I am honored to present this award....
We have been inspired by all of the great awards we get (that Mom is ever so lazy and slacking on posting about) to create a new award. This award is to be presented to a dog who is staining in the footsteps of the Stain Master, ya that is me, Joe Stains.
Some may wonder how a dog of such obvious distinction and intelligence could ever get stuck with a name that clearly implies bad behavior. Well, as my 9th birthday approaches I think its time to share with you all the story of why I am, and forever will be known as, Joe Stains.
When I was first brought home to live with my Dad my Mom was not my Mom because she hadn't rescued my Dad yet. Dad didn't really think that disciplining a young, handsome, awesome, wonderful terrier was really necessary. Therefore I was allowed to let my creative juices flow, so to speak. I mastered the art of the well placed pee stain, the perfectly orchestrated carpet crap and my 'piece de resistance' the paw print poo stains all over the back of the front door. I would leave poos under the front window of my grandparent's house so much that stains developed. Then a name developed and I was officially Joseph Stains. I would have probably become the most renowned pee and poo artist in history had fate not stepped in, and by fate I mean my Mom. Mom thought peeing and pooing on the floor was NOT art and was NOT how a dog should behave. A movement was soon brought to a screeching halt. (pun TOTALLY intended) Do not fear, I still get the itch and have to show my family my fabulous art skills, to remind them of what they have robbed the world of. I usually only do an exhibition about once a year.
That being said, all dogs need to let their inner artist out every once in a while, which is why we created the award. The first recipient of the Stain Award goes to
Here is your award.
This is a snippet of what transpired that made him the first recipient of the Stain Award.
"When she got home, she found that someone had peed on the new rug in the kitchen and not just a little pee. Keep in mind that a few days before, he ate his own crap and barfed it up, and the only way our dad knew it was barf was because it had green beans in it."
FABULOUS my friend. Bravo and congratulations!!!