Joe Stains

This is the blog of an angry old boston terrier. (and his little brother Tanner who gets to post every Tuesday)

Tuesday, June 27, 2006

rabies shots and new seats

This morning started out like it might be the best day of my life. We got to sleep in a little bit more than usual, this was awesome in itself! Then the best thing ever happened!!! Mom put Doofus face's harness on and he left! He was gone, out of the house, no longer here...amazing! I figured, we must have taken out a one year lease on a doofus face, and that lease is about was out of here!!!!

this is Joey's favorite spot in the house
So I was looking out the door, to be sure he was not coming back...

New couch
Then it was like, I almost started to miss him...just for a second...

and I thought about how sometimes, he is almost ok...

The first night Joey and Tanner met
I mean, he lets me do stuff like this...and he doesn't even complain... and dad pulled up and Doofus was in the truck!! It turns out that he wasn't going back to the Ohio place, he just went to the VET! He got some shots and they stuffed some stuff up his butt, then he got a medal for it!! It says something about rabies and being registered somewhere.

So Doofus is back, and we got this new bench said it is for 'decoration' but I know it is so we can gaurd the front yard...

Tanner is sooo happy, even though he had to go to the vet this morning
Tanner sure seems happy to be back

new perch!
So we will be watching for you, if you want to come see us!

Sunday, June 25, 2006

the dog days of an AZ summer

All right....I smell food...what is up there lady??
Hmmm what is that up there on the counter??

Tanner thinks he knows...its that new black thing...its got some food in it
Doofus face thinks he has it figured out...

HOT DOGS!!!!!!!!!!
Its a grill, and it has hot dogs, what a great idea, I will just rest in the tv room while you go ahead and get those all cooked up for me.

what is in the pool, a cuz?

nice try, lady...who do  you think I am, Tanner?
Nice try lady, who do you think I am, Doofus Face??

cuz in the pool
Need I say more???

and getting very dirty
Look at him, he is all wet and dirty, I am far to distinguished for that nonsense.

Please check out this video of me coming outside only to be smashed in the face with the Cuz.

Oh, and I got NONE of those hot dogs, by the way!

Sunday, June 18, 2006

Movin on up!

Joey likes the new couch and the new pillows

We are all moved into the new house. I even got a new couch, and a new pillow to I mean rest my head on. Here I am breaking in the new couch...its great.

They have several places to observe the front yard
This is Boston command post. Here is where we monitor the front yard.

checking out the backyard
This is where we gaurd the back yard. There is cat poop in the yard so I am keeping my eye out for the offending feline. It is my neighbor's cat, he told us that the cat goes out the dog door a lot. So if they have a dog door, I am sure they wouldn't mind if I drop doofus over the fence and then he can just go in there house. And never come back.

NEW CUZ!!  Chicken Cuz.  Joey protects the chicken.
Mom got us a new chicken cuz, here you see that Tanner is truly evil. Look at those eyes!!!! I need to call a priest and have him exorcised right back to Ohio.

Are the treats in here???? what is this thing???
This looks very promising.....

joey is scared and confused.  Tanner is oblivious.
At first I was a little upset about things being a mess, but dad assured me that I would like the house as soon as everything was settled. He was right, he always is. (i'm not just saying that because I forgot to get him something for father's day either. but come on, who needs a gift when you have ME!)

I was yelling at my mom and dad here for putting all my stuff in this new house. I was confused.

tired after all that exploring
Well, that is it for now, I am going to bed!!!

Saturday, June 03, 2006

its getting hot in here...

It is SO hot in Arizona this weekend! We have a new house with a big yard, and we can't even go outside to play because its too hot. So we have to stay in the apartment....and that means Doofus has to be by my side at all times.

does he ever stop moving?
He never stops moving...or annoying me....

How is always so happy?? its a million degrees out and we are stuck in here...together...
And he is always so happy...I don't think being stuck in the apartment all day is anything to be happy about??

I wish he would just leave me alone
Calgon....take me awaaaaay......