First Candy Drop!!
WHATSSSSSSSSUUUPPPPPPPPPPPP we are totally doing some deliveries!!!!!!!!!
The first to go HAD to be the delivery of JOEY to CANADA!!!! He was going to Sophie's because that is what she wanted for Halloween instead of Candy.

omdog he INSISTED on taking a heater and a jar of the special dog safe chocolate sauce. I told him that SAUCE would probably get STOLEN by customs and he had to HIDE it!!

He made it to Sophies, she looks like she is telling me, GET OUT ALREADY. LOL I wonder if Joey will take that parka off the whole time he is there!?! LOL He hid that chocolate in the box so they are probably ignoring each other and just drinking chocolate!! LOL

We took some of the doggy safe chocolate sauce to Clover too!! She was already dressed for halloween!!!
Next stop was across the OCEAN!!!

Boo never really said what he wanted so we got him some chocolates and some jelly beans!!

Ben the Rotti wanted Peanut Butter, we even got the good organic stuff!!! He was looking a little shy, so we said hey and got going, we had a LOT to deliver!!

OMDOG Eric wanted HERSHEY bars but look at that CAT?!?! I got the heck out of there, he can decide if he wants to share with the CAT.

Simba said the humans in the house don't share candy, so we hid it under the bed!!! Enjoy the wine gums!!

We dropped some Hershey bars with girl girl but she was sleeping...shhh...

Hershey wanted HERSHEYS too!! We served them in the bed, we were assured that was totally ok!!

Huskee wanted Jelly Beans!! Those are the yummy Jelly Belly kind!!
That is all we got done, it is a LOT of hard work delivering candy guys!!!

Plus...Scooter's Mom got this pic from his cell phone...we might have got a LITTLE off course our first day...

BUT we are done delivering for the day...and we found an ok place to relax until the next deliveries!!!!!!!!!!!
31 Stains:
So Ben wanted Peanut Butter!
I'll have to remember that!
Woo khrazy boys did good on Day 1!
Tanner! Joey is doing just fine. It is the coldest night we've had yet, but he's all bundled up and getting special snuggles.
Thanks for the Hershey bars and jelly beans! You sure covered many places in Day 1.. well done!
you are coming here kind of last aren't you on your way back home? I will have to wait forever
Good job, guys! You're doing so well! I'm glad Joey and Sophie are together at last, sigh!
Brown dog kisses,
BOL at the Moon! :-)
The Halloween candy crew is coming, please stop by my house, Dallas Cowboys Cheers Leaders are waiting for you.
Give me a J!, give me an O!, give me an E!!!
OMG I love Maynard's wine gums!
You two are even better than Santa Paws! Don't forget to fly by New York!!! (I'm sure I speak on behalf of Abby and Asta as well...)
Your Pal,
Great work! We can't wait for our delivery! Mom says we should wear our costumes.. Waylon shared some HBO words with her about that. Not a big fan of the costume.
Hi, Tanner!
the first day of deliveries sure was great! I know Joey is having a great time with Sophie!
I am waiting for you!
Kisses and hugs
oh my forgot me in canada...but I guess i am kinda fat said I should not complain cause i get some candy here some are sure doing a great job....
Oh.. thank you doggies for the Hershey bars. I love it. What a pawsome surprise. :)
~ Girl girl
oh joey, the greedy dopey finish the chocolate...
wet wet licks
You sure spoiled everybody!
The pool view rocks!
Oops, my bad!
Tanner, you're the one who's delivering candy, not Joe!
Give me a T
Give me an A
Give me an N
Give me an N
Give me an E
Give me an R
Tanner, thanks a ton, buddy!
W00T! Candy rules! You two sure have been busy. I'm with Ben...Peanut Butter is deeeelicious!!
Thank you so much for the Peanut Butter!!! I have had to hide it from the beans as they were making NumNum sounds around it!! They are sulking that you didn't bring them happy meals.. I said.. HEY YOU ARE NOT DOGS!!! pffft!! like they don't get enough candy and stuff!!!
Thank you so much guys... its so appreciated.. I never thought to ask.. I could have hitched a ride tyo Khyra's and shared my peanut butter with her!!
love and tailwags,
Ben xxxxx
Hi, Tanner...
You guys deserved a dip in the hot tub after all that work...
Looks like everyone is enjoying their treats...
I'm watching for you...
Abby xxxooo
Wow, you were sure busy.
GUESS WHAT YOU WON THE CAPTION GAME!!!! Can we email you the new caption award? Our email is
balboablogger at yahoo dot com
Frenchie Snorts
Woohoo! Thanks for delivering my Halloween treat! I am going to ask mom and dad to serve this to me on a frosty paw. :)
Thanks Tanner and Scooter!! It was pawesome to see you for a few minutes.
Love Clover xo
It's going to take you guys awhile to make all the rounds. I thought you were going to drop the candy on my lawn, but you're bringing it inside! How cool is that!
Wow! You guys are just so efficient! Enjoy relaxing by the pool!
We've been outside for 24 hours watching for your flares to fly over our house! HURRY! hehehehe
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
Are you guys busy or what! Is you mom going to be able to go on her honeymoon when she gets the bill for all this candy?
Great job guys!!!
Wow, those are some great pictures! Maybe next time you can stop by and see me too!
Oh, oh, oh! You're delivering candies?! Could you by any chance come back to Canada and drop some off for me, too?!
Oh Gweat jpob guys..but you'd bettew huwwy cause the fun is aweady stawting you have to look at Eric's bloggie too!
smoochie kisses
Wow guys...
You and the Doofus, I mean, Tanner have been really busy....hope no one gets sick eatin' all that candy..But I know ya had fun deliverin' it.....
Dewey Dewster here....
Oh no! Mummy just read this and now she is looking under the bed for wine gums. I have to stop her!
Simba x
I can't believe you made it to everybody's house. You guys are the bestest.
I hope Joey took off his parka. Not a very seductive look.
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