DAY TWO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
OMDOG we shouldn't have spent SO much time in that hot tub, we had SO MUCH to deliver today! BUT We got it done and now we are off to PARTY!!!!!!!!!!! Scooter was SUCH a good PILOT we did not even crash. much.
WELL we will see some more pics of that later this weekend after I get the memory card out of the cell phone. pieces. ahem. Luckily the camera was OK!

I might have peed a LITTLE when I saw Amber-Mae's house. SO SCARY. omdog we got out of there in a hurry!! I think Scooter was laughing at me?!

Snowball wanted something to turn her tongue BLUE. See she is showing us how PRETTY pink it is now!!

Shadie wanted M&Ms! ENJOY!

Khyra said she just wanted a bunch of stuff, so there is a BIG mix!!!

Lady Kaos wanted REECES, YUM!!!!!! We even got lots of kinds!!!!!!!!!!

Lola wanted Reeces PIECES?! I guess those are just pieces of those cups? I dunno?! LOL

Abby wanted Fruit Loops and Peanut butter!? I hope she doesn't put the PB on the Cereal LOLOLOL!!!

Asta wanted Liver, cheese AND PB candy. I don't think they MAKE that but there is a good start?! LOL!

Dannan got some of JOES delicious safe chocolate sauce that ALL the candy we delivered is made with !!!

Peanut and Flash wanted caramels. THEY ARE BIG DOGGIES so I just dropped that stuff and RAN!

Mack got some candy corns!! Who knew Corn could be candys?!

Mango the Maltese wanted chocolate, I think she was afraid to turn around and see how HANDSOME my Twin and I are?!

Agatha and Archie were late to request so we didn't know what they wanted, but we dropped off some Chocolate while they rested for the party.

Pearl got some chocolate too, sorry no happy meals, the Bush Doofus took them ALL!

Maggie and Mitch were being POLITE to wait but they wanted to TEAR into those M&Ms!!!

Gus wanted GOO GOO CLUSTERS?! WTF ARE THOSE?!?! LOLOLOL Scooter and I were gonna try one but Scooter said that would not be FAIR. He is a good twinnerer.

Mango wanted Macaroni and Cheese CANDY?!?!?! This is the best we could do you relentlessly huge guy, its MAC n Cheese on a STICK!?!! DONT EAT THE STICK! (peewee made us say that)

MOM MADE ME DO THIS. I didn't want to deliver to the C-A-T!!!

MJ wanted tbone steaks and chocolate. We dropped the steak and she started to LICK her lips and I was all RUN!!!!!!!!! We dropped the chocolate in the yard and got out of there!!?! You don't want to get between a DOG and her STEAK!!?

Moco wanted Chocolate Covered CHICKEN?! YUMMMM. She sure can pick good candies! I wonder why Hershey doesnt already MAKE that?!

Petra wanted some of that Corn Candy too!? That bag is almost as big as HER?! I had to DRAG Scooter out of there, he REALLY wants a date with Petra!!

On to another beautiful Boston. We find Ruby asleep, we dropped her Reeces and were realllly quiet so we didn't bug her. She had to rest to get Aire Ruby going for the party!!

Snickers was ALL dressed up, she heard I liked that Dress :) She PROMISED to share with Butchy, he was apparently hanging out with the new CATS over there. *shiver*

Storm and Dave were outside waiting, as they didn't want to intimidate Scooter and I, since we are kind of Little. They promise to share the WALLYMELON candies with the red heads.

Those RAW MEAT EATER dogs wanted GOAT candy?! WTF?! I got some goat and some chocolate, you are going to have to do the rest!!!!!!

Lorenza wanted lots of PB and Chocolate, LOOK AT THAT BASKET!?!? I need to get one of those for ME and Scootererer!!!

Finally Scooter went home and he did NOT forget Sunny!! What a gooood brother he is!! and a GREAT TWINNERER!! I could NEVER have done this without him! WE ARE OFF TO THE PARTY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Mom will post some pics of Joey and I in our costumes, and maybe some uh extra fun pics of Scooter and I delivering....if the memory card is ok. I mean, I am sure its fine, its not like it was in a crash and a fire or anything....
39 Stains:
you guys are doing great work! if you get time we wouldn't mind some extra pop-tarts. hehe. happy halloweener!
Thank you, thank you, thank you!
This is one Halloween I'll never forget!
Howevfur did woo know?
Those are SOOOOO down my alley - and into my tummy!
Oh my. Here it is Thursday and it is still Tannerer tuesday! Thank you for the clusters. See you at the pawty
Oh my dogness, you really know how to give out the candy loads! What an exciting HOWL-ooo-ween!
You made my night, Tanner!
I shared your candy to my brothers Ximui and Chubs, they asked me to kiss you thank you and they already marked your name on the calendar for Halloween next year!
I think all the candy factories have to reimburse your expenses on gas and other luxury stuff you enjoy during break time.
Thanks a lot for your kindness, humor and hard work, my mom is learning photoshop or whatever, she said she admires your skill even more.
BTW, You're one of the most handsome man I've met but I'm a boy, not a girl!
Tanner, have you ever stared at my blog? (or my you-know-what)
GOAT CANDY! You got it right on the nose! And now I'm going to put it all in my mouth.
That's some hard work guys! So many places, so much candies and so little time!!
Hi Joe & Tanner!
That's a very cool job that you guys did delivering candy! They all look so yummy! Made me feel like I want some too...hehe! Next time I guess...*wink*
Happy Halloween! (It's already Friday here...*wink*)
Hi, Tanner!
Thank you so much!
I am going to enjoy the treats and won't share them with my mom!
Kisses and hugs
Thank you thank you thank you!!!! I lurved my reeses pieces. Perfect little snackie for me as I was flying today!!!
Lots of Licks, Ruby
Hee hee, that was quite a trip!! You did a great job with the deliveries especially not waking up the big dogs who were napping and might get mad ;)
T-man's mom, CC-man and T-man Angel
We are eating that chocolate covered chicken at this moment. You guys are the bestest. Thank you very much for all the time and effort you put into this candy drop. See you at the party.
You, Scooter 'n Tanner were super was the camera's a wonder yer computer didn't crash doin' all that manipulation stuff....great job !!!!
Happy Halloween !!!!
Dewey Dewster here.....
You doggies are doing a pawsome job delivering so many candies
~ Girl girl
Do we get some too!
Thats so sweet of you guys!
great job! phew! finally done. u two can rest now. can't wait to see your costume.
wet wet licks
You are working harder then Santa! Speaking of which are you taking Christmas orders yet?
Simba x
You guys are making TONS of pups very, very happy - especially us! Thank you so much for the M&M drop! We can't wait to dig in!
Happy Halloween!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
Hi, Tanner...
You & Scooter did a great job...
Now relax & enjoy your Howl-O-Ween...
Thank You for my Froot Loops & chocolate...
Abby xxxooo
oh my dogs you did a wonderful wonderful job...that was the bestest tbone i have had forever...zippy and carter were sniffin around...but i looked at them really mean like...and they jut laughed...then they left...thanks so much..ummmm can you remind me whose house we are partying at this has been a long week..and my brain is mushy
Tanner, that mac 'n cheese was fantasic. I especially liked the crunchy part.
BTW - What stick?
Hey guys! Thanks for dropping that doggy chocolate sauce. I tasted it & damn! It was good. Sorry that my house freaked the freak out of ya but you LIKE it?
Butt wiggles,
Solid Gold Dancer
You guys did a great job!!! Thanks for the reeces cups! Mom tried to steal the white chocolate ones but I told her dog safe chocolate is poison to humans! hehehe
You guys did a great job delivering all the candy. And, you didn't even eat any? Man, I woulda been chowin' down.
And here I thought I was dreaming when you guys marched into my house and gave me my candy. It was so magical, it didn't even seem real!
(I wonder whose candy corn it was that I found in the flowers outside?)
Tanner, I hope your mom got a big, big, BIG bag of candy for working so hard to post the pictures.
She needs a vacation!
You must be exhausted!
Hi Joe and Tanner,
How's your stay in Canada with Sophie, Joe?
Tanner, great job on delivery candies to all your friends, all 4 paws up to you!
Please come to my blog to share my double dating story.
Happy Halloween! I cant wait fer the bean kids to start droppin stuff!!
Awesome candy drop! But I didn't get any:( I forgot to tell you what I wanted!
Hugs & Snugs
Eduardo the Snuggle Puggle
P.S. Happy Halloween!
THANKS, GUYS!!! The chocolate is pawesome and delicious! The Girl is jealous, cuz I won't share! BOL!
It sounds like maybe I was worried for nothing... but I'll reserve judgment until I hear about the crashes that didn't happen!
Brown dog kisses, and
Happy Howl-o-ween!
Joey pleez tell Tanner that Iam sooo happy wif the faboolous candy delivewy...I'm stilllicking my guys awe the best..did you see Tannewandhis Twinnewon howsebackand you as a cawdinalheheheh.that twunk full of old clothes suwe was fun..don't fowget to come by tomowwow..Iwillhave goody bags fow evewyone,in case we haven't eaten enuff yet, hehe
smoochie kisses
I want to not be sick anymore :( Do those come in candy form?
Yo Tanner,
Don't forget to save some of that candy for yourself! Can't give it all away, my man.
Murphy Dogg
Oh gosh, the canadian akitas ask if it's too late to join the party???
*crossing paws*
Oh my dog that looks like some great sh---, I mean candy. Tasty! You're really nice to do the deliveries. But shouldn't we all be coming to YOUR house? And when are the TRICKS?
wally t.
Thanks for the candies dude. We can't believe you just ran off though. We wanted to say hey. We realize you had a lot of deliveries to do though
Dude - ya made my day! Nice of you to drop in...Mom insists I share my candies with her!
Ya rock!
luv ya
Lola Smiles
Wooooooooooooooo! I luv the watermelon candy! And Storm and I DID share with the redheads. Honest!
Great seeing you guys!
PS: Is it me, or does Stormy look like she's ready to kick my butt in that picture?
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