We are having SO MUCH FUN!
Ruby landed and a big crew of dogs showed up at our place early this morning. Even though they just ate breakfast at Gus and Teka's they were hungry for hot dogs!!

Ethel could barely wait to get her paws on some hot dogs. Dory and the whippets were all patiently waiting too. Funny that Dad has that same exasperated look as he did the other day!!
Some dogs were still pretty tired from the trip so they went in Mom and Dad's bed to relax a bit.

The dogs from Jackman Ave had a great time catching up with Wally and hanging out with Ozzie and Rocky. Rocky is on a special diet so it was best for him to be in the bedroom instead of being tempted by hot dogs!!

While those dogs ate and rested I thought it would be nice to send Marvin, Opal, Girl Girl and River to the stadium where the Super Bowl is so they can get an education on football! Don't ask how I got them in there, just remember that I am THE Joe Stains.
You might wonder where I was during all of this fun??

I was showing Sophie the tent I prepared for us. PLEASE note that there are TWO beds. Also, don't ask how I managed the ocean front view in Arizona and remember again, that I am THE Joe Stains.
Right now we are heading back to Gus's real quick to get our Mexican dinner!!!
25 Stains:
OH THANK DOG!! There is Dory I was so worried!!
We hope everyone had a great flight. Joe you and Gussie are the hosts with the mosts!!!
Thanks for give Dory a tent and showing her such a good time!
Hey Joey...you better hurry up. The nopalitos are almost ready
Wow Joe, you really know how to show a girl a good time. Better not let Ruby see, she might be jealous!
have fun!
Ruby' Mom
well I hope you are all having fun and Peanut and Flash are being good.
An ocean view......wow......you ARE the Joe Stains Love A+A
ummm joe...ummm..can you keep the pictures g rated...just in case the hooomans read this...thanks...they think I am at a fat camp...hahah..oh man...i better get lots of exerices..
Joe, thank your pawrents for giving us their bed. We ate way too much kielbasa and pierogies on Aire Ruby and our bellys need a little rest before we can eat Tanner's hot dogs tomorrow.
You are the bestest host.
Sherman, Penny & Lola
pee ess...good luck with Sophie!
I wondered where those boys were off to! You guys be sure and keep Rocky out of that hot dog stand!
Mom to to Wild N Crazy Guyz
wow! i'm sure you are super excited about the puppybowl!
wet wet licks
Those are the bestest hot dogs everest. They totally CURED Very Old Dog and made him feel like his old self again!
We love love love the warm weather down here! And it's too cool to meet Joe and Tanner and Gussie and Teka who's almost our cousin, and we went on a walk with Gussie's muzzer and now her arms reach all the way to Canada.
And Joe's human cooked us gourmay stuff and we better shut up cause this is way too long.
smiles and wags from the warm and lovin it whippets
Hi, Joe!
Minute by minute this is getting more exciting!
Did Gus say nopalitos?? I love them!
Kisses and hugs
Wow looks like total fun! We'll be tuning in the Puppy Bowl to see if Stewie made the team but if not it'll be fun anyway. Have a great time!
That party must have been super.
We want tocome along next time. I mean, just Fei.
JoeI can't believe tha I was able to eat 12 hot dogs in the aftewnoon befow the mexican dinnew..the yummy smell coming fwom that cawt was just too tempting..I hope I still fit into my Cheewleadew costoome...I loooove the accomodations!
gotta wun I'm thiwsty
smoochie kisses,Asta
I was so excited about actually being where they actually play the Super Bowl - thanks so much for getting me in there Joe - I made sure I had lots of hot dogs while I was there too!!
Hey Joe, Those twin beds are very Dick Van Dyke of you. Does that make me Mary Tyler Moore.
Save me a hot dog.
Simba xx
OMG, the thought of those hotdogs is making us both drool! We sure wish we were there! Have fun!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
Joey & Tanner
Thanks for the expawlation on football, I am so honored you got me in to see first hand what all the sitement is about.
I am having a footybally time and am so sited to meet all my new fwends.
Why are all the skinny dogs around the hot dog stand? I mean other than me.
And you are a much better host. If Sophie was visiting me I'd pull the old "oh, I guess there's only one bed" trick.
oh my, thank you so much for the American football education Joe!
If you check out my blog, I posted some pics of me waiting for Air Ruby to pick me up and fly me to Arizona!
I now know after you showing me the stadium, that the bowls I packed will not be of any use at the Super Bowl.
What an education this dog blogging has afforded me, far better than going to college any day!
Thank you for the hot dogs, thank you for the good time, and I hope you enjoyed the Scottish beer I brought with me, the bowls, I can lose. Now I am a Dog of the Footy world! love and laughing licks,
Marvin xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Dear Joe's Mom
This is Asta's Mommi...I'll be over so you and Muzzer and I can go to the spa..we'll discuss the cleanup..we should divide it, so you're not stuck with it all..I think the kids are having the time of their lives..I heard about the paint guns full of mustard and catchup that Tanner gave everyone...
How much fun can you dogs have? I hope you will post and let us know. I love your tents. The hot dog stand is to die for.
Hey Joe, does Sophie's mum know she's sharing a bedroom with you?! J x
Oh Joey, you sure are pawsome. the trip to the stadium is very educational
~ Girl girl
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