I am going to pass out I am so tired!
Well today was crazy, the Grand Canyon, happy hour at Furio, the tour at Falcon Field and then wrapping up the night at the big dance.

Simba secured the patio for us, in case we needed to leave some pee mail while we had our pawtinis. Boo, Lorenza and Snowball were all out front waiting for the rest of the dogs to show up. Everydog was enjoying the AZ sunshine.
Some dogs heard that we have Casinos here in Arizona and that these Casinos have buffets. Well, I knew of one between the bar and the airport so we stopped by. Mom said I was supposed to keep certain terriers away from excessive food and gambling, but uhhh, I got that email tooo late, SORRY!

Sophie, Wally, Scruffy, Lacie and Stan all went to the casino with me. Sophie has been a dream this weekend, even when I MAY have farted in our room. dangit, I didn't have Tanner there to blame it on.
Finally we ended up at Falcon Field where we decided to have a dance similar to this one they are having there next month.

I don't know if all of you dogs are aware, but Sophie is a VERY talented dancer. I have been watching dancing DVDs for a week preparing for this night. I think I did pretty well, I was actually a little nervous!!

Tomorrow is the big game! I had to call the local warehouse store and ask them to get another load of hot dogs ready, we have already gone through about 50 lbs and we were totally out!!!!

Don't worry though, I have Mom making burgers so we will not starve!!!!!!!!!!!!!
26 Stains:
Hey Joe, I didn't realise you were such a great mover. Looks like you certainly swept Sophie off her feet! J x
I an see why you say Sophie is a great dancer. I mean, look at that move! You both make a great team! Woah, that burger meat made me droooooooooooooooool...
Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer
Whoa! You and Sophie look so sexy together, Joey!
OMG, that food looks soooooooooo good!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
oh joe you should show us a video of you two dancing. maybe jibjab.com can help you! you should go there and they can help you show a video its so fun!
Joey, man, I got up early because I am still running on Massachusetts time. I think I might have accidentally eaten all the hotdogs. Urp.
BRAVO!! You and Sophie are DWB's own dancing with the stars!
Thanks for making super bowl weekend such a fun one!
Dory and Liza
Joe, It's amazing how tall you are when dancing. Almost makes me forgive the farting.
You really know how to throw a pawty. You will probably sleep for a week in that wonderful sleeping bag.
did u win big money during poker game at the casino?
Joe your mom is a saint to put up with all those doggies. I hope Peanut is not trying to help himself to the stuff in the fridge.
Peanut's mom
No wondew you'we so tiwed..what an amazing dancew you awe!! Sophie moves like a dweam!!
I think I'm going to splode..I've eaten so much..but that buwgew is too delish to wesist..pass the ketchup pleez
smoochie kisses,Asta
Wow Joey, I didn't know you could dance fancy like that! Mmmmm...that hamburger looks SO yummy.
Oh MY what a PAWTY weekend ....
Looks like everyone is having a wnderful time ....
You and Sophie dancing ...can't wait to catch you guys on Dancin' with the Stars....
And that hamburger looked delic...
Were you rally farting while you were dancing with Sophie -???
Good grief Joe, you are so tall!
You look so handome with Sophie...very hot move.
I gotta give a shout out to the bestest hostess ever, J & T's MOM!!
Thanks for all your hospitality, ma'am. The food has been wonderful. I think that is the bestest cheezeburger I have ever eaten!
How can we ever pay you back?
Wowser!!! What a cool-looking dude you are. We're such bumpkins by comparison.
And Sophis is a real looker!!!
Jake and Just Harry
Hey Joey- You are such a smoothe operator. Maybe you should call up ABC and see if they can do a doggie version of dancing with the stars....I bet with your fan base you'd win!
Are the whippets OK?? Are the whippets OK?? Are the whippets OK?? Are the whippets OK?? Are the whippets OK?? Are the whippets OK??
(Sorry I am having a hard time with SEPARATION ANXIETY all alone in western Kentucky WITHOUT MY DOGS OH LORDY HELP ME HELF MOI GARRRGGGG aeeeee aaaarr bluv bls buh buh buh)
Patience I can not cope without my dogs please send them home!
Oh sigh and sigh. Please pay no heed to our [embarrassing] Servant. She should not be allowed out of her little room when we are gone. She totally needs us to function.
We're having such a good time and it is so warm and there's so much yummy food!
Lindy Loo was KICKIN' IT with Jake of Florida on the dance floor, and Sam I Am was just thrilled to get one dance with Asta. That was all Stan would allow, but it made Sammy's whole weekend!
And the best news is the the Very Old Dogs are feeling totally rejuvenated, just soaking up the sun and the Spa treatments!
The Servant will be ok, and we'll be home by April or May.
happy wags from the whippets
What a blast!
Hi Joe
Just heard about the Super Bowl pawty. I'm in the air right now. I'll change direction and head back to your Super Bowl pawty for a quick drink and chat .. I'll leave the dancing to you, mate. I'm on my way to Gaucho's surprise Barkday pawty in Spain. Just as well I managed to lay my paws on a spare fighter jet.
Love from Hammer
mj hasnt made it home yet...what could have happened to her
joey, i need more burgers!
i'm just too tired chasing simba round. lol
wet wet licks
UUUURRRRP....'scuse me, guys...just too much good food...any more Heinz ketchup, Joe????
This has been the most amazing weekend...like the best!
You and Soph on that dancefloor....amazing, Man!
Hope we did ok with the cleanup...I only counted 1 trashbag...maybe we missed a few things....
Scruffy et al!
Hi, Joe!
Thanks for this wonderful weekend! We are having the best time! You and Sophie were great! I loved to look you two dancing!
I am going to having trouble with my vet since I've been devouring all the yummy food!
Kisses and hugs
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