SO you guys saw all that mess I made with my MUDDY feet right?! WELL, Joey said he still does not know that I deserve that STAIN award!! WTF?!?!?!?
SO I have to submit this for considernation!

REMEMBER this is my Little House where I go to jail everyday when Mom and Dad go to that work. SEE that bed in there???? SEe that blanket in there...
NOW look...

See that bed in there??? See that blanket?? THEY ARE DIFFERENT! Because... I TOTALLY BARFED ALL OVER THAT OLD BED!!!!!!!!!! LOLOLOL annnd the bLANKET!!!! I didn't get oNE drop on my picture of my Wife tho!
SO now I have a new bed, and it is a CAT bed?!?! WTFFFFF??!?!??!?!

SO vote in the comments, do I deserve that Stain Award or WHAT?!
35 Stains:
Tanner, I think you've earned it.
We vote for YES, You truly deserve a stain award! And that is two votes cos there are two of us.
Boy n Baby
Teka says YES
Gussie says NO
it is a wash in Tennessee
gussie n teka
I demand a rekhount on that blanket Joey!
Tanner, you EARNED that award fair & square! But a cat bed??? WTF indeed!
We think you totally earned two of those stain awards Tanner! You really did it up good! You got our vote!
Ozzie & Rocky
Hmmm, there doesn't seem to be any picture evidence of the barfy stain. So I'm gonna have to vote no, dude. Sorry.
If paw prints count for the Stain Award, though, you should totally get it for them.
Brown dog kisses,
Tanner, you've earned it man!
Hi, Tanner!
Of course you deserve it!
Do you need we sign a petition??
Kisses and hugs
I vote yes!
(And it sure looks like Obama is making it.. We won't take anything for granted until all the votes are counted, though..)
Of course you do :-)
(laughs at teeny tiny crate and bed...)
From the Akitas!
You suwe do desewve the Stain awawd..the whole bed?????that is pawsome..how do you know it's a cat bed?
is thewe catnip hidden in the cownews?
smoochie kisses
Tanner totally rocks that award ... i think he should be pawsident too!
i vote YES! vote vote vote!
wet wet licks
We agree with Joey - mud doesn't count. But you clearly win a stain award with barf! Way to go.
Comet and BLU
Yes Tanner!! I think barf is an excellent stain. A bit of urine on top would be even better...maybe next time!
I vote for you for the Stain Award!
T-man Angel
A cat bed?! Oy. You need to talk to your parents. And I'll see if I can convince Joey to go easy on you with that award.
You totally deserve it!
We vote yes!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
Hi, Tanner...
I Vote Yes!!! My Mom told me it feels good to vote & it does...
Anyway...I think you have earned two Stain Awards...One for messing up the big bed & one for totally making your Mom get you a new bed & blanket for your Little House...
Abby xxxooo
Absolutely Tanner!! You have definitely earned your award!
Tanner, I reckon you totally deserve the award .. in fact I think you should get multiple awards for compensation! Compensation for what huh? Sleeping on a C-A-T bed of course! How embarrassment! BOL :-)
Our boy says you so deserve that award
Its a 100% YES from us over here. You have our support!
So a cat bed??? Can you even fit in that? Oh and YES, you have my VOTE!!!
Lots of Licks, Ruby
A cat bed!!! What is the world coming too!?
Simba x
Crate puking is the best way to get your folks' attention. So, for your valient effort I vote YES!
And cats are just alien dogs, right? So technically it's a dog bed, right? And if you sleep on that alien cat dog bed then you're still a manly beast, RIGHT??
You have definately earned a stains award!!!! I also think your Mom should be nominated for Mom of the Year for having to clean up after both messes - especially the one in your jail!
Is there any doubt? The stain award has your name all over it, Tanner!
My vote is YES! You deserve an award for all those stains!!
Did you take a picture of the stain? There must be evidence.
Mwah ha ha Yoo gots a kitty bed!!!
Tanner we think you got it!!! Vomit and mudd what else to they want from you????
Sloppy Licks,
Of COURSE you should get the stain award. Why not? You def. have our vote.
Love ya. Lillie V
Yep, the award is yours. With extra points for not puking over the wifey.
Ooo I 've got a stain I did this week...I'll save it it till your 2 leggeeds come back! Wags, Eric x
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