - after all, woo two are there!
Ahh the video is so adorable! Hahahaha
Well, I wouldn't dare to break in with those two on duty. No way. They be FIERCE!
Joey! I noticed your eyes lighting up there! My mom says you're too cut and wants to know who drinks from those BIG bottles of beer!? ;0
Guard duty is very tiring..we know because we are on CONSTANT guard duty.....Man you both flew off of that bed! Love A+A
Ithink you need some xanax ow something...I hate to have you so tense and not getting sneep..Ow pawhaps a hot toddy, since you'we always cold
I bet youw Dad is avewy cool dwum playew..I wish we could heaw him
smoochie kisses
You sure make a pawsome security guard.
~ Bae
We are flippin terriers. Barking is what we do. Why don't the hoomans understand. That big old fire monkey is always telling us to be quiet and wanting to squirt us with a water bottle. He is such a goof.
w00f's Joey and tanner, heehee u boys iz tame compared to me..will git mama to make a video of me guarding...
b safe,
oh dear...i have the same problem when someone comes to the door or drives by the house or walks ny the house or knocks at the door next year..but mom says we shouldnt complain too much cuz i really am a watch i guess i am kinda protecting them ...right
wow, u two sure pretty alert of sounds huh. i can recognise the car sound now. so before the car pull in the drive way, i would run out to welcome the human.
wet wet licks
Joey, You sure can shoot up really fast! I bark when I hear anyone at the front door too. There was once I even alerted my daddy when some people try to break into out neighbour's house.
Your mom and dad are very fortunate to have such wonderful guard dogs! You get lots of treats for guard duty, right?!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
You guys are very alert. But it gave us a fright when you guys suddenly rush out..haha
Boy n Baby
When one dog starts, another one will too. Who was that outside?
Butt wiggles,
Solid Gold Dancer
Haha that is a funny video! I feel the same way when my dad goes out too. It's hard to relax!
Love Clover xo
When Daddy had his drums here, I ran and hid under the bed every time he went near them.
Simba x
Hi, Joey...
I know what you mean...You never know who is driving by or walking by or THINKING of walking by...You have to be on guard all the time...
Good job you two...
Abby xxxooo
Damn Joey, I can't watch your video because I will apparently disturb the peace around here. I'll have to watch it later when I can turn the sound on.
Good Job Joey and Tanner! You are great to protect your mom while your dad is busy.
Best wishes to him and the band. Hope the reunion tour is a great successs
Well, there's an easy solution to this problem, guys. Have your dad move the practice to YOUR HOUSE!
That's exactly what we do when we are looking for Dad to come home!!! And sometimes we get it wrong too......oh well, we can't be perfect ALL the time right??
The Puppies
Well, it might have been your dad. We know how that works.
love from the whippets
We think Mango has a good idea. Take turns so the other one can sleep... riiight... hah
Mom says imagine that exact tame situation but with a much larger dog and that's what happens at our house! I do a lot of pacing until Dad finally comes in, also.
I like my sleep more than my apes. But I can hear the fridge door being cracked from four rooms away and in a deep slumber.
wally t.
Excellent job of alerting your mom - just in case.
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