Tanner Tuesday first time in FUREVER!
SO I am finally posting on a Tuesday after like eleventy weeks!!!! So like what do I have to talk about you want to know???
I was sitting around the other day when I was all, MOM I am starverating to death!!
All of that sudden she says, have one of those crazy carrot bones. I said OK.
But then she let Joey have one too. He did not even ask and did not even look starverating.
YUM these things are the BEST.
Mom said JOEY say Cheese and he did and then you can see his totally screwed up mutant tooth he has. What a loser!!!
AND then I totally caught Joey sleeping in my little bed...
WHAT A JERKS! That is MY little bed. I think he is getting even more crazy in his old age because he would NEVER go in my little bed before like ever.
Oh and Joey has to be wearing those shirts because he is like OMDOG I am so itchy all that time and Mom thinks it is the carpet so she is going to steam them up or something I don't know.
ANYWAY, I had to get back in my bed and get all his old man smell out of there like right away.
I hope you have not all missed me so much you are crying. I have missed you guys and Mom is a jerk and now we will try to visit some blogs.
Tan Torkelson reunited and it feels so good, OUT.
31 Stains:
Hey Tanner -
Do woo want to khome to Pawsylvania?
Maybe we khan go to a BASEBALL game!?!
PeeEssWoo: I hope the storms don't develop too much fur woo - yes, Shiloh was khwite the khutie - Auntie Di wanted her too!
woah that old man tooth is pretty scarey nearly as scarey as your nails, i get the itchys too on my foots tell joey at least shirts are cooler than shoes! oh and tell joey i know which end of mollie is which cos i use my nose arf arf arf loves and licks
Hi, Tanner!
What is happening with Joey??
I can't close my mouth looking at him in your bed!!!
I guess I need go to sleep right now!
Kisses and hugs
Sleeping in your bed! Hope you got rid of the smell.
Simba and Jazzi x
Poor Joey - we hope his itchies go away soon. We wondered why he was wearing his shirt all the time. Mom may be on to something there, maybe a good steam cleaning would help. Those other owners might have used some sort of cleaner that is irritating him.
Those nommies look good and did you say CARROT?? Yummers.
Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara
Welcome back Tanner! We sure hope you guys are enjoying your new house. We will be moving in to ours on Friday. Moving is hard work, so maybe Joey is just worn out? Be nice to him. Us old guys need love too.
Tanner, you have mutant belly spots and Joey has a mutant tooth. Seems fair, right?
Tanner, You better hope Joey doesn't read this blog, because you are so in trouble.
Sophreaking Mean
Carrot bones, huh? Those look pretty yummy! Glad to see you back! Tuesdays aren't the same without Tanner!
Its good to see the old Joe and Doofus back again. I was missing this stuff baaad!
Getting a carrot bone is one thing, but your bed is your bed, and should not be got in.
Poor Stains!
Glad to see Tanner Tuesday again!
Don't forget! We've moved to dogisgodinreverse.com
you should now be able to comment :)
Those carrot bones look very yummy, Tanner! Joey wears pink very well!
Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch
Hey! We miss you guys! That last photo of you is SO cute, Tanner!!!
OH MY DOG!! Joey is sleeping on your bed now Dooofus? What did you do to him? Did you put something in that bone your mom gave him???
Nonetheless, miss you guys lots! Life get in the way sometimes, I haven't had a lot of blogging time either...
Love nibbles,
MIss Sunshade
Why the heck is Joey in Pink? Did we miss something?
T - Your bed is totally going to smell like vaseline and urine. Yuck.
Carpet could definitely be the issue. Our mom made the dad put down hardwood through the whole house because she couldn't breathe for like 6 months. Not sure if the steaming will help much, but hopefully it will.
i think you should give old joe a break tanner....sometimes when dogs get olderest they just forget what is ours...i am getting olderest like joey and i would like to borrow your bed some day..
Hey Tanner!!!
We missed you... welcome back! Hmm.. Joey slept in your bed? I find that a bit hard to believe.. good thing you had the photo to prove it! It's like OMdoG!!
Missed you two, strange little pal. You be respectful of Joey. He is your senior and gets to do whatever he wants. I like the sporty shirts he is wearing but maybe the steamed carpet is a good idea too. Just make sure you stay clear when it is happening or you will be flattened and steamed yourself.
Sorry Tanner, Joe's snaggle tooth is THE BEST!
Hmm... I need to check out these carrot bones.
We missed ya little buddy( Archie was checking your blog every 15 seconds... his paw is a little tired..) Love A+A
In that photo you do not loo like you are so much starverating. There, we said it.
Our beds have that old man smell, too. Why do the olds always get their way?
Sheps w/Pep
Hi Joey,
That's not fair that you had to do all the begging like that. Joey should be very grateful to you for doing that work. Of course, he's all itchy, so I guess it's nice you can help your big brother like that. I hope his itchies stop soon.
Oh Tanner... Of COURSE we missed you! Gotta love that first picture - looks like you could get your own talk show!
Brutus & Carmen
Gee Tanner...
Isn't bed stealin' a crime punishable by loss of food and affection ? Just askin'.....but I sure wouldn't want anyone stealin' mine....hope ya get ta post more....maybe yer Ps never heard of equal opportunity...
Dewey Dewster here....
Hey Tann, I don't get to post much very more either. I know how you feel...
Oh ugh nothing worse 'n old man smell on your bed!
Hey Tanners,
Those carrot bones look goods. Sorrys about the old mans smells. I get those from Pops too. I think Joeys has seen too manys of those "Twilights" films. Which sides is he on?
Good to see you Tanner. Hope Joey feels better about the itchies. Carrot bones sound good.
Tanner...have you been puttin' darkenin' makeup on your DOT? It looks so um dark.
So...Joey's been sleepin' in your bed? Febreze works pretty well...Scruffy gets on my lifeguard chair at times...
Oh and BTW, Victoria's Secret is carryin' Steeler lingerie...yeppers...I have a complete set...
Kisses dear dogs...
Lacie Cakes
Oh...can you stop by and take a tour of my LOVE TUNNEL? I have you boyz both pencilled in...and can you have Joey wear um not pink? Good....
Joey and Tannew
I'm stawvewating fow pictoowes and stowies about you two
I love you and miss you and could use a laugh
smoochie kisses
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