Tanner Training!
So my cool Twinnerer Scooter wants to help me deliver all that Candy to you guys on HALLOWEEN. WELL, he does not have SUPER powers like me, so he can't fly. I had to figure out HOW he might come along!!!

We found this plane first, that fits his size, but it doesn't go very fast. You have to fly fasterest to deliver ALL that candy you guys want!!!!

omdog, THIS LOOKS FUNNNNNNN!!!!!!!!! But there is NOWHERE to put any candy?!?!

I think we found the PERFECT thing for SCOOTER TWINNERER!!!!!!!!! It is one GIGANTICO PLANE! Um, he sorta looks like he is going to BARF in all these pics.
UMMM SCOOTER, you HAVE flown before RIGHT?!?!?!?!?!?!?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
28 Stains:
Hi, Tanner!
That big plane sure is the best for Scooter! I want some candy too!
Do you think he could come here??
Kisses and hugs
hay tannererer, oboy. i like that plane!!! i fink that pitshur of me makez me luk like i wil barf or sumpfing...hahaha we will haf tu use a betterer won fer eferbudy to see how it wil luk. ok anok. i fink we will be gud to go!! mom sez she wants tu see if she can find my air force flite suit.
ok anok
hi 5s twinnererer
Something tells me trouble is a brewin'!
The two of you are SOOOOO a recipe for disaster!!
w00f's Joey and Tanner, dont furgit me candy, me no care watt kind, just yummie..wow me really likes dat last plane..it cood hold all da candy in da world...
b safe,
Think of all the candy you can fit in that plane. Woo hoo
He's only likely to puke the first time. Just make sure it's not on the candy ... or on Joe. You remember I asked for Joe, right? I'll give you extra Xs and Os if you drop him off for me.
p.s. tell Joe to bring his parka.
That is quite a plane for Scooter to be flying around the world to deliver candy. Is he going to be aable to keep up with you?
Um Tanner
I'm getting a little scawed of this pwoject..I don't want you to get huwt..I mean I'd looove getting the tweats and all, but not at the cost of you ow Scootew
smoochie kisses
oh, i wonder will scooter drop by my place?
wet wet licks
Hi Tanner,
Oh.. ermm... I hope Scooter doesn't get motion sickness when he is going on his rounds! My dad gets motion sickness everytime he is in a plane.. Heehee..
hi tannnnner..well the goodest news ever is that lots of us will be at halloween party so you wont have to fly so much places and i will be at the party...so i think you and your twinner will do the best job ever
Hi Tanner, Fly safely with your twinnie.I am looking forward to receive my sweet for Halloween.
What a pawsome plane to deliver all the candies
~ Girl girl
Well that is my Candy sorted. Now you need to work out how to carry everyone elses.
Simba x
He can drop all those candies using the bomb thingy where they always drop bombs. How kool! Poor Scooter. He needs fly-sickness pills.
Butt wiggles,
Solid Gold Dancer
Poor Scooter looks like he's afraid of heights! We hope he's able to make the trip without getting sick all over you, Tanner!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
Hi, Tanner...
This is turning into quite a project...
Looks like you found enough room for the candy...
I'll be watching for you on Howl-O-Ween...I think we will hear you coming now...
Abby xxxooo
Ummm...Tannerer, please be careful. Joey Needs You!
WHOA that is one big plane. Make sure you throw out candy and not other things, hee hee
Frenchie Snorts
Ooh! I sure want some candy!
Just make sure you guys DON'T FORGET THE CANDY!
That plane will hold lots of candy!! I hope he doesn't barf on the candy, that wouldn't be cool at all!
OMDOG!!! Someone get him a barf bag!!! I hope Scooter lands safe. When you fly to Pittsburgh to visit the Steelers, drop something off at my house!
Sloppy Licks,
Hey Tanner
Remember me Pearl I know I have been missing but I will be back soon as Nanny feels better. Would you bring me some candy I don't think I am doing Halloween this year.
Hugs, bellyrubs, smoochies
Yes you are Pearl your going to London
All I can say is....Good luck!
Oh Tanner, good idea! A giant plane! I hope Scooter doesn't get sick when you are flying around delivering candy...
Love Clover xo
Guys, be careful. Those planes sure are noisy. I wouldn't ride on one for anything, so good on you, Scooter, for giving it a go. Don't forget, I asked for candy, too!
(I am afraid of fireworks, which are legal here, so on Halloween, The Girl and I will be holed up in the bunker in the basement. You can drop the candy anywhere in the backyard.)
Brown dog kisses,
ummm I'm officailly scared.. umm.. they do know not to land that plane on folks houses don't they???
Ben (who is currently building an underground shelter in case of errant plane flying in the locality)
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