Joe Stains
This is the blog of an angry old boston terrier. (and his little brother Tanner who gets to post every Tuesday)
Sunday, October 05, 2008
Joe Stains
This is the blog of an angry old boston terrier. (and his little brother Tanner who gets to post every Tuesday)
About Me
- Name: Joe Stains
- Location: Tempe, Arizona, United States
I am a boston terrier. This is my photo blog. If you want to peemail me I can be reached at josephstains @

Previous Posts
- Solutions to Problems
- Halloween is for FLYING
- Gee, what a surprise...
- Joey Doesn't KNOW AT ALL!
- Karma
- omdog!
- The woman is nuts....
- Happy Friday, we got some awards!
- I have a secret....
- I get by with a little help from my friends...

I won the Awesome Dog Blog Award for January 2007!!
- Daisy's Blog
- Bismarck
- Waylon and Willie
- Jay
- Sunshade the Super Dale!
- Jaffa
- Buster the Wire Fox Terrier
- Buster The Boston Terrier
- Toby
- Boo
- Studley Dudley
- MJ
- Gussie
- Blu and Comet
- Maggie Rose
- Loui
- Maddie
- The Army of Four
- Wally
- Simba
- Cubby
- Butchy and Snickers
- Opy
- Charlie
- Zach
- Herbie
- Kingsley
- Dory
- Murphey
- Mackie
- Tin Tin
- Hershey
- My Dogs Have Fleas Blog
- Holly
- Bogart
- Isabella
- Joey and Jack
- Fei
- Dachsies Rule
- Scuba
- Huskee Boy
- Maggie the Airedale
- boy and baby
- T-man
- Boston Love
- Lillie
- Boomer
- Chiyo
- Ike
- Rocky
- Saidie
- The Dogs of Jackman Ave
- Luckie
- Sophie
- Tadpole
- Fig
- Peanut
- Jackson
- Bentley and Niko
- Akira and Shiro
- Lenny
- Clover
- Cosmos & Juneau
- Ozzie and Rocky
- Mollie
- Deefor
- Lorenza
- Ruby Bleu
- Ralph
- Charlie Daniels
- Get lots of cool pet info at PetStrong

I am a member of the Rockin Guy Bloggers!

Link to me! (brody the bulldog made me this awesome button!!!)

36 Stains:
Oh Joe poor you.
Oh, Tan-Man doesn't look too happy about it either, this time...!
But I am amazed by your sacrificial offerings, Joseph Stains.
Hi, Joey!
I hope the snuggling sacrifice works!
Kisses and hugs
The things we do for our sports teams!
I think your Sophie and I might be long-lost twins.
Oh, Joe, we hope your sacrifice pays off!
Brown dog kisses,
Was it the thought of a donut that made woo love that last pikh of me?
Good lukhk with the snuggling with Doofus!!
PeeEssWoo: I was so busy watching the Phillies win I didn't have to watch The Iggles lose ;-(
Hi Joe,
I hope the snuggling works! I know you wouldn't want to do that for nothing....
Love Clover xo
P.S. Tanner - Please come visit me (with candy) before Hallowe'en!! Do you think you could bring me a Candy apple?! Can't wait to see you!!
My goodness, you must be pretty brave my friend! I hope the snuggles work...
Thank you for stopping by my blog. I'm going to have to add you to my fur friends list so I always remember to check yours, it's a great blog, VERY entertaining!
Snuggling for the Steelers, very kind fan of you to do so! I'm from MN, and this year I'm pretending I don't know who the Vikings are!
Tail Wags,
Sometimes there are things we just have to do! ;-)
Joe, You are a good man. That takes a lot of heart and courage. I admire you.
I hope the Steelers win. :)
~ Girl girl
Joey, you're a true fan. You'll do anything for your team, no matter how undignified. I'm sure the Steelers appreciate your efforts.
T-man Angel
Snuggling for the good cause, great action, Joe&Tanner, GO!GO!GO!
High Paws!
Hopefully this works for you and they do better than the Yankees.
Ermmm.. so did the Steelers win? I certainly hope they did after all the things you have done, JOey!
The things you do for your Steelers Joey.
Joe youw selflessness amazes me
UYou desewve all the wins
smoochie kisses
That picture is funny! Good luck to your team!
Butt wiggles,
Solid Gold Dancer
OMG, it worked again, Joey! You better get used to snuggling with Tanner!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
Joe, a little bird told me that the Steelers won!! It seems that the snuggling thing works like a dream, so like it or not I think there is more snuggling to come!!
The beans said they would love to snuggle with both of you!
Ben xxxx
The STeelers have got to win now!
That's right...if you look straight at him you might turn to stone or something.
Lots of Licks, Ruby
I feel so sorry for you Joe. It's just not fair that you have to share your ball bed.
Keep it up, whatever it takes, Joe. Your Steelers did it again!
But, oh, the sacrifices one must make for the sake of victory.
Okay. You're making me jealous. My folks are wondering where your people got that fancy bed? I bet Big Pupi would totally kick my a$$ any time I tried to snoozle on it. That means it would be a high-value sleepy spot for us!
You must be really dedicated!
PS - where are your SECRETS????
The look on your face says it all!!! You did it for the Steelers!!!
Sloppy Kisses,
All you do for your team(s), Joe! I'm impressed.
Oh dear, you may be stuck snuggling all the time Joe. I am sure the Steelers appreciate your sacrifice!
You can't argue with success!
What if Tanner gets tired of your sucky attitude and +refuses+ to snuggle with you and BREAKS THE GOOD LUCK chain, Joe? How would you like that? Tanner is only human, you know, and can just take so much!
Stella,a new girl in town
Yay go steelers what are steelers do they steel stuff?
You guys look cool!
I hope your snuggling helps the Steelers! Way to take one for the team, hee hee
Frenchie SNorts
it's working!
Yep, I know the two of ya were sayin' a special prayer on Sunday....that was a real squeaker that game ... yes siree....wasn't sure they could pull it off...thanks fer yer help...
Dewey Dewster here.....
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