Discovered material...
Tanner and Joey are in London partying right now so I thought I would post for them. Its 'Mom' aka Editor in Chief, what a joke, as if I run this place. ;)
I managed to dig the SD card out of Scooter's phone...the 'crash' Tanner mentioned was caught on the security camera of a certain restaurant...

There was no crash at all. Tanner got so excited about In n' Out burger he DROPPED Scooter! They had to return the C-130 to the Supreme Doofus Commander and decided to stop before Tanner took Scooter home.
Which led to this...

Luckily, with an apology and 2 burger meals Scooter was willing to forgive him.

I know a lot of dogs are out partying, but I have a favor to ask. Joey started limping last night, and I am pretty sure he just slept on his leg wrong, but I know the power of all of your healing vibes, so I am asking for some. If its not better by Monday he is off to the V-E-T, so I know he'd appreciate the vibes to avoid that as well.
32 Stains:
Oh noes!! We will send healing vibes to Mr Joe Stains!!
And those pics are too cool!! Great job Rhonda!!!
Does Joe need a nurse? I know when Sunny hears, she would be happy to come nurse him if he needs it. For now, we are going to think positive and healing thoughts!
Jamie(yes, Sunny & Scooter are still in England)
Oh, no! We will remember Joey in our prayers!!!
Ruby Rose and her mom and boy send lots of love and healing vibes!!
Oh yeah...we will cross paws and send terrier healing hymns in Joey's direction. We know he hates the V.E.T.!
Mmmmmm, In-N-Out Burger ....
Hope Joey stops limping before he has to go to the V-E-T.
Joey - leg - stop - sibe vibes - CHEKHK!
That is almost how Mom's cell looked a fur weeks ago - after 3-3/4 years it was time - now she's a khrakhkberry addikht!
Hope Doofus is having fun in Londontowne!
PeeEssWoo: Sibe Vibes are FURRY powerful - they helped me get lokhated in under fifteen minutes!
Joe I hope you are feeling better soon!
We're sending lots of AireZen to our pal, Joey!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
I'm always sending Sophielicious vibes to my Joey boy. And I can tell you for absolute certain that his leg problem has absolutely nothing to do with his visit to Montreal. Nothing at all. I promise. Nope. I know nothing about it.
Oh noes indeed! I will be thinking of Joey and you and hope he just slept wonkily. Keep us posted. I am worried! :(
Joey .. watch out .. 'cause lots of my Special Red Heelering Vibes are about to hit your place very very soon ... I hope they help!
w00f's Joey and Tanner, ooo he dropped himmm..oo noo me iz sorry Joey not feelin good, me will of course cross my paws and mama will keep him in her prayers..
b safe and git well soon joey,
Do you think Joey may have arthritis? Sister Lilly has that too and her meds always make her feel better. I bet he just slept wrong though. Or maybe Tanner was playing too rough with him.
I have heard some good things about In-N-Out. We don't have them here in Texas though dang it.
I'm surprised I don't have a hurt leg after my Holloween adventure. But tell Joe that Stella is sending
good Mixed Vibes to him, not as strong as Sibe Vibes, but almost!
Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm , Joe!
Kisses, Stella
A hamburger meal makes up for a lot, I think. And, two must make everything ok! Glad Scooter and Tanner didn't crash the plane!
We are sending positive and healing vibes to Joe. Feel the brown dog wave, Joey? Gotta get you better and not having to go to the v-e-t.
Brown dog kisses,
Gee we're keepin' our paws crossed that Joey is fine by's no fun when ya limp....'n it hurts those burgers were mighty fine lookin' 'n we caught a little glimpse of fries peakin' out from under the napkins.....yep....we love fries....'n Gram 'n Pap get us our own bag of fries lots of times too......those are the special days we like ta remember......
Dewey Dewster here....
We will certainly be thinking good thoughts for our boy Joe. Hope he is his old self soon and does not have to go to the v-e-t.
Ozzie & Rocky
Sending lots of Airezen and kisses to Tanner from me, Miss Lillie Valentine to you! Hope you are better soon. I love the vet, but know that you don't. Mr. Whiskers doesn't either!! Did you get scared by all the kids trick or treating? You should have seen Jordan! Scawie............Love ya Lillie
v-i-b-e-s sent your way!! love your posts, we need joe stains to be in good health to post more!
woof :-)
we hope joey is feeling better and not limping and that scooter has recovered from his crash er fall. did you all have a good halloweenie?
Those are great looking burgers. Maybe tanner can deliver some of those next time.
We are off to the big bed to do a special circle of healing vibes for Joe's leg at this minute.
OMD! Joey! Joey!
Good vibes and paws crossed! I hope you get better soon and the visit to the vet will not be necessary!
Kisses and hugs
We are sending HUGE healing vibes to Mr Joey Stains!!! No more limping, because nobody wants to go to the vet, no matter how many treats they get there!!! Feel better Joey!!!
The Puppies
We are sending Joey our healing vibes. We hope he will be fine.
Lots of Love
Boy n Baby
Good evening joe.
It was wonderful, and ..photograph of Halloween.. very happy.
A wonderful weekend with the hamburger. :D
from loved ume tyan
Oh No!!! Me & my Mom are sending Joey our love & thoughts & prayers...I'm sending lots of my Special Lhasa Vibes, too...
We hope your leg feels better really soon, Joey...We love you!!!
And, Tanner: Thanks for my Froot Loops & Chocolate...It was yummy...
Abby xxxooo
vibes...are...coming...Joe's...way...whew! BT vibes are extra special too, ya know.
Feel better Joey!
Lots of Licks, Ruby
I hope your limp is gone by now Joe, but I'm sending you my super powerful Sherman mojo to help heal you up quick. Does you Mom give you any kind of joint supplements? I get Gluc/Chond every day and that's why I've got such a spring in my step at 13!
Feel better dude.
Oh boy oh boy. Here's ALL the good vibes we have for Joey! Aww, please get better soon!
Uh oh, that's not good, Joey. I hope you get well soon so you don't have to go to the v-e-t.
Fiwst and fowemost...I am sending tons of healing tewwiew vibes(they awe the stwongest)Joey will be fine!!!!
secong..I wish Tannew would have dwopped me..those buwgews look amazing...sluwp...
Thank you fow letting them come to my pawty..I loved seeing them it was too fun
smoochie kisses
Mmm that stuff looks good!
I hope Joey will be okay. What's with all of us getting hurt lately? :-/
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