feeling hot
So I think my blog friend Stella is still missing but I am not sure because her Mom made a new post and Stella is in it. But if she is I hope she comes home soon because her Mom is sad. Everyone send good thoughts to Stella and her family.
I know you guys were all concerned about the poor Doofus melting what is left of his brain so I decided to give him a little lesson on how to relax.

One should be able to get comfortable just about anywhere. Even if Mom is trying to take pictures, just relax.

See Tanner, look at me. I am totally mellow.

You can even guard the house and still be comfortable. You don't need to stand at perfect attention all of the time to be a good watch dog. Mom calls this a 'funny sit' Whatever Mom, just because you lack in basic dog guard skills does not mean you have to make fun of how I sit.

Now this is true comfort. You MUST take advantage of situations like these. Mom is cleaning one couch, you occupy all the fluffy goodness on the other couch.

Does life get much better?

Finally, this is the prime location for watching the kitchen and dining room. Again, there is no need to strain to be able to see stuff, just make sure you stay alert!
So I hope you guys are glad I helped the Doofus learn to relax and I promise I will try to keep him inside.
33 Stains:
Oh haha I love that last picture of you. That looks very comfy.
It's wierd but I can't seem to view the pictures..hmm..maybe I should check back later.
Hey Joe! YOu are sooo wise! It's a wonder the Doofus is the way he is, I guess! Thanks for sharing the lesson. I will try to be your faithful disciple.
Hey Joey...
You definitely look very relaxed. I have to say, I like your butt shot there on the couch. You have a very cute butt!
Lots of Licks, Ruby
joey, since you have taught tanner how to relax. is he going to feature his "relax photos" on tanner tuesday?/
wet wet licks
Ooh, that last pic doesn't look like a comfy position..it looks like too much balancing work!
You are the scholar of relaxing Joey!
Ahhh. My favorite relaxing place is on the bed while muzzer is making it up for the day. Lots of new words too.
me 2 love 2 guard n its so fun scaring away al those nuts..
Woah, glad to see the Doofus didn't melt!!
Man, you sure know how to get down and comfy!! I gotta learn some skillz from you! Gotta learn to relax....
What was going on in the kitchen??
Hey Joey Stella is missing.Its been 2 days.I had that post made up last week and set it to post for today.Thanks for thinking of her and your well wishes.I will let you know if she comes home.Stella really loved you and loved your videos.Did you find that cute?Well we are heartbroken and wewill still be a faithful reader and friend.
Love Shawny
Hey Joey,
I see those pikctures now.... You really know how to chill out.
you are the master at relaxing! i can't believe you can balance on the edge of the couch on your tummy! hehe.. are you into zen or something?
Joey, you have some mighty comfortable resting poses. I especially like the one of you splayed out over the pillows. I figure if people leave pillows around, it is our job to protect them by laying on top of them.
Oh Joey, you have out done yourself with that relaxed guard dog pic... Mum is still laughing!
oh joey..you are such a good big brother...sometimes....you didnt tell us how the frosty paws turned out..i was sure we would see a picture....and dont worry about the doof and the weeeeeener dog..i cant kill it...believe me...i have been trying....
How did you sit like that? You are truly a skillful guard dog.
Boy n Baby
Woh I love all the fluffness on the couch. You sure know how to relax Joey. :)
~ girl girl
That last picture looks very uncomfortable. Its hard to relax with the flash going off in your face all the time.
Simba x
I do the lazy sit too! Nice work on the relaxing Joey, your a guy after my own heart!
Oscar x
Mom calls that funny sit my very un-lady-like position or my hussy sit! We were just at Stella's blog. I hope she comes home real soon!
Love ya lots,
Hey Joey,
Who cares how where when what, as long as the job gets done, right? :)
I feel more relaxed already. My siss needs your relaxation lessons, I think.
You certainly found your comfort zone! love and laughing licks, Marv xxxxx
Grrrreat pics as usual!
Hahaha! Doofus, you're soooo funny! Why do you sit & lie down like that? Must be reaaallly comfortable yerrr??? Hehehehe...
Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer
man Joe you are the king of relaxation. I may have to try that last pose.
Did Doofus learn anything from you?
Frenchie Snorts
That was funny!! My mommy laughed so hard.
It is too hot.
Is joey safe though it is tired?
from loved ume tyan
Oh gracious, Joe! I sit in the same positions! I thought it was a Boston thing, but the Doofus doesn't do it so maybe it's just a COOL BOSTON thing, huh?
Hot weather is stupid, but my Human put our pool out last night. You can come over and swim if you want.
Your butt looks so cute, Joe! LOL!
Relaxing is what I do best. Although I'm pretty good at jumping all over the place, too.
Puggy kisses
Oh yeah, I do the stretch like that too to look at things on the table. Plus it feels good!
Hey, JOE!
Are those puppy spots I see on your belly? How totally cute! hehehe
Your Goober,
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