rabies shots and new seats
This morning started out like it might be the best day of my life. We got to sleep in a little bit more than usual, this was awesome in itself! Then the best thing ever happened!!! Mom put Doofus face's harness on and he left! He was gone, out of the house, no longer here...amazing! I figured, we must have taken out a one year lease on a doofus face, and that lease is about up...so...he was out of here!!!!

So I was looking out the door, to be sure he was not coming back...

Then it was like, I almost started to miss him...just for a second...
and I thought about how sometimes, he is almost ok...

I mean, he lets me do stuff like this...and he doesn't even complain...
Then...mom and dad pulled up and Doofus was in the truck!! It turns out that he wasn't going back to the Ohio place, he just went to the VET! He got some shots and they stuffed some stuff up his butt, then he got a medal for it!! It says something about rabies and being registered somewhere.
So Doofus is back, and we got this new bench thing...mom said it is for 'decoration' but I know it is so we can gaurd the front yard...

Tanner sure seems happy to be back

So we will be watching for you, if you want to come see us!