The weekend just got better!
We told you all about how great our weekend was and then yesterday the BEST thing ever happened. We went to a Boston Terrier Meetup!! OMDOG there were a TON of bostons!!

Here is a group shot of some of the bostons there, we are not the easiest to organize but Niko and Bentley's Mom did a great job. She is right next to us in the photo!

We thought we saw Marvin, or maybe that is Dory??

Tanner insisted he found Simba...

But it wasn't him after all...

That dog looks like Lorenza but can't be her because she wouldnt be seen at an event like this without a beautiful dress.

Bentley was ready to go home after just a little bit, he is sort of anti social like I usually am!

But today I was feeling pretty happy. I figured I need to get out there and let people know that I am running for VP!

I tried to discuss it with Bentley, but he said he is not into politics.

Niko didn't even stop to listen, she just wanted to play some frisbee.
Some dogs asked if they thought I was too old for this kind of position, so I had to break out some of my old moves to let them know I have not lost my touch.

I think those photos CLEARLY show that this old dog still has the spunk needed to be VP!

To answer Ike's question, no shot guns were mistakenly fired on any dogs at the park today ;)
I had SUCH a great day!!!

At the end we were dirty and tired, but we had a GREAT time!
34 Stains:
That looks like a totally awesome day guys - and good work getting some campaigning in as well Joe!
I'm sowwy I missed yestewday's blog..looks like a gweat day, and I love youw collaw..and youw food!!!
The meetup looked gweat!!! I think you did a gweat job of impwessing the votews, not that I needed any convincing..OLD???who awe they talking about? suwely not you !
You look like a teenagew in those pics.
smoochie kisses
What a pawsome day you had. You are not to old to be VP. We need some experienced doggies.
That looks like a lot of fun. I would have had a heartattack trying to meet everyone!
Joe, you are NOT too old to run for office. A pup of your stature, cunning, and longevity is never too old for anything.
Zoe and I decided to pout for the rest of the day after we read this post. We just think it's so unfair that Mom and Dad never take us to any pug or boston meet ups. Just look at all the fun you have going to them. Maybe if we pout real good and long Mom and Dad will give in and take us to some meet ups.
Love, Seadra and Zoe
Blast-o-rama! Wow! You rock, Joe Stains.
Wow! What a fun time you all had! We wish we could have been there too!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
Oh Joes, what a fun day you guys had. Yay!
Hi Joe!
Hey if the VP thing doesn't work out have you thought about becoming an Ultimate Fighter?!?! You submitted that guy in no time flat! Great moves! I'll be your ring girl!
Nubbin wags,
How cool is that! A Meetup and so many participants. Looks like you had a great time! Mom says we could not go to one of those since dad won't allow us to be neutered. He's a party pooper! Oh well, I guess we will just have to play with each other!
Have a good one dudez!
Ozzie & Rocky
Hey Joe: You are lookin REAL GOOD in those photos. Not too old at all. Looks like a fun time. Maybe there is life after football, aye?
Wooh Joey! We love your moves!
The gathering looks like so much fun and we really thought that was Simba.
Boy n Baby
WOW...look at you go! You showed that BT didn't you? So...did you get their vote?
Lots of Licks, Ruby
Good job not shooting anyone. I think I probably would have, but I'm a bastard like that.
Wow It looks like you had so much fun! And it looks like it was as byootiful a day as it was in Tucson. Mama wants to know what park it was at??
Hi, Joe!
I wish I had been there!
Tell me who says you are old for this position?? Sure he doesn't know you very well!
Glad you had a fantastic day!
Kisses and hugs
Hey, there's an eskie in some of those pics of your dog meet up! Could it be Comet????
Are you running for VP? VP of what? My friend, Stolli, is running for President of the US of A.
THat was such a FUN weekend. I felt excited just looking at all the awesome piktures!! :) How did your campaigning go??
wow.. there are really lots of Boston Terriers at the outings. We never seen many Boston Terriers around here. Being dirty is fun.
what a fun day!!! i see you had no trouble at all dealing with pups who called you old :p they don't know what they're talking about.
so what was your mom doing while you guys were having fun? :)
Dog gone! We thought we were seeing triple, quadruple, what ever comes next!!! Look at all those Bostons!
We're glad you had a fun meet up.
And thanks for saying nice things to our Servant. The manservant had a little better day today, so maybe things are going to get back to normal now.
wags from the whippets
Oh that looks like a fun event. I'm sure you got more supporters to vote for you now
~ Girl girl
I was wondering if you shot any lawyers while you are trying to get votes, but you answered that question. I think you and I are about the same age. There is something to be said for experience and you have my vote.
Oooo, you're so lucky to get to meet lots of other BTs. I think you showed them who's boss! J x
woofies Joey and Tanner, wowzers u 2 hadeded fun at dat meet up...and me finks u wood make a pawsome VP...i thot dar fur a minute u wuz a wrestler...
b safe,
Looks like you had great fun, and well done for showing everyone that us older gents still have plenty of get up and go!
Toodle pip
Harry x
holy cow....there were so many boston at the park..
i'm sure u had a blast wrestling with them...
juz make sure the humans brings home the right dog...
What a great day! I'm totally jealous...I can't go to the park anymore because I hump all the other dogs. Then they try to bite me.
Your wisdom will make you an excellent VP.
Hey Joe - what a great idea to have a campaign rally, right there with all the other BTs. I think you are super-qualified to be VP. But the pundits are asking - is this just a warm-up to a presidential run in a few years? :)
Your friend, Lenny
That looks like it was so fun and you and Tanner look totally CUTE in that last picture!
Hey Joey, I heard about your little meet up and snuck out to join you, but you totally snubbed me. What's the deal?
Wow what a day! DO you have the moves or what!!! And dont even THINK about being old for the office.. I mean look at who has been in there in the past>>>Geesh you are NOWHERE near that Love A+A
That looks like a great doggie park Joey! Wish I could have been there. Lately I've morphed into a pit bull (metaphorically speaking of course-- some of my best friends are pit bulls) and I haven't been off the leash much. Maybe we'll go soon.
I would LOVE to go to a Boston meet up like that (seeing that I am so fond of Boston Terriers... especially the girly ones).
You were tearing up the dogpark, in a good way, buddy. I'm sure you'll get the Boston contingent to BARK the vote!
Goober love,
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