Bye Bye Brutus...
So Brutus is on his way out of here, we are just waiting for the email to tell us where to send him next. Last night he got to go somewhere that I never get to go. I think I need a flat self or something!!
Here is a hint...
Yep, that looks like his flatness at the DBACKS GAME!!
Omdog, what great seats too! I can't believe how lucky he is. He got to see the Yankees' cross town rivals the Mets.
Brutus went straight for Dad's beer! I sure hope his Mom doesn't think we are corrupting the poor flat dude.
He asked Mom to take a photo of his favorite Dback, Justin Upton. I asked why he picked him as his favorite...he said they totally look alike.
WOW, he is kind of right!
Well tomorrow we say goodbye to the flat guy, he has been loads of fun even if he went on more adventures than we EVER get to go on.
16 Stains:
Joey, we think it is time for your Mom and Dad to make some flat Joeys and flat Tanners and take them to those games too and to the pool and to all the other great places Flat Brutus went. And maybe you could even try a world tour too.
Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara
we love the thought of your flat selves... but dont believe you could ever be one dimensional... loves & licks
They are surely twinnerers!
I'm sure FB enjoyed the dry heat furry much!
He went to the baseball too??
OMD! I am not so sure he wants to leave you!
Kisses and hugs
its like the life style of the rich and famous for that flattie!
Simba and Jazzi x
Is that dude laminated? I bet he doesn't even know how to shed.
Wow how lucky that Flat Brutus is! We've never gone to a DiamondBacks game either. Let's all become flat and go to a game sometime.
Upton DOES look like Brutus. hehe.
XX-BRD and Hootie
Yes once flat Brutus is gone, you might be taken everywhere, just breath out until you are flat.
OMG, flat Brutus and Justin Upton do sorta look alike! hehehe
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
He got his own BEER!!???!? I think you need to break into the freezy box and help yourself to some beer n' bacon.
Sheps w/Pep and Otis.
Is that what it takes to go to a baseball game instead of being abandonded? Flatten out Joey.
How cool that the flat one got to go to a game!
Don't forget, we are changing our blog today. Please update your reader to follow
can this flatty make a stain tho!??!
Hope all is well!
luv ya
Lola Smiles
Huh, that Brutus went everywhere you couldn't Joey and Tanner.....sort of lucky then he's already flat . . .
Wiry love Eric xxx
Hi Joe!
OMD you guys showed Brutus such a fun time. And since he got to go to a baseball game, it must be your turn next time??!!
Lissen up, you guys, forget this flat doggy stuff right now! Our pawrents would hang out with these flatties and find out that they don't bark, they aren't scared of storms, they don't make stains and don't pee in the house or bite peoples. They think they are cute, besides. They have no pawsonalities, but maybe our pawrents wouldn't care since they would be NO TROUBLE. So just do your cute stuff and forget the flatties or you mind find yourself out on the road!
Stella at her busted computer.
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