Tan Torkelson Gives you PRIZES!
OK its time to give away the Blue Torture Bowl to an UNlucky winner. Everyone who told me a good pukey story was entered!

I put everyone in the upside downy bowl.

I couldn't get my FACE in there to get a winner so...

First one that falls out WINS!!
The winner is!!

Pugs and Bugg!! Congrats. Send an email to josephstains at gmail dot com with your address ok?!!??

All the rest of you, I might have ate... LOLOLOL!!!!!!!!
30 Stains:
Aw Joey....
We haven't been around lately cause this time of the year is so busy......but we can see ya have been up ta yer usual busy activities....missed the barf stories.....but just wanted ta tell ya that ya need ta change yer football good-vibe sending technique....why the Steelers have all of us on the edge of our seats til the very last minute of the game lately....who would think they could pull off a win like they have the last few games.......so late ???? But at least yer sendin' the best vibes ever or they would surely be losin' these games.....keep up the good work !!!!!
Dewey Dewster here.....
Good job Tanner! That was a pretty unique method you used for your drawing!
OMD!!!!!!! We are so excitered. Even though you wouldn't be bahahaha. Mommy emailed you guys already cause she's excited to maybe not clean up pukes!!!!!!!!
SO, do woo have a heating pad, hot water bottle AND long johns on yet?
Auntie Di says it is KHOLD KHOLD KHOLD!
NO, khold is where Tehya lives (Whitehorse, YT) or the furry beaWOOtiful and handsome Eva and Brice!
Hooray for the lucky winners!
COngrats to them. Why are you eating the other pieces of paper?
Why does Joe say you're fat?? You're the same girth he is. You're not fat.
Hey, Tan!
Are you going to have another contest to get rid of your hated bowl?
No, this is so good for you, no more fast eating, no more horking, just handsome old you in your red shirt and red bowl.
Good job Torkelson....good job
Haha! Well done bud!
I went and gave some $$ to the shelter where you took your little bud so they will take extra good care of him!
wally t.
Perfect method! That's how they should choose the Oscar winners too.
Congrats Bugs & Pugs!
We like the way Tanner picks a name!
Congratulations to Sophie, Dixie and Harley! One of them will be the unlucky recipient! hehehe
We like the way you picked the winner, Tanner! Great job!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
Dood, dat was a wicked kewl way to draw names!
::springs in my feet::
::springs in my feet::
I is Jake!
Peeeeeeee sssssssssssss: Did da paper taste gud?
Way to go, Tan Torkelson! That is as good a way to pick a winner (ha ha ha!) as any!
hay hay tannererer!! waaaasssssuuuppp?!?!? ok anok. boy am i glad i doan needz wun ov thoz kinda bowlz!! i doan pukez. i onlee peez...wich i am accuzeded of rite now but it iz a set up. i dint pee on momz pillo lik sunnee sayeded i did. wen i kin haf a turn at this puterer i wil tel mi sid ov this storee. ok anok.
i godda go fur now. dood. i likz paperz tu eetz tu!!
ok anok
hi 5s twinnerer
What a unique way to pick the winner. Congratulations!
Congratulations to the UNlucky winners! Ha!
Kisses and hugs
You don't even know cold, dude.
What a great contest. Not sure about the prize. Just catching up-- love your nice scrap book and all the other good stuff. And thanks for your bee-you-ti-full card!!
Hi Joey,
I can see that you are staying warm in that striking red sweater!
Congrats to the winners!
Alright, Tan & JOey!
I'm catching up with your last 4 posts, so here are my reactions!
First off, give that sweet mama of yours a couple thousand juicy goober smooches from me & Stella for doing the best she could for that little dude who came to your door while doing right by her boys!
Second, if anyone even THINKS about sending poop her way, give me their name. I'll take care of it... goober style.
Next, that Aunt Patty is one scrapbook-rockin' BABERONI! You are some lucky pups! (You think maybe I could hire her to do my PR?)
Now, of course all of us in G-Stan were ooo-ing and awww-ing over Tan Torkelson's snugglefest with Dad. He looked like a little red, white, and black log.
Congrats on getting rid of one of those torture bowls. Maybe the other one will get lost... or something.
Goober love & smooches to your mama,
Well done to the worthy winners!
Cassidy x
Congrats to Pugs & Buggs! We just saw your dad's jacket from a couple of posts back. The one from the Ashtabula Animal Protective League. Every dog or cat that our mom's family has came from there. Yep, she was born and raised in Ashtabula, Ohio! She couldn't wait to get out and now she likes to go back there...not permanently...just to visit!
Poppy, Penny & Patches
I eat crazy fast but I don't 'SPLODE after. I used to when I was on kibbles, but not any more! Thank goodness. I'd hate a bowl that made me stop eating like a beast!
Tan! Nice work picking a winner! You are so cute!
Love Clover xo
Oh the lucky things, I think.
Simba x
cool beans!
You're funny! Congrats to the "winner".
Cool contest, Tanner! congrats to the lucky winners!
Play bows,
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