whatssssssssuppp we are BACK!!!!!!!
We are back, we JUST got home from Gram and Gramps and Mom and Dad are unpacking, washing, loving on us and uploading pics. All I have to say about Amsterdam is this...

WTF????????????????????????????? No dogs allowed in the bar but a C.A.T. can be in there AND SIT ON MY DAD!!!!!!!!!
GRRRRR I am never letting them go to Amsterdam again!!!! We will be back reading blogs soon and posting some more photos.
38 Stains:
WTF is right. Glad you are back. Our boy was sad there was no tanner tuesday. We kind of were also but hope you had fun at the grandparents and hope your mom and dad had lots of fun.
That is just sooooo freakin' WRONG -
Pfffft - they probably pawmit skhwirrels too!
I hope woo boys stayed warm with your grandparents - Auntie Di was khomplaining about it being 'khold' in Phoenix!
PeeEssWoo: I bet woo missed YOUR MOM! I would NEVER sit in your dad's lap AGAIN!
that is completely unacceptable. i hope you make a really big stain just for that.
w00f's Joey and Tanner, oooo nooo, ur dad has a cat on his lap...whatsssssssuppp wiff that...
b safe,
Joey! Thank Dog you are back. You should never ever talk to your dad again. Or at least until dinner time.
Joey and Tanner I missed you soooooo much!!!!
I can't believe it..I aways heawd that Amstewdam was a vewy cool place, but NO Dogs????WFT indeed..unheawd of pwejudice..
we should dogcot them and nevew let ouw pawents go
love and smoochie kisses
G'day Joey & Tanner
We're back too. We've been away for ages but at least we didn't come back to that!!! whats with the cat maties?????
Noah Willow Tess Lucy xx
We can't believe your dad actually let that kitty sit on his lap! He should know better!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
Welcome back!
Ouchhh! I feel your pain, man!
Yeah, put Amsterdam out off the travel map!
Welcome back Joey and Tanner. We miss you guys. Did you put on weight since your gram and gramp must be giving you countless treats and loving when you are there?
Looks like people in Amsterdam seems to be really mean to dogs. I will make sure my hooman dun go there too.
Oh...My...dOG...I'm just barkless!
I'm glad you are home...I missed you pups!!!!
Lots of Licks, Ruby
Wow, what a traitor your dad is to let that cat on his lap! Did he not think you would find out?!!! That city is sooo backwards!
Hugs, Kodak
Yay! Joey and Tanner and Rhonda and Tom are BACK! Poor Joey & Tanner--it must have been a real shock to see that CAT on your Dad! Scary place, Amsterdam! ;-) So glad to see you back! ~Darcy
hooray, hooray. Did your mom and dad manage to stay warm in Amsterdam? And are you sure that thing on your dad's lap is not a dutch do?
We need to invade this Amster-damn place!!!! That is so NOT RIGHT. That's like a dogs rights violation. Call the U.N.!
wally t.
ps. We missed you.
Hi, Joey and Tanner!
Whaaaatt?? something is wrong there in Amsterdam!
Glad your mom and dad are back and you all are at home now!
Kisses and hugs
I hope that evil kat did not give your dad any ideas about adopting an evil kitty !
So glad you're back -- we missed you!
Mica doesn't know what the big fuss is about with the cat bar. Apparently there are far worse things that your Daddy could have found in his lap in Amsterdam...
Your pal,
Your Dad must have been in some sort of Amsterdam stupor to let that cat sit on his lap in public. Boy, that week went fast.
all i can say is you better put a stop to that cat nonsense fast or the next thing you know there will be cats ruling the world...i am so serious...and i should know...we have two here...and one is a big beast
WOW, Amsterdam!
I'll bet you had an amazing trip!
Hope you post lots of pictures... hopefully no more cat pictures.
Hi, Joey & Tanner...
I'm sooo glad you are back...I can't wait to hear all about your Mom & Dad's trip & your visit with your Grandma & Grandpa...
I can't believe that cat thing...Totally unacceptable...I wonder what else you are gonna find on that camera...
Abby xxxooo
Good to see you back. Did your dad go to Amsterdam to meet cats?! Outrageous.
We think that is because the BAR has MICE or maybe even somethings BIGGER ... right? So that cat was an employee, lol. The other night, Man-Dad saw one of the alley cats on Las Olas (they hang out behind all the restaurant kitchens) walking down the alley dragging a great big huge RAT.
What the hell!!!!
Boy n Baby
I'm surprised your mom and dad even let you see that picture. How shameful!! People do the strangest things in Amsterdam...that's why they are illegal here (hee hee!)
T-man's mom, CC-man and T-man Angel
I can't believe it!!!
Maybe a naughty stain is in order!
That is totally speciesist! You should get a lawyer.
We are taking the weekend off cuz our little girl is here and we are still helping gramma, but Mom let us come here to welcome back your parents!! She says you are lucky they came back at all because in Amsterdam, for some strange reason, folks are real mellow and forget things ;)
The cat thing is just WRONG-no matter if they are mellow or not-GEEZ....I see retaliation by STAIN coming....
Hey good to see you. The cat bar is sort of cool, what's wrong with a cat in the lap? Wags, Eric x
I HEAR YOU! Amen, Joey!!
WTF??????????????????????? That is so not right...No one should EVER go there again.. This calls for SERIOUS retribution( call us if you need any ideas...) LoveA+A
What's wrong with a cat in a lap in a bar in Amsterdam?
(s) the cats of JFF --
Crystal, Cotton, Cyndi, Percy, Cameron & Rusty
That's just wrong...a cat...on his lap...
Oh Joey....what are ya going to do??? Did he at least shower before he picked ya up??? Ur not allergic are ya???
Are there dogs there???????
LOL- too funny! Please check out mine, maybe be a follower too???? doxidoggybloggy.blogspot.com
Don't forget to sign my guestbook so I know you came by!
Joey - I think that vacation was a bad idea. Your dad let a cat sit on him? Gross. Hope he didn't get any cooties.
WHAT!?!?! I hope you had a serious discussion about that with yoru dad!!!!
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