Feeling better....
You guys are totally pawesome!! My leg is feeling better, I am not sure what happened. I don't think its related to me chasing off the admirers when I was out and about with Sophie, but it could be. I swear we couldn't go anywhere without a mob following us.
Anyway, Mom was feeling so upset she bought this...

OMDOG yes!!! I should start limping more often!!!!!!!
Here is video proof that I am getting around ok...
That was a Merrick Lamb Square I got, omdog YUM!!! I got mine first then Tanner did his goofy little treat dance.
Also...did you notice the big dirt spots on the floor...we will get to that tomorrow, Tanner did a HUGE Doofus move. Mom was dropping HBO words like crazy, stay tuned and THANK YOU ALL for the vibes, you guys are seriously the best in the world!!
40 Stains:
You look fabulous Joe! Your handsomeness is too much. I bet you're happy to be rid of that parka.
Whew. We are relieved to hear your leg is better, Joe. (It does come in handy for treats tho!) Maybe Tanner laid on you wrong or something....As long as you are better!!
Scooter said those in and out burgers were fantastic. We don't have them here but have heard they are great from Mom's sister who lives in CA.
Sunny & Scooter
pee ess. You guys are going to have to be helping mom and dad. Their trip is coming up soon! Bet they can't wait!
I see why woo are feeling better!
The Sibe Vibes from the Sibe on the bag!!
PeeEssWoo: We left before the ghosts went on duty!
Woof Joey,
Glad you're feeling better. But you should definately milk it to get more treats.
Desert Pups
Yes! I'm so glad you're feeling better, Joey. I'm sure the treats had a lot to do with your good health returning so quickly, so don't cut back on them.
Ah glad you are feeling better. Those lamb treats look nice Can't wait to hear what Tanner did.
Joe those snacks look excellent. How long does it take for you to finish them?
Molly and taffy
w00f's joe and tanner, heehee mayb u need to suck up the bad leggie fur more treats..sooo happy u iz feelin better..
b safe,
Hi, Joey!
Glad to hear you are feeling better!
You got yummy treats!
What did Tanner do??
Kisses and hugs
Glad you're up to yourself Joey!
Those Merrick treats are the best!
glad you are feeling better. Those squares look pretty good. I gotta find the shopping list and mark some down.
We're so glad you're back to your old self and running around, Joey! Those Merrick treats look so yummy!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
You look GREAT! I'm so glad all the healing vibes and prayers and good thoughts worked!
You better not stop eating treats though, since they obviously had such a large part in your healing....
Yay...I'm so glad you are feeling better!!! Those snackies look yum, yum, yummy!!! And I can't wait to hear all about what Tanner did now!!!!
Lots of Licks, Ruby
Wooo-that treat is almost as big as you. ...can your Mom pay me a visit when she is in Europe? And WOW choclate bars from A Merry Car. I'm wagging happy..thank you soooooooo much dudes.um..sorry the kittie scared you.
Eric x x x
we're so glad you are feeling better! shiro does a treat dance too. i only do for the a teats, tho. when did you become a senior dog? does that mean you get to graduate next year?
You look fit as a fiddle Joe! We are so glad to see that you are feeling much better!
Ozzie & Rocky
P.S. I must add that I'm especially glad you're well, J Stains, because the election is on Tuesday and you've got to be in good health to serve as VP.
Wow Joey, you really scored with those treats!! I'm even getting hungry thinking about them ;) I hope your limp wasn't anything serious. Maybe a bit of arthritis? T-man had some problems with that.
T-man's mom, CC-man and T-man Angel
You are grab and runner. That is what Foley does. Tanner needs dancing lessons. I could teach him how to twirl.
Glad you are feeling better.
Thank Dog!!
I've been cwossing my paws and sending nonstop healing vibes ..I'm going to keep doing it till I have even mowe pwoof
smoochie kisses
Hi Joe
I am just catching up on your bloggie. Boy you guys have been really busy. I'm glad your leg is looking better. Maybe you need more treats to exercise your leg more.
Good to hear that your leg is ok. Yeah for the food. ;)
~ Girl girl
Hi Joey,
Boy am I glad to know that your leg is ok now.. It sure gave us a scare! Hmmm... how about hiring some body guards the next time you go on a date with Sophie? At least they can do the hard work for you and leave you with some romantic time with your girl? (Perhaps Tanner and Scooter may be interested in the positions?)
Dropping by to say hello. Hope you had a good weekend.
Simba x
Hi, Joey...
Yay!!! I'm soooo glad you are feeling better...I was thinking about you all nite...I couldn't sleep...
The treats look yummy...
Abby xxxooo
Dude .. so happy to hear you are feeling better :-)
We're so glad to hear you're doing better, Joe! And we did not notice the return of the s e n i o r -word.
We're SO glad to hear you're feeling better! Great news! But hey... there's a Sibe on that bag! How 'bout sharing the wealth!? Ha roo roo roo!
Play bows,
Glad you are feeling better Joe! That treats look totally yummy!! We gotta start eating before we read everybody's blogs.... looking at all those treats is making us drool so much we will probably short circuit our computer!!!
The Puppies
WHOA! I think I'm going to start limping!! Those looke VERY yummy!!
Oh what happened to your leg? I have no idea...Well, good to know it's better tho.
Butt wiggles,
Solid Gold Dancer
II am glad that your leg is feeling better. I was limbing a bit the other day but is alright now too.
Thank you for the Halloween Candy and sorry for not being able to leave comment earlier cos my system was acting really slowly.
Hope that you get more "healthy" treats that will help you get better.
You two are full of energy!
joey im glad ur limping got all better! and tanner u are silly with your dance for the treat! <3
Glad ta hear yer feelin' better nad yer gimp is gone....do ya think if ya had a whole bag of those treats ya would feel right as rain????? Maybe a little more limpin' is in order.....
Dewey Dewster here....
You better keep eating those things man. You've got four legs and you've gotta protect 'em all.
wally t.
YAY! I was hoping you would be okay and I can see by how smoothly you canter into the other room with your treat. Very awesome!
What's with those old dog treats? As if! Tanner looks like he has to pee when he does his little dance.
Joey, you are moving with such grace I cannot believe you had a boo boo.
Woah, so glad your leg feels better, Joe. Those treats look delish!
Brown dog kisses,
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