Tanner is oblivious...
Tanner doesn't seem to realize exactly what he has done. You know that saying, ignorance is bliss?? Well, Tanner is the most blissful dog I have ever met in my life. Mom said that is why he is so wonderful and lovable, but whatever, I think he has no idea what he is in for! Lacie has decided she wants to go on a D A T E with Tanner??!!!!
I tried to talk to him about it...

He was all, "WTF". Notice he is laying ON my chicken toy that I got from Sophie. He is such a toy hoarder!
I tried to explain that he is in deep doo doo and of course he was all...


Then he went right back to chewing on his toy and holding my chicken hostage.

I was at least able to rescue my Princess Chicken, she was in a dire position and may not have survived had I not intervened...

Who knows what else he has stuffed under that log-like body of his. Hopefully he figures out a way to take his corn shank on this date...and a photographer, I can't WAIT to see this!