Holy cowza
Thanks to everyone for suggesting all the great photos, except for those of you who want a picture of us getting a bath!? What kind of friend are you guys?!?!!!
So Mom will have to get to work on these pictures and put them up a few at a time. First we need to post about the GREAT things we got this weekend!
First, Aunt Patty made us these super soft and awesome STEELERS coats! Now, I know the Steelers didn't go to the super bowl, but we still wore our cool coats on Sunday.

Our Aunt is a good at making coats!!
Then today, Mom came in and had another yellow envelope...

The Doof sniffed it out, and then I got in there...

At this point I am already down the hall with the contents of the package, but he doesn't realize that.
I think he thought the package was the present?
As you can see, he figured out I have the present. It is a yellow DINO CUZ...and there was no return address and no note...but I think I know who it is from...
Simba had a cuz JUST like this that and he DID NOT like it!
there he is with those cuz, how can you not LOVE cuz!
BUT if Simba is the mystery sender, THANK YOU! We love it!!

20 Stains:
Joey, you are a lucky, lucky dog. That mailman must like you!
--- Noah
you're looking dashing, joe!!!!
p.s. did you put your bones on the bears or colts to win superbowl??
Hey Joe, Your new cuz matches your Steelers coat.
Joey, maybe you have a secret admirer that's sending you presents..
~ fufu
Yeah.. we love the Dino Cuz too. That is very nice of Simba :)
Just out of curiosity, how many Cuz you have at your home.
Boy n Baby
Joey: That Doofus might just be a match for Teka when it comes to tearing things up!
That is an awesome coat! And I love the dino cuz! Mom can only find the good and bad cuz in the store. I keep telling her to order the dino cuz, but no luck yet!
sigh! simba can't write! that's why no note inside. kekeke.
too bad doofus destroy the envelope, otherwise you can check if the stamps are from the UK??
wet wet licks
It wasn't me .. I would have DESTROYED that thing .. heh heh heh
You sure get a lot of mail. You are a very lucky dog. I should start sending mail because I would be very good at licking envelopes!
Joe, you are very good at opening packages. I want to find one of those Dino toys!
Aunt Patty is so clever!
More cuz toys for the collection. How many do you have now?
Oscar x
Yay you got the stupid Cuz!! Enjoy. Mummy says I can't have Doofus in return, I have to learn how to play nicely with the rabbits first. What biting them isn't nice?!
Simba xx
I love the Steeler's coats - very sharp looking!
I still don't have a Cuz! Maybe mom will bring me one from FL??? Are you reading this mom?! *hint hint*
Love ya lots,
Mom bought me a bear cuz and a dino cuz at petsmart this weekend, but I am afraid of them! And my big sissy lab brother Adam stole my leopard print squeaky bone!!!!
did my squido get a dye job, disguised himself and ran all the way to you?
do treat new squido well.
you'd love him.
i miss my squido..
Wow, that cuz looks like it can withstand super chewing, cool. Glad you got it before the Doofus.
Murph the Dog
Hi Joey,
Mum just bought me a Dino Cuz too, but mine's orange!! I love it cos it squeaks REAL loud.. unlike that other one that farts.. (no, how many times must I say it is NOT me..)
oh no you lost the cuz to the doofus!!!
i love watching you guys chew stuff. your nose goes up and down it's so cute! :)
Joe, buddy, I hate to break it to ya..but you look very similar to the Dofus in that Steelers jacket!! Ahh...am I blockled from the posting list now?!
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