Stain Award...
The dogs have spoken...I present to you the most recent recipient of the coveted Stain Award...

Tanner Doofus Stains...

MUAAAHHHHH Joey THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
THANK ALL YOU DOGGIES WHO VOTED FOR ME!!!! For those of you who don't think YOU can make a Stain.... YES YOU CAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
(Note from Mom- I am way behind on reading blogs, but plan on staying up really late Friday to prepare myself for our trip to Amsterdam early Saturday morning. I will be around to visit blogs that night!)
36 Stains:
Congrats Tanner. You deserve it.
Congrats to the Doofus! A mighty stain.
wally t.
ps. Thanks for recognizing my destiny to live in the White House and make stains in the Oval Office.
So happy for you Tanner!
You are the king so stains! Shhh, don't tell Joey.
Wishing your mom & dad a Bon Voyage!
Hi, Joey & Tanner...
Well deserved...
Yes We Can...& Yes We Did...
Abby xxxooo
Good job, buddy! I knew you could do it. I hope I can make a stain as good as you so I can get an award too....Lillie
From what Auntie Di told my mom, woo will SOOOOO need your snuggli sakhk tonight!
She talked to Mom and an hour ago and she was LIKE FREEZIN!!
Hmmm - I wonder if The Duhks wants to redo the song and make it The Mighty Stain?
Congratulations Tanner!
Well deserved!
Kisses and hugs
Congratulations Tanner!! You really deserve that award!!
Way to go Tanner!
That's cool that your mom is going to Hamsterdamn, but how come Tanner gets in trouble for using HBO words, but when Girl-girl swears they name a city after it?
Yeah congrates to Tanner.... We wanna learn to make a stain too
~ Girl girl & Bae
Congrats Tanner! That's some stain!
Were you blocked from voting too? The stupid squirrels blocked everypup from voting for the Sibertarian party and Turbo and Khyra were robbed of the win!! What is this country coming to, when the dogs and cats of the world are blocked from voting from the stupid, snackable, squirrels!
woofs joey and tanner, yeaaa u did it..congrats on the stain award...pawsome job...
b safe,
Congratulations Tanner. I hope your parents enjoy their trip. Tell them they will need warm coats.
Simba x
Congratulations, Tanner! Joey looks thrilled about receiving your kiss!
Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch
Congrats Tanner :-)
Congratulations Tanner. While we normally would extend our best wishes for future success, we think you should stop while you are ahead.
The pups really have spoken!
Congrats Tan-Man!!!
Lots of Licks, Ruby
Frame it, Tanner!
Congrats on your award Tanner. That barfing episode is probably right up there with the best 5.
Tell Mom to enjoy the trip. Grammie liked Amsterdam when they went. They went when the tulips were in bloom. Now she is lucky if she leaves the house.
congratulations! much deserved! you both should be proud :)
Congrats, Tanner! Good stains!
Brown dog kisses,
The king doofus AND a stain award? This must be your time to shine.
You da man
Hai Tanner! Want to come over and play wif me?? We can stain everything when we is done!
::springs in my feet::
::springs in my feet::
I is Jake!
Tanner you earned it! Arrow says to tell you Congratulations.
Tanner..I knew you could!!!
Although Joey doesn't weally look gwateful fow that kiss.
I hope youw pawents have a gweat twip..say hi to Amstewdam fow us,..we love it..(Daddi's family is fwom Hoown)
smoochie kisses
Yeah! GOooooo TAnnner!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Congrats Tanner. Well deserved! PS: I hope your mom and dad have a great trip. Mom love the Netherlands.. they speak sooo funny! She loves it!
Hey Tanner and Joey Stains!!! Our servant has been totally useless, but she HAS been writing the book which has a dog named Joe which made one stain!!! (And because the human in the book is a typical human, another dog got blamed for it!!!)
Anyway we miss you guys something fierce, and tell your Ma not to waste time at our blog cuz there's nothing there.
big miss ya wags from the whippets
Congratulations Tanner!!! We're so proud of you!!! Tell your mom no worries about being behind. She's been busy cleaning up stains! hehe We're going to get behind pretty soon too because my human cousins are coming to visit.
Great job Tanner! I knew you could do it!!!
Congrats to you! I'd love to make a stain someday but I will have to face the harsh consequences after that. My hoomans are just no big fans of stains...
Butt wiggles,
Solid Gold Dancer
Go Tanner, pawsome. We can. I did!This week!Wagging...
Hope your 2 leggededs have a fabbie time in Holland.Mmmmm yum... Edam cheese.
Wiry wags, Eric x
Hi, Joey & Tanner...
Please tell your Mom & Dad that me & my Mom hope they have a wonderful time on their trip...
You two behave while they are gone...
Abby xxxooo
Abby xxxooo
Hey Joe and Tanner, Please tell your Mom and Dad we wish them a very happy vacation across the sea! We also hope you guys have a good time with your Grandad and Grandma
Kisses from Stella (and her Mom)
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