Late night post!
Mom is late in getting around to updating the blog tonight because she has been cleaning and doing laundry and other NON fun human type stuff. She is off 4 days next weekend so she promises more updates and timely visitation of blogs. She also said she promised Tanner she would help him figure out how to get his (so called) Twin Scooter to fly to help deliver the halloween candy. That should be interesting.
So I told you I was nice to Tanner so the Steelers could win...wait until you see THIS sacrifice...

Can you see the look of bewilderment on my face? The utter confusion of seeing Tanner in MY snuggle ball and in MY sleeping bag???????

Meanwhile I am left to curl up on the floor and freeze to death. (Note from Mom: it was 95 F here yesterday)
No wonder the Steelers won SO BIG yesterday.
32 Stains:
OMD! Are you feeling allright Joey? That looks depressing!
w00f;s Joey and Tanner, heehee Joey u iz sooo sweet to ur little bro Tanner...
b safe,
Oh that's really nice of you to share Joey... Stay warm
~ Girl girl
Wow, that is taking nice to a whole new level! I hope you weren't too cold?!
Simba x
Wow! That was the ultimate sacrifice for your beloved Steelers, Joey! Bless you!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
Woo poor boy!
Do woo want me to save my fur and send it your way?
Hi, Joey...
You are taking this "be nice to Tanner" thing seriously...You must REALLY love the Steelers...
Tanner looks like he is enjoying the whole thing...Maybe he's not as big a Doofus as you think...
Abby xxxooo
What brotherly love!
Butt wiggles,
Solid Gold Dancer
Tanner looks really comfy there Joe! Have you been nice to him enough yet! ;-) (Not that he doesn't deserve it).
You made the ultimate sacrifice Joe...the Steelers are rockin!
Hi Joe
The sacrifices you have to make for Tanner! Unbelievable!
I sure hope that those Steelers appreciate what you have done for them.
Lots of Licks, Ruby
the sacrifices you must make for the steelers. You are a better dog then I
Please don't freeze Joey. The Steelers need your support.
Joey, I'm getting a bit confused about this whole loving Tanner business. I think he is taking advantage of you. I think you may need to step back and ask yourself some hard questions. Like, are the Steelers worth your ball bed and sleeping bag. When your mom isn't looking, I think you need to give him a little nip on the butt.
Joe, this has to rate a statue in your honor AT LEAST at the stadium/
We know they couldn't do it without you pal
We're backkkK!
Poor you. I think you should so totally kick Tanner's ass off.
I know how you feel. I like my warm blankies to snuggle up with. If you would like I can send you some of our cold weather. That way you have no choice but to snuggle. Today it's only a high of 48!! That is cold!!!!
Sloppy Licks
wow..joe...only 95 degrees ....haha..i sure hope at least your nose keeps warm...poor little man...but it was nice that you let tanner in your snuggle ball and sleeping bag...
So that's why we WON?? Quite a sacrifice, I'd say!
Um...Joey...we were watchin' a show on Animal Planet bout different breeds of dogs. One of the facts we learned 'bout BTs is they are the most gassy dogs around. Is this true??? BTW...where 'xactly is you seat on Aire Ruby for the Halloween Pawty? Um...perhaps there should be a separate BT section where you guys can go to yourselves...
Love and kissies, Lacie
Oh, Joe! You are such a martyr. Anything for the Steelers. My hooman brother Sean would probably share his bed with Tanner if he thought it would help the Steelers win.
Whoa! Way to take one for the team!!!
Our weather is weird too.
One day I'm shivering and mom turns on the heater and the next I'm running around the house naked and the fan is blasting!
You are such a good boy, Joey Stains.
Poor,poor Joey. Oh the sacrifices you are making!! (95 degrees? hard to freeze in that unless your parents are crazy with the A/C. That must be it, hu?)
Tell the doofus to move his big butt out of your bed. The nerve! Do I need to come over and give him a talkin to?
Hi, Joey!
Bite his butt and make him go away!
Kisses and hugs
Joey, you would do anything just to make sure Steeler win right? I think the Steeler should give you a special treat to allow you to go see them play at the stadium.
Wow, you sure are going out of your way to be nice! I hope Tanner appreciates it!
Frenchie Snorts
You're right I do have the same bed as you, but yours looks a LOT BIGGER. I have to talk to my mom about that.
Frenchie Snorts
Joe, this is getting out of hand. I know you love the Steelers, but is it really worth all this? I think Tanner is starting to get a little too big for his britches...
Brown dog kisses,
Hi Guys,
we are finally catching up after Mums bout of sickness!
Wow Joe that is some major sacrifice you made buddy, you must really LOVE those steelers!!
Ben xxxx
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