Joe Stains

This is the blog of an angry old boston terrier. (and his little brother Tanner who gets to post every Tuesday)

Thursday, February 21, 2008

Taking Care of Business

First of all, the Doofus is now sleeping on his toys to prevent me from trying to clean my teeth on them, he is such a BRAT

Next, don't forget to visit My City so I can get some industry going!

Finally what I really wanted to tell you about is the other night it stormed here out of nowhere. I am going to reenact the beginning part but then you will see a video of me TERRIFIED, the Doofus annoying me and Mom obviously not caring about me as she makes a movie about my fear. (There is no comforting Joey when he gets like this so don't buy into his dramatics. -Mom)

Ok so picture this as night time, use your imagination.

I was just laying around being sooo handsome. Twittering with Sophie, trying to forget about the Doofus...

When all of the sudden I hear a terrible thunder clap, BABOOOOM! Then it was raining sideways and it was terrible!!! So off I went to the bathroom where the following video was taken...

Mom gave me some Rescue Remedy so I calmed down and went to bed, but you must note that the pupperazzi cannot leave me alone and NEITHER CAN THAT DARN DOOFUS. Did you see him following me back and forth and being a pest!

Finally I would like to talk about my birthday. For those of you who do not know about me having horrible parents I provide you this excerpt from an old post to explain my birthday.

"And also, speaking of my birthday. Let me tell you how horrible my life is. My Dad, who has had me since I was 8 weeks old does NOT KNOW what my birthday is. My mom, who did not know me until I was 1 year old, can remember seeing my puppy papers and says my birthday is March 6th. Dad says March 9th. (mom would like to point out she is probably right and since she is typing we will humor her) So, why don't we just look on the puppy papers? WELL because they are at my grandparent's house in a box SOMEWHERE."

So the papers were never located so I declared March 6th-9th as JOEYPALOOZA. We will be celebrating this again this year but Mom said we cannot have another party at our house. She claims to have just found another hot dog piece in the couch cushions this past weekend from our Super Bowl party. Whatever. But I will be celebrating for sure, it is not every year you turn NINE!!!! I suggest you all plan to party at home and demand your parents provide you with extra treats on ALL DAYS of Joey Palooza!!! Get stocked up its coming soon!

37 Stains:

Blogger Mack said...

Does that stuff really work? Cause Lilly acts like that ALL the time and just needs to CHILL out!
Mom has been using all different types of "calming" products but none work on old Lilly at all!
You did look awfully scared. Tanner did not look like he was helping either!

10:54 AM  
Blogger Mack said...



10:55 AM  
Blogger Asta said...

My sissie Nora used to be vewy scawed when it would thundew ow fiwewowk..and she always went into the bathwoom..I think bathwooms awe safe fow some weason...I'm sosssy you wewe so vewy upset!
I look fowawd to celebwating joeypalooza!!! Yeah!!!
smoochie kisses

11:29 AM  
Blogger Ruby Bleu said...

Joey, I'm the same way with those boomboom storms. I get no respect either!

Hey...for Joeypalooza, we could fly somewhere on AireRuby. What do you think? Your choice...maybe go visit your special lady???

Lots of Licks, Ruby

11:29 AM  
Blogger Lola Smiles said...

Joe sweetie: You need a big sistah like me to protect u. I love them storms, the louder, the better. I drive my human cwazy barkin' at them boom boom sounds.

and you know, i am going to par-tay the big 9 with you!

hugs n' kissies,
lola smiles

12:55 PM  
Blogger Duke said...

You look just like I do when there's a thunderstorm or fireworks, Joey! I do whatever I can to hide from it and it takes me a long time to calm down even after the noise has stopped! It's a curse! What a pest Doofus is!

Love ya lots,

12:57 PM  
Blogger Sophie Brador said...

Joey, I can't believe that your peeps decorated the bathroom so that it colour-coordinates with you. They must really love you to do that. You look so great in your bathroom, but I have to ask, why the bathroom? Wouldn't the bedroom be a way more comfortable place to be scared? Like the bedroom in your sleeping bag?


1:02 PM  
Blogger Emily and Ike said...

I can't believe it's already Joeypalooza again!

1:12 PM  
Blogger Dexter said...

Joey, pal, I have never been bothered by thunder, but Grandpa Angus freaked out! He used to try and go behing the toilet, up the chimney, and stick his face into fans to communicate with his alien friends whenever there was thunder.

But listen up, I need your help! I'm getting too many girlfriends! First there was MJ, then Cookie, now Baylee, and I haven't even told anybody about Ayla. What am I gonna do, man? I can't help it if I am such a chick magnent, can I?

It would be wrong to deprive all those lonely gals out there of my most huge and handsome self, right? But how do I keep all those gals from getting, ahem, b***chy about sharing me?

Your humble student,

1:20 PM  
Blogger Dexter said...

Oh yeah, I forgot to mention Abby and, of course, Sophie, whom I am really afraid of because she would snap off my gajingles in a second if she got jealous.

1:31 PM  
Blogger Gus said...

Joey: When it really gets bad, I either get into the shower stall or into the bathtub. Muzzer says that is OK, cause the bathtub is where people go during tornadoes in the mid-west! See how smart you are?


2:43 PM  
Blogger Marvin -The Hollow Hound said...

oh I remember your barkday from last year, it was some kinda fest, which went on for months, I celebrated big time!

I have marked the wondrous date in my Marvin Diary.

Peterhead.......well my pawrents have actually been there!

It is about 4 hours drive north from us, it is very cold, and quite parochial (jeannie's words there) they visited Peterhead Football Club for a footy game.

My Jeannie said it was very cold, grey and starting to snow.

My Dad knew a man who was part of Peterhead Football Club so they got a good lunch in the Clubhouse.

She thinks Peterhead won against, "whoever" by this time, she had drunk beer, wine and some guid Scottish Whisky.

After this, they drove back to Aberdeen, which is south of Peterhead, shows you how far north your Dad's family came from,

and my Jeannie said they and her and the present Mr Jeannie and their kids, my hooooooman bruvs and sisters, went clubbing in Aberdeen.

Jeannie says Peterhead rocks....especially after good food and lots of wine!

Love and licks, Marvin who has irresponsible pawrents xxxxxcalamityjean

2:53 PM  
Blogger Petra said...

Oh, Joey, my heart goes out to you. Those thunder storms are VERY scary, and I'm glad your mom knows what to do to help you calm down.

I can't wait to celebrate Joeypalooza! You are a very distinguished and handsome 9 year old.

3:51 PM  
Blogger Moco said...

Poor Joey. Those loud noises are terrible. I think that the whole month of March would be great for your birthday. Bring out the par-Tee hats.

3:52 PM  
Blogger MJ's doghouse said...

oh joey I am sorry you are so afraid of too..i just get up on the nearest lap and cry...i know i am a big baby...but some girls and boys just dont like the loud noises...but...I do think that doofus was just trying to comfort you. You are a very special guy to have a brother...even though he is a doofus...take such good care of you...Looking forward to Joeypalooza....

4:17 PM  
Blogger Ferndoggle said...

Mom's tried that RR stuff on me too but I say No Way! I'm still scared!!! I hate thunder & prefer to sit on Mom's head during storms.

I can't WAIT till Joeypalooza! I know your heart belongs to Sophie, but I'm a fun gal to have around to pawty with!


4:33 PM  
Blogger Lacy said...

woofies Joey and Tanner, boy u wuz weally not skeered of dem, me can t hear dem so good...heehee mama iz skeered, who wood hide in dat baffroom wiff u...and to me Tanner lookied worried bout iz ready to pawty fur ur joeypalooza...

b safe,

4:45 PM  
Blogger wally said...

Yo Joe! I'm totally afraid of thunder, too. That stuff is mean!!! My ma ape gives me melatonin now.
I totally agree with the birthdaypalooza plan! All burpdays need multiple days to celebrate--especially your years get bigger.


ps. It wasn't MY hot dog. I never even leave a crumb.

5:26 PM  
Blogger Peanut said...

Joey dude get ruby to bring everyone here for your birthday palazoo. We could have so much fun.

5:34 PM  
Blogger H.A. Turbofire, Sibertarian said...

I know you are a vice presidential candidate, but I wanted to say that when I'm President, I'm going to ban storms! Because they are stupid!

7:18 PM  
Blogger vix said...

Oh Joes, you look so nervous in those videos! Why does the bathroom provide you solace compared to other rooms -- no windows? Doofus is hilarious; I wonder if you're giving off some of those scared-pheremones or something that he's reacting to...

7:19 PM  
Blogger Lorenza said...

Hi, Joe!
Those pictures says it all!
I thought you were going to jump into the bathtub!
Last year, I did not have a blog at this time but I remember reading yours about the Joeypalooza! Sure it was awesome!
Kisses and hugs

9:26 PM  
Blogger Snowball said...

I think Tanner just didn't want to leave you alone when you are feeling scared. It is still nice to be having a little brother around isn't it?


9:33 PM  
Blogger Cairo The Boxer said...

I get scared of everything too!!! I think my mom needs to try that stuff.

11:56 PM  
Blogger Amber-Mae said...

Oh Joey, how can you be scared of thunders? Be a man & conquer your fear. You will be aight! That Doofus looked like he was trying to intimidate you. Why was he following you around? He's such a DOOFUS!

Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer

1:19 AM  
Blogger leah said...

GREAT reaction shot to the thunder!! (how do your eyes get so big?)

1:22 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow Joe you sure are stressed out by that storm aren't you? Or maybe it's the Doofus following you around making you worse....

I'm LOVING the sound of Joeypalooza!!


2:54 AM  
Blogger Jackson's J1 and J2 said...

Hey Joe, I'm going to be nine this year too! I think Joeypalooza sounds like heaps of fun.
I'm sorry that you don't like thunderstorms. I'm going a bit deaf so I don't care anymore! J x

5:36 AM  
Blogger The Army of Four said...

I go through a lot of Rescue Remedy myself. I can't wait for Tubey to be elected President; he's going to outlaw thunder and lightning!
Tail wags,

8:39 AM  
Blogger Harry said...

Joey, I feel your pain. I head straight for the bathroom whenever I hear thunder, fireworks or any noise that sounds like either of those things. Just don't make my mistake and get in the bath and turn the taps on, OK?

Toodle pip
Harry x

8:53 AM  
Blogger Willie and Waylon said...

We are sorry you were scared and it was documented for the whole world to see. Does the rescue stuff work? Waylon could use for when he goes to the vet!
We cannot wait until Joeypalooza!!!!

10:32 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


I'm sorry you don't like thunder, but neither does Nanny, she hides under the covers. Not me, I am Brave, I think, I have never heard thunder, I will let you know when spring comes. Happy Joeypalooza we will help you celebrate for sure.


3:59 PM  
Blogger Laura said...

fergie and i are *definately* going to have a party in your honour for joeypalooza!

5:51 PM  
Blogger L said...

That scary storm hit over at our house too. About half way through it, our girl remembered that she forgot to roll up the back windows in the car after taking Comet to class. We were nervous when she ran out of the house into the booming noises and rain.
Glad you both survived.
Comet and BLU

8:05 PM  
Blogger PerfectTosca said...

Whoa! That sounded like some storm! I don't get too hepped up during storms, but then if you lived with three cats like I do, pretty much nothing bothers you anymore. I could come over and lick and slobber you next time if you want.

9:03 PM  
Blogger The WriggleButts said...

Oh.. you poor baby! Rescue Remedy sure is some good stuff, though. Do you have thunder often? Cause the DAP diffuser can help dogs with that sort of anxiety too - and since it's plugged in at all times you don't have to wait for it to work. It you haven't allready tried it and it doesn't work for you.

The Wriggles

8:00 AM  
Blogger Agatha and Archie said...

well Agatha backs you on this one 100% SHe either goes into the bomb shelter or between someones ankles. What's up with the Doof following you??? We can't wait for your birthday!!!!(we may start to celebrate now) Love A+A

6:11 PM  

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