bath crap
Blu and Comet, Nugget, Dory and a few others wanted to see bath time. BAH!


He tries to drink the water...

Here I am, if looks could KIIILLL!!

The Doofus is taunting me...

But I always cooperate!

After, I was so cold!!
Here are some videos. Dad likes to talk to us all goofy, don't mind him!!
After bath freak session!
18 Stains:
Oh, you look really peeved out there man. Why do they give us baths anyway? Silly people.
Murph the Bath avoidin' Dog
I love winter because my bath consists of rolling in the snow! It keeps me fresh and out of the tub. Great freak session ... and your dad has cool tattoos.
oh, freak show! put you two together = freak show. hehehe.
wet wet licks
I am getting a bath later too but I like it kinda cause it's warm. And the doofus face is pretty doofy trying to drink hot water - YUCK!
You two are so silly ...i like freaking out during and after my bath...i am not a fan of bathtubs....are you going to do my request joe..that would be super cool....
Hi Joey,
You guys looked like you had an 'enjoyable' bath!!.. Uh oh.. my turn this weekend.. oops..
Your dad is so nice to bathe you. Ours just sit there while Mama will do it.
Glad that you got the parcel. The treats and name frame is a Valentine Day gift for you from Baby and the Cuz is your birthday pressie from the two of us. Please share the treats with Tanner and tell Tanner, that we will get him a birthday gift too when his bark day comes.
Boy n Baby
I don't think I've ever seen a sadder, more sorry looking face!! Somehow, I get the feeling you don't love your baths (hee hee!)
After bath freak sessions are the BEST!!!
Hey Joe - is the Doofus licking like he's drinking water when you are being rinsed?
Haa. you 2 look so cute in the bath.
~ fufu
You poor things, I hate baths yuck. At least you didn't get the hair dryer.
Simba xx
Looks like you endured it pretty well. Impressive freak session!
Oscar x
Oooooh, those aren't happy Joey faces! No sir!
I'm so sorry about the bath. :(
Jeezaloo - you look ticked!
I pull the exact same face when I am in the bath. It's a kind of pathetic, sad and pleading always gets me a treat after I've had a bath though!
Loui xx
I 'm not sure if I like baths, ummmm, now i have to think about it, dammm!.
Hey, we asked for teeth brushing too! heheheheh
Sorry Joey, we didn't think your people would actually give you the bath.
Still friends?
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