Twinner and Awards
WHATTTTTTTTSSSSSSSSSSUUUUPPPPPPPPPPPP???? My twinner and I went on some adventuring and maaaaybe there are some PICS of us that MAAAAAAYYYYYYYYBBBEE show us doing stuff that might maybe get us in trouble. SO SMART Scooter said, lets hide the magic thing that takes the pictures from the camera tooo the computer!!
GREAT IDEA!! SO, I flew over there and took it from the place he was hiding it from his Mom...

Then I flewed alll the way back to the desert where I live and I BURIED IT! I put it by this bush thing so if I DO need to come back and get it, I will TOTALLY find it!

UMM In other NEWS I am kind of getting like sickest of this snuggling with JOEY stuff cuz like, well, HE FARTS. BUT I know that we needs to do it for those STEELERS because we LOVE them!!
FINALLLLY I'd like to announce something SUPER excitering!!

THE DOOFUS AWARD! I am going to give this out to the doggy that does something that is SO TOTALLY COOL!! I know that Joey calls me that Doofus Face but I think being a DOOFUS is FUNNEREST and I know lots of other doggies make people laugh from doing DOOFUS things. I already have a winner for the FIRST one ever, but I will post that next week.
I am tirederest!
39 Stains:
Haroo, haroo, Tanner, you are so funnnnny!!
-da boys, Cosmos & Juneau-
Sometimes my mom calls me G. Goofy McGoofersons, Esq. and says the G stands for Goofus. Are goofuses like doofuses? They sound like they might be cousins or something.
Pee-S. My mom asked me how Boston terriers could be Yankees fans, and I told her by that logic I'd have to be a Blue Jays fan, since Labrador is in Canada. That shut her up! I hope we can still be friends even though we root for different teams.
Yet MORE proof that living in Arizona makes all khreatures weird!
I'm glad Joey stays inside most of the time!!
Woah, Tanner, what an adventure. Sure hope it doesn't blow up in your face...
Maybe you and Joe could find another ritual to do to help the Steelers. The season has a long way to go, yet!
Brown dog kisses,
Umm...well, with all that flyin, there is no doubt you would be tirederest.
I don't think there is anyone as funny as you Tanner! ;0
Now that is an award. Can't wait to see who gets it.
Hey can you give the award to yourself, 'cause I reckon that flyin is pretty cool :-)
Oh my, you live in the desert you say? Well that's very interesting!
The Doofus Award! Now that's what I call a cool award!
the Doofus Award...what a great idea!!! I can't wait to see who wins!!!
Lots of Licks, Ruby
Hi Tanner,
You are so funny!! I hope you and Scooter don't get into any trouble for doing that!
Can't wait to see who gets that award!
Wow! Doofus Award! How can I be qualified for it?
That look like a pawsome award Tanner. Good job hiding that thing under the bush
~ Girl girl
I totally look forward to finding out who gets the first Doofus Award!
i sooooooo wanna give that DOOFUS AWARD to Dopes! he soooooooo deserve it coz he's sooooooooooo doof!
wet wet licks
I wonder who the winner of the first award will be and I have to wait a whole week to find out. That is a month in dog years!
Simba x
tanner, i deserved the doofus award!!!
wet wet licks
We can't wait to see who wins the Doofus award! You're too funny, Tanner!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
We would like to elect Boo for the award!
Here we go Steelers, HERE WE GO!
We LOVE the Steelers!
Oh great, this award thing is just going to encourage my Doofus brother Oscar.
wally t.
Hi Tanner!
I really love your costume, and enjoyed reading your secrets yesterday! I hope one day I win the Doofus award.
Hi Joey! Thanks for offering to mail some poop to my teacher and GS classmate. I appreciate that!
Love Clover xo
BOL! You sure provide entertainment, Tanner!
You and Scooter are double trouble, Tanner, and I can't wait to see what's going to happen next!
I hope I win your doofus face award sometime. I'll try real hard to make one.
So ya buried the computer cord? Or ya hid it if I did that I would ferget where it was and it would never been seen again....hope yer memory is better than mine....
Tanner....that is one cool award....think we're all caught up now on yer happenings....a week in the country got us all behind....
Oh, there's a bye week this week so ya don't have ta cuddle this weekend fer the Steelers.....
Dewey Dewster here....
So you're making sacrifices for the Steelers too ay Tanner. You boys are devoted fans for sure!
Gee, Tanner, one of the special names my folks call me is Doofus. When Mom took me to the vet a few weeks ago for my annual check-up, she told the vet that was my name and he thought that was so funny he put his head down on the examination table he was laughing so hard.
But the question is: what do I do to earn that name? First off, I think it's the way I walk -- my back legs always bend out a bit, as though I just got off a horse. Then it's the way my muzzle trembles when I, ahem, do my business. And the way I fake out my brother when we go for walks together and sometimes try to pee on his leg . In short, it's a whole pile of doofus things. But Mom says it only makes me more lovable.
Just Harry, aka Doofus
Doofus Award? How Doofusly-pawsome that is!!!! I think I'm gonna do something sooo doofusie tomorrow to get that award. Hee!
Butt wiggles,
Solid Gold Dancer
You are going to be in soooooooo much trouble when you can't find that camera thingy again.
What a great award. Everyone should want to be a doofus. At least they are happy.
It is sad that you must put up with Joe farting just so the Steelers can win.
Yeah, but Tan-man - the snuggling is WORKING for the Steelers. Of course, since our dad is a Browns fan... hmmm... yeah, forget about snuggling with Joe! Ha rooooo!
Play bows,
OMD - A Doofus award. I just know one of my sissies is eligible for it!
I toot too...right in mom's face when she's asleep!
I'm a little concerned about these Joey farts. Are you sure it's him and not you?
ooohh Tanner, don't all those bush things look the same.. are you sure you will find it again???
Mum wants to know how you can get sick of snuggling Joey, she just can't concieve that could be possible, even taking the farting into consideration!
My Mum calls my Dad doofus face a lot, he never seems that upset about it so being a doofus must be a good thing!
love and tailwags,
Ben xxx
Doofus face is a classic look that others can only attempt to achieve. I am glad you are encouraging these feats of facial contortion.
You make me roll over with laughs! I hope you've got a good sniffer so you can find that camera if you never needs it!
Tail Wags,
Hi, Tanner!
I don't want to know what is your mom going to say when she looks for that thing of the camera!
The Doofus Award is pawesome!
I can't wait to see the first awarded!
Kisses and hugs
Hey Tanner
Good hiding place-- for a Doofus!! I have a suggestion about someone who could get that award. His name starts with A and ends with W. Hint. Hint.
So that's what your twin was talking about on his blog! I was wondering what was going on with you two!
I can't believe how faw behind I am..that is the coolest awawd you made, and no wondew you'we tiwed aftew being notty, and flying all ovew the place and then digging in the desewt..Fwankly allthose bushes look the same to me..awe you suwe you can find it again?
smoochie kisses
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