My heart can't take it...
I am posting so late because earlier I was worried about my dear sweet Sophie who had some BLOOD in her um, stool. I almost had a heart attack with worry...but it turns out, she is pretty much ok. She has IBS, which the VET says stands for Irritable Bowel Syndrome.
I think it means, I belong (to) Stains. She can have that FOREVER as far as I am concerned.
I think I also suffer from another form of IBS...

35 Stains:
Hi, Joey!
Those IBS sound scary!
Glad Sophie is doing well.
The IBS you have at home... hmmmm... I guess that is more difficult to cure!
Kisses and hugs
w00f's Joey and Tanner, me sorry sophie not feels good, hope she gits better quick...heehee u love tanner and u nos it..he's ur partner in crime...
b safe,
I think I might have that same kind of IBS you have.. BOL..
As for the Brazil Nuts.. they are unfortunately carriers of some fungus and if the party of nuts test positive for the fungus upon arrival in Norway the company will have to pay for the return of the nuts. And so nobody want to take the risk, unfortunately for Mom... She did bring some back from Austria this spring, though. BOL! But they certainly didn't last until Christmas.
Oh gosh... my heart won't be able to take ibs....
I hope you recover soon!
Poor Sophie, I hope she is ok. And poor you.
Simba x
Hey, even Wally's heart was tikhking overtime for YOUR Sophie!
No wonder you 2 get along so well. Both of you even have the same illness (IBS) Both form of IBS dun sound fun at all.
What about I Belong (to) Sophie?
Hmmm, I think both forms of IBS may be permanent (although the second form is untreatable- keep an eye on that brother of yours!)
Your pal,
Ya know, Sophie can take pills for her IBS. You have to get your mom to give the Doof (aka T.Torkelson) some pills to control yours. Valium?
Oh that is great news about Sophie!!! As for your syndrome...I don't think there is a cure for that...
Lots of Licks, Ruby
Yuh, brothers sure are a pain in the nether-regions.
Tell your uncle I weigh 230 pounds (I used to weigh more, but I've been on a DIET). That's like totally way more than 40.
Yuh, momma put your photo where she can see it from her comfy chair because just looking at you two makes her smile.
Awww, Joe, this is a lovely photo of you and your brother. And I like the IBS, Irritable Brother Syndrome name. hahahahaha
I have that irritating brother thing x 2.
Sophie will be in our circle of healing vibes.
Oh Joey
You must have been tewwified..Thank dog Sophieis OK and thewe medcin fow youw IBS???
smoochie kisses
I think your case of IBS is uncurable. hehe
Wow have really been up to something. You poor Mom, I saw the marks Tanner left...
I am glad to hear that Sophie is doing well.
I will call the Torkelson Agency if I ever need you.
Sloppy Licks,
Goodness we sure hope Sophie is ok. We don't know much about IBS in dogs. I do know about irritable sister syndrome though.....sigh. It's worse!
Noah x
Hi Joey! Tell Sophie to try some I/D food. It's 'spensive, but it helps!
Hi Joe and Tanner, We have been missing everyone and Mom is going to let us visit a couple of friends at a time. We are glad to hear Sophie is going to be ok. As far as your brother goes, let me know if you find a cure for that!!
oh joey
OMG! I have the same IBS that you do!
Hey Joey...are ya the irritant or is Tanner ???? Big game this weekend and it will be COLD COLD COLD too......dust off the Steeler stuff and send out those winnin' vibes....they're playin' rivals from yesteryear.....The Cowboys...hope they lose their hats fer sure.....
Dewey Dewster here....
Joey, both forms of IBS sound scary. I hope ur gf feels better really soon! As for the Doofus-IBS... well, that's gonna stick around for a LONG LONG time!
Yeah, IBS sucks but it can be managed very well with a proper raw diet... Not always, but very often.
(just passing the info along)
xoxo from the akitas
You also have IBS with I belong to Sofie...i hope sophie is feeling okay...and sorry you have an irritable brother....but..he must be keeping you young and handsome joe...
Aw, Joey!
I was going to guess which IBS you were suffering from. It wasn't too hard, and I was right.
Glad that Sophie is okay, but I hope she soon only uses the term IBS for the I Belong (to) Stains meaning and not for her bowel situation.
Why is her bowel irritated anyway? Has Tanner been hanging out with her too?
Goob love,
Hi Joe
Good news about Sophie. I like the romantic IBS. I think I have the brother one too. How can I cure it?
Hey Joey!
I think you may need to send Tanner Torkelsen to Canada to switch places with Sophie...that way Sophie can come stay with you, you can take care of her, & then Tanner can have all the IBS he wants in a brother free household.....
Love & Licks,
Hey Joe,
I hear ya, man.
I think I'm suffering from ASS - Annoying Sisters Syndrome.
Murphy Dogg
Oh poor Sophie! I hope it is nuthing serious like mine the last time I had it. Oooh, that looks more like STS(Shaken Tanner Syndrome)!
Butt wiggles,
Solid Gold Dancer
Hi, Joey...
That IBS can stand for lots of things...I think you definately have your form of IBS...
OMdoG...Your feed went off my Blog Tracking thing again & I missed your last couple posts...
I have to keep track of you better...
Abby xxxooo
We doubt you will ever recover from your 'IBS'~lol
Boy n Baby
Hee hee, Joey I think you do have IBS !! Sometimes I have IBS too (irritable bird syndrome!)
T-man's mom, CC-man and T-man Angel
We're glad they figured out what was happening with Sophie. Hopefully, she can feel better now that they know what it is.
That look on your face is priceless, Joe!
Brown dog kisses,
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