Joe Stains
This is the blog of an angry old boston terrier. (and his little brother Tanner who gets to post every Tuesday)
Thursday, October 09, 2008
Joe Stains
This is the blog of an angry old boston terrier. (and his little brother Tanner who gets to post every Tuesday)
About Me
- Name: Joe Stains
- Location: Tempe, Arizona, United States
I am a boston terrier. This is my photo blog. If you want to peemail me I can be reached at josephstains @

Previous Posts
- Mom needs a vacation...
- Twinner and Awards
- Snuggling for the Steelers!
- Solutions to Problems
- Halloween is for FLYING
- Gee, what a surprise...
- Joey Doesn't KNOW AT ALL!
- Karma
- omdog!

I won the Awesome Dog Blog Award for January 2007!!
- Daisy's Blog
- Bismarck
- Waylon and Willie
- Jay
- Sunshade the Super Dale!
- Jaffa
- Buster the Wire Fox Terrier
- Buster The Boston Terrier
- Toby
- Boo
- Studley Dudley
- MJ
- Gussie
- Blu and Comet
- Maggie Rose
- Loui
- Maddie
- The Army of Four
- Wally
- Simba
- Cubby
- Butchy and Snickers
- Opy
- Charlie
- Zach
- Herbie
- Kingsley
- Dory
- Murphey
- Mackie
- Tin Tin
- Hershey
- My Dogs Have Fleas Blog
- Holly
- Bogart
- Isabella
- Joey and Jack
- Fei
- Dachsies Rule
- Scuba
- Huskee Boy
- Maggie the Airedale
- boy and baby
- T-man
- Boston Love
- Lillie
- Boomer
- Chiyo
- Ike
- Rocky
- Saidie
- The Dogs of Jackman Ave
- Luckie
- Sophie
- Tadpole
- Fig
- Peanut
- Jackson
- Bentley and Niko
- Akira and Shiro
- Lenny
- Clover
- Cosmos & Juneau
- Ozzie and Rocky
- Mollie
- Deefor
- Lorenza
- Ruby Bleu
- Ralph
- Charlie Daniels
- Get lots of cool pet info at PetStrong

I am a member of the Rockin Guy Bloggers!

Link to me! (brody the bulldog made me this awesome button!!!)

41 Stains:
Joe: Um, I'm pretty sure it doesn't involve putting liquids near the puter, so be careful.
Love the parka, leave that on, lose the icecubes.
gussie are so hot in that must need to use that coat around there alot do look handsome...that wuill sure help your mom get her work done
I think the first step is to find the bugs and eat them. Then maybe you put the computer in the freezer?
I hope you succeed! Good luck, I'm looking forward to hearing about the results!
Hi Joey,
Best of luck buddy.. I hope your plan works!
Have a great weekend...
You look like little red riding hood Joey.. Good luck in freezing those codes
~ Girl girl
LOL! You look all ready to help MY Mom with her code! It's cold at her office, she could use a coat like yours. I LOVE your coat. It looks so toasty.
Mom's ready to let me go do some coding at work and she'll stay home and guard the house. She needs a 'real' vacation and not just going to doggie events with us...
Haha, you're so cool man, you're my idol, yes, I always looking up to you. And to Huge Mango (I have to look up to him, otherwise, I'm only at his kneecap level).
I loved the red jacket and the frozen mug!
Yes, I'll do the secret next post, I will tag all doggy girls ( me, Ximui and Chubs will tag 9 girls, hehe), I can't wait to see their secrets, omd, it's heaven!
Please come to my blog to pick your Award, take one you like, it's my pleasure to pass it onto you!
way to take matters into your own hands! if you help your mom get all her work done then she can hang out with you guys again!
Hi, Joey!
I know you can do it!
Let us know the results, ok?
Kisses and hugs
Well, Joe, I don't know how to freeze code, but it looks like you have the proper equipment. I know your mom appreciates your help!
Brown dog kisses,
Ya look ready fer action fer sure there Joey....fergot ta tell ya that the herbs look super....who could figure they would grow so well indoors?
Ya have another week ta channel some super duper vibes ta the Steelers....hope they all feel better soon......or by the next game anyway.....
Dewey Dewster here....
You are so cute in that little parka. All you need are some matching muttluks and you can come live here with me.
Joey, if anyone can freeze out that code, it's you!! You're the man for the job. I'm sure you'll get it done fast so your mom can enjoy her weekend without working!
That's the cutest coat, by the way. It would have looked great on T-man.
T-man's mom, CC-man and T-man Angel
You'we a geeenuss!
This should help youw Mom andthen she can hang out wif you and you won't be bowed anymowe
smoochie kisses
we have no ideas but good luck with it
good luck. i found out working is sooooooo stress and tired i never wanna work anymore.
wet wet licks
I'm pretty sure you have the right equipment there Joe, But I'm not sure I would know what to do with it! I'm loving your parka.. you look cool!
Good luck with your mission!
love and tailwags,
Ben xxx
Looks like you are all set. Trying putting the ice on the keyboard, I bet that will freeze things.
Simba x
You are super cool in your outfit. good luck with the task.
Molly and Taffy
Oh I so love that pic :-)
Tell her to send that code to Alaska! (Along with some other things from there that are causing problems, ahem....)
I hope your ma's work goes well so she can get back to the important stuff--you guys!
wally t.
OH, I love how Wally thinks!
WOW - woo are one tough dude to don something like THAT in the freakin' desert woo live in!!
I'm sure your magikh paws and HBO words helped thaw the khode!!!
Are they paying you in bones? Frosty Paws?'ve got the power of the black and gold on your side. I'm sure you'll be a HUGE help...
Hi, Joey...
You just crack me up...
Abby xxxooo
Joey, just take the codes and put them in the freezer and you will get them freezed. Its simple as that.:P
Hey Joe,
Let me know if that works because if it does, I can try it out on my Mom's 'puter too!
Lots of Licks, Ruby
I think you take the keys off of the keyboard and put them in the ice cube tray. Freeze for at least 24 hours.
Let me know how they taste!
Oh man, momma knows all about that frozen code crap. She says they usually make code slush a few times before they get it right. I think you are going to be a big help.
You just made my mom's day, Joe.
She's mad/cranky because I woke up her several times last night and she didn't get enough sleep but she's smiling now because of your pic. I like your parka. Where can I get one? I was so cold today!
We don't have a clue what you are suppose to do, but you look stylish doing it.
BOL! Good luck Joey...
Butt wiggles,
Solid Gold Dancer
You know, I never thought that big squishy bed was anything to be embarrassed about. But that jacket on the other paw...
Well you do look nice and toasty!
Maybe you need to put the ice cubes on the puter??? Hmmm maybe not..
You definitely know more about this stuff than we do, Joey! Good luck!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
Becareful getting liquids close to the computer. I'm sure it's helping your mom though.
I tagged you and Tanner for a game.
You are very selfless, Joseph, for I know how much you despise the cold. I hope your mom realizes that and give you lots of "thank you" treats....
I don't know what that means but you sure look cool. I think it's real bad to put ice cubes on the keyboard. Maybe beer would work.
Joe, Hai I is Jake! I like yer parka, I wish mom and dad wud get me one. It is very cold here in the mornings so when I wee outside, I shiver and shake. I has to be careful or I might get some on my paw.
Nice try!!! I think you forgot the Steeler sweater!!! But when you are done with that parka, I would love to borrow it!!!
Sloppy Kisses,
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