DUDES it is TAN TORKELSON here and I am saying THANK YOU all to the dogs who made nice comments to my MOM because now she is feeling a lot better. I mean I came from that dog jail place and I found the besterest family ever. I also found ALL you guys and a twinner and a wife and ummm I even have my OWN award to give out. ALL because someone sent me to jail!! OK so now lets see something...

THAT is my Dad and he is wearing a sweatshirt that is soooo appropreeate for the DoG Dumper who left little dude out there for us! AND

It is from the VERY jail where Nice Aunt Patty rescued me from!!!!
AND omdog look what else Patty sent us...

Its a scraps book ALL ABOUT me and JOEY!
Mom is going to show you every page because she is crazy OK??

Thats us.

That talks about Joey being so so so sad before I came here.

Then this one says Put Mistakes Behind you but I can't really know what it means?? Do YOU get it??

Thats Joe face.

Thats Tan face.

omdog and that is me teaching YOU how to do DOGA!!

omdog, those are the directions!!

Thats us again!

That page says Dad likes Joey better, WHATEVER, Mom likes me besterest so we are even. (Note from Mom: we like them both equally, of course)

Merry Christmas and THE END!
Nice Aunt Patty is not only nice she is TALENTED too!
THANK YoU again to all you doggies who said for Mom to feel better!!! You guys RULE!
Tan Torkelson will be back on TUESDAY to give away the torture bowl!
39 Stains:
Heya Tanner and Joey,
Thank you so much for your Xmas card. You are both so cute. The Mommy just loved the scrapbook and said she wish she had made one for Samantha...she didn't even have a camera while Samantha was alice.
Your Mommy should not feel bad about not being able to keep the little dude....my Mommy cried for 6 months when she had to give my brothers up but now they are all happy and healthy and we still get to see them sometimes.
I saw my Cristmas card on the wall. Hope you liked it.
Did you know that we got snow? It was very exciting. Do you ever het snow...we don't either byt we got suprised. You know I'm gonna do a snow post & would sure like rto have a picture of you guys in the snow.
Love ya lots.....Mona
What an awesome scrapbook! Aunt Patty is one talented lady! What a neat memory book to have forever!
Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch
That's a really nice scrap book your Aunt Patty did... she's very talented. Tell your mum it's ok to put the little dude in jail. Humans can't go around adopting dogs that other inhumane humans abandoned. We can just hope that the little dude can find a loving home. After all, my bro Jack found a forever home only after a long time..
That is the nicerest present ever.
that is a GREAT scrapbook! Thank you jAunt Patty for sharing the photos with us.
And um...how did it get to be Tuesday already?
That's just toooo khool and khute!
It is nice when we khon - ummm - I mean find people to give us furever homes!
PeeEssWoo: Looks like those reindeer did help your Stillers today! Khongrats!
That is the most bestest present ever!!! Aunt Patty is very talented. I'm glad your Mom and Rocky are both feeling better. And your Mom totally did what was best. Please give her a kiss for me!
Lots of Licks, Ruby
Excellent and A-1 Christmas gift!
I love the shirt . . .how could I get my Mom one?
Glad to hear your Mom is feeling better, she did the right thing!
Hi, Tanner!
Your scrapbook is pawesome!
Your auntie is so talented!
Your Dad's shirt is great too! And it has the right words!
Glad your mom is feeling better.
Take care
Kisses and hugs
That's an awesome scrapbook, dude. Nice pics, too :)
We hope that your Mom is feeling better now because she really did do the right thing!
We love your scrap book guyz! Your Aunt did a wonderful job capturing your personalities! That will be something your parents can cherish for many years to come!
Oh dog!
That is one pawsome scrapbook!
And that tee, lol!!! Where can we get one for our Daddy?
Rudolf & Goofy
What an awesome present! Tanner, thank your Mom for showing us the pages! Aunt Patty ROCKS!
Brown dog kisses,
That is such a nice book. I bet your mom did some more leaking when she looked at it.
wow Tanner torkleson..you are the luckiest boston terrier around to have such a smarterest talenterest aunti patty..my mom keeps saying she is going to make us a scrap book but she justisnt that smerterest when it comes to crafting..but..she makes a mean bowl of kibble...so i will keep her around...i am so happy your mommy feels better.....we thinks she is doing a great job just being your mommy...and the bestest blogger mommy around...
That's a cute sweater your dad have and what a nice pawsome scrap book on you doggies
~ Bae
That is just the best present anyone could give, lucky, lucky, you Tanner, being adopted into this fabulous family.
Tail wags
Scrappy and Pebbles
hellow joe....
beautiful beautiful album you have there. i know its supposed to be funny but it sent manang to leak.. ew.. she is always like that.. leaking over anything that reminds her of how many wonderful people there are in this world. knowing parents such as yours makes us happy.
and yeah, DOGS DONT DUMP PEOPLE. i agree and the rest of the hugdogs agree 1000%- and for that these humans should be stained.. er.. just kidding. we are dogs afterall, we have big forgiving hearts and we are above the worldliness of humans.. BOL..
thanks for dropping by my bloggie. can we add u up in our links?
drooly kisses,
What a beautiful photo album. Your mum will treasure it for ever, unless Tanner eats it!
Cassidy x
Wow! What a very very kool album your Aunt made for you both! You must love her so much! Good to know your Mom is feeling much betterer.
Butt wiggles,
Solid Gold Dancer
Wow, THAT is impressive! Your Aunt is reaaally talented!
That is a super scrapy book. I'm glad your mom shared it with us.
You and Joey are pals now, right?
That is SO COOL! Your Aunt Patty is really wonderful to make that for you and your people!
We thought about Joey during the Steelers game yesterday - WOWZERS, what a game! And tonight we get to see the Browns! I sure hope they can win; that would make Dad happy!
Play bows,
What a beautiful book!
You should make your mom and dad read that book to you EVERY day!
What a pawesome family you have from your mom and dad to your aunt!
What a sweet book! Looks good enough to chew on!
Our dewclaws are crossed for that little pup your people found. Big Pupi and I both did our time in jail and now things are a-okay. We hope that wee canine finds his folks too!
That is such a cool scrapbook! You're aunt is great!!
That is the best scrapbook ever!
AWESOME SCRAPBOOK! Yes, I was shouting, I like to do that every now and then.
Glad your Mom is feeling better, she did the right thing.
Great scrap book guys. That was ever so nice of your aunt to make it for y'all.
And we are glad your mom is feeling better. She so did the right thing. We will keep paws crossed he gets a home half as good as yours!!
Neat scrapbook from Auntie.Even neater Sweatshirt your dad is wearing. Hope that little dude finds a good home soon.
Wags, Eric xx
Thats a very nice scrapbook for you 2. What a nice Christmas gift. Did they send anymore corn cob to Tanner?
w00f's Joe and Tanner, wow ur mom iz soo talented...ur scrapbook izz pawsome...i hope ur mom iz feelin better, that she coodnt keep the puppy, but she did what mama wooda done...u and tanner were there 1st and that counts...hope he finds his furever home...
b safe,
Hey guys,
That is the bestest Christmas present ever!! Your Aunt Patty is really a wonderful person who loves all of you so much!
Our mom always wanted to do a scrapbook for me, but never got about toactually START doing it.
Hey Tan,
What a great album. Your Aunty Patty is great for sending you that.
Noah x
Your auntie is so talented!!
We really like your dad's sweatshirt. Your mom did the right thing!! That puppy will surely get adopted 'cause he's so cute.
I hope your mom is feeling better.
Tanner and Joey~
Wow it sounds like you guys have been through a whole lot in the past few days. Sorry I have not been around, Mom is busy healing Dad after his surgery and I keep hearing all of this talk about Christmas suff.
Love the scrapbook!!! Your Aunt sure has lots of talent.
Sloppy Kisses,
Wow, your Aunt Patty is very talented. What a great scrap book of you two.
Give your mom some licks for the little dude. She did a good thing by getting him off the street and giving him someplace safe and warm. We think he is too cute to stay in jail long and she shouldn't be sad for doing what is best for your family and him.
Comet and BLU
COOL Book!!
-Luke and Liesel
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