First of all, the contest on yesterday's blog for the bowl is open until next Monday at 5pm MST. Tanner will reveal the winner on next week's Tanner Tuesday.
Speaking of Tanner. He is a big fan of Murphy the Boston Terrier who tends to have a foul mouth. So of COURSE Tanner loves him. Murphy has his own web store called Punk Rock Dogg where he sells dog cookies, clothes for humans, and clothes for dogs. Tanner decided he wanted to buy my Christmas present from his site, since they were pals and all...
He just couldn't WAIT to give me my gift so I got it early...

DUDE, WTF?!!!!!!!!!

Clearly, I AM NOT AMUSED. That little piece of...
I assure you Tanner IS still alive, but only because of this...

He also ordered me some treats, which Mom says we have to SHARE. They smell so delicious I don't know if I will be able to.
I have some serious thinking to do about Tanner's gift this year...
31 Stains:
That's hysterical.
Tanner: it's sooooooo you! xox
You know Joe, it does give you an excuse to be a total asshole to Tanner if you want. Does Murphy have a shirt that says Doofus on it?
ya know, muzzer says sometimes Tanner doesn't realize what he is doing/saying. Maybe you should pray she is right. Otherwise, you might have to kill him
I so hope woo are staying warm!
Auntie Di told my mom is was 49 degrees in AZ Wednesday am - it was 57 degrees here!
Nice duds, dude!
w00f's Joe and Tanner, me cant believe Tannner wood git u a shirt dat saided that...has he no shame...
b safe,
I think Tanner has got great taste for a Christmas gift. That TShirt is Coooool!
That Tanner!! He's got the nerve!! I am glad he had enough sanity to order those treats as well or goodness knows what predicament he'd be in right now!!
I can't wait to see what you'd be giving him!
Well Joe. I think this may be a case of defamation of character. Since I watch "Boston Legal" with mom all the time, I am going to be taking on clients after the holidays. I am totally qualified. And will be watching Mom's fave-James Spader-in BL reruns. So you let me know if you decide you need to bring suit against Tanner.
Sunny Canine Atty.
joey that shirt is AWESOME! and those cookies look yummay!!!
xoxo, kaui
Wirehaired Fox Terrier?!?!?!?
That Tanner has some nerve... but that shirt does make you look bada$$.
oh haha mom says she is going to see if they sell that shirt in really big sizes for pappy. hahaha
The cookies look good! Maybe you can re-wrap the shirt for tanner since you don't like it?
Tell Tanner that was NOT nice. Then put on your YOU RULE collar and make him read it 200,338 times. Out loud.
wags from the whippets
I'd forgive him too if I got those cookies......just! Hey I'd be taking Sunny up on his offer of legal advice.
Oh btw, Bream is a type of fish.
Hi, Joey!
Hmmmm... take the treats and forget about the t-shirt!
Kisses and hugs
my mom cannot stop laughing...ummm..not at you the tshirt...totally innappropriate for you...but funny just the same....ummm you could always get a marker and of the .....above it...although i dont thing tanner is an asshole either...still thing the shirt is hilarious though
YO, Joey!
We get peemails from Murphy's website. My girl says she's going to buy me something from there, but then she never does.
She likes the cool tshirts for her, as I will NEVER wear clothes if I can help it.
I'm thinking you should add an "I'm with...." above the ASSHOLE on your t-shirt. I'm sure folks will know who you're talkin' about.
Goob love,
* smacks on the head *
Joey, maybe you should MAKE your own present for Tanner afterall...
Rudolf & Goofy
Hee hee.. that's not a very nice t-shirt
~ Bae
You'll be even more popular than before wearing that shirt, Joey! What an awesome shirt!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
That is a great T shirt. I don't blame you not wanting to share the cookies.
Simba x
Oh I am loving your tee Tanner!
Butt wiggles,
Solid Gold Dancer
You do look good in it. Just remember it's the thought that counts!
I'm waiting to see what you're going to get for Tanner this year, Joe. Whatever it is, I'm sure it will be very appropriate.
Enjoy the cookies anyway!
Message for Tan Torkelson the demented Viking: We have those bowls. The crazy old bat bought them when she saw them on Cubby's blog. They have slowed down our eating, but sometimes I take the food out of the bowl, put it on the floor and suck it in that way.
Message to Joey: That t-shirt has a term on endearment on it. Our fire monkey got called that all the time when he was the po-lice and we know it was only because he was so well liked. (wink to Tan).
hay hay!! waaassssuuppp Tannererer-or Tan-i am kinda cunfooseded.
good won twinnerer!! grate shurt. grate tannerer joke.
gues whut? sunny iz makin me take spellin lessonz. she sez du tu "popular deemand" whutefer that meenz. bruver. no fun at all. but parently i haf tu if i am gonna be aloweded to tawk on that blog. kin i cum lif wif u??
ok-i godda go. sheesh.
hi 5s dood!!!
hay bud hay buds hay buds...hahahahaha
Joey, somehow that shirt kind of looks good on you...
And after you gave Doofus the Stain award for not much, he should be sorry givin' you a rood shirt like that. Although you really do look cool in it.
Regifting could be your answer!
We want that t-shirt!! Do they make them in size Megasorus??
he heheeeeeee mom's gonna be pissed!
The akitas
Hey Joe!
You look fantastic in that shirt! Like a total tough guy! My Mama wants to use your pic on the website.
Now your mom's gotta get one for your dad so you can go out together in matching A-hole shirts. Me & my Dad do that and it's totally fun to watch all the weird looks we get from strangers! Tee hee.
Murphy Dogg
P.S. If you want a good shirt for Tanner, try our SPAZ shirt.
Where do I get that shirt??? Love Agatha and Archie
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