Tanner is a race car driver!
WHATSSSSSSSSSUUUUUUUPPPPPPPP!!!!!!!!!!! Today is Tuesday and today I was watching that TV but NOT HBO because Mom said it makes me know bad words. SO I was watching this thing called BARE ETT JACKSON! NOt like Jackson the WFT but this thing that is an auction of CARS.

I was pretty into this one show because DAD likes cars and so does Mom.

I looked at this book about a porch, we have one of those in front of OUR house but it does NOT look likes this.

Dad likes this cars called a CHARGER.

CHARGER but different than the one who is a football team in San Dee Aygo.

I like this MUSTANG who is called a girl named SHELBY.
So I was watching this show and it said LIVE FROM SCOTTSDALE ARIZONA. Wait one minute, I LIVE IN SCOTTSDALE ARIZONA!! SO When Mom was not looking I decided to go check this car auctioning off!!

The bus comes RIGHT by my house, so I just got on there and pretended like I was with those guys.

Well this Auctioning stuff is GREAT!?! ITs a whole lots and lots of people YELLING?! SO I yelled and I said WHATSUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUPPPPPPPPPPPP and then suddenly they point to me and said OK WINNER!?!
I winned a car! They said something about sending me a bill or needing some Money or something, I just said, WTF WHATSSSSSSSSSUUUUUUUUPPPPPPPP cuz everyone else was always yelling!?

So I got this CAR and now WHO wants to teach me to drive so I can get home?!!!!
38 Stains:
woofies Joey and Tanner, heehee Tanner gess u will haff to call Joey to come help u drive it home...hope u gots the # on speed dial...
b safe,
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Tanner: It looks like an automatic so you just point it in the right direction and give it some gas.
I'm thinkin you like, put this one in D and point it in the direction you wanna go. Then you like, give it lots of gas so it goes SSZZZOOM and ...that's it. Please like buzz my house on your way Home, OK?
Joey: I'm sorry, she got online without me again!
Flash can drive. I'll send him down there. Good job on wining the car
Ohhh! I'll teach you!!!
That is the most pawsome car we have ever seen Tanner! You need to drive on down to Texas so we can go cruisin' Dude!:)
Ozzie & Rocky
oh my gosh doofus...you need me to sit beside you...everyone needs a hot babe at his side....i dont think it is very hard to learn to drive...my mom can do it....
I think because you live in arizona you don't have to know how to drive, becuz our mom always says noone knows how to drive here and its kind of dangerous to be on the roads, so if we were you I would stay on the sidewalks where it is safe and maybe walk behind your new car on a leash.
Woah, Tanner. Now you can drive to visit Lily, who is your wife.
I'll ride shotgun!
Hi, Tanner
That is a great car!
I wonder if you have savings to pay it!
Kisses and hugs
Tanner, I've been driving the Whippet Wagon forever and it's easy but not as fast as me. Your new car looks like it might be faster... woh!(Also be careful where you drive it because there could be trouble.)
Sam I Am whippet
Woh Tanner, looks like you got a pawsome new car. But I'm not sure your mom will like the bill that comes with it
hee hee
~ Girl girl
We think you make a great auctioneer!!
Tanner i'm thinking maaaaaaaaaaaaaaybe this time you don't want to go home. because i'm thinking maaaaaaaaaaybe there will be a huge bill sitting on the counter top and a very angry mom sitting on the porch steps.
Way to go Tanner!! Now you can drive us to parties :) You can borrow CC-man's drivers license if you need one. He never uses it!
OMD Tanner...what an adventure. That is a way cool care...you will totally et all the girls too!
Lots of Licks, Ruby
tanner, you are so adventurous. if you ask, i would go with you. lol
wet wet licks
Tannew you gots a caw????
It looks amazing.. youw wife is going to love it..I'm suwe you'll figoowe it out, how hawd can it be ..I've heawd Mommi say idiots dwive and you'we not one so .....have fun!
smoochie kisses
pee ess.
can I have a wide if you come by New Yowk on youw way home??
Oh Tanner, you won a car? Congratulations! What car is that?
Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer
I have seen that car auction show. They have some pretty cool cars. I hope you took your piggy bank to pay for that one you bought. Tell your Dad that a Charger is a great car.
That is a cool car. I don't think I'd go home just yet. You might find the bill got there before you.
Simba xx
What a nice car, Tanner! Get in and close the door and turn on the radio REAL LOUD and somehow once you turn the key, the car has a mind all it's own!
We'd love to go for a spin with you!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
Tanner - you better get outta there ASAP before the bill arrives. Just step on the gas and don't look back!
Wiley & Fievel
Congratulations on winning the auction. I dun think you remember to give them the correct addy to send the bill to so you should just leave the place with the car as soon as possible. Auto car seems like easy to drive just follow Teka's instruction.
Drive safely!
Can you look up "drive" in your big dictionary? Maybe that will help.
If not, tell Joey about how to win cars. He knows how to think good and he knows how to yell, too, so he can win a car and help you learn to drive.
Tanner, do your paws reach the pedals? It's a nice ride! Congratulations on winning it!
Your friend, Lenny
Too bad I had to leave so soon, Tanner. I could have shown you how to drive that car! It looks like a keeper. Just sign Joe's name to the contract and you will be A-OK to take it home with you.
my mom saw this and thought of you Joey, not that you have a job... but interesting article.
Oh boi Tanner... I wouldn't want to be in your paws when your mom and dad get the bill! hahahahah
You might want to check with the Army of Four, I think one of them knows how to drive.
Tanner! OMD, you got a car!! Cool! I bet it is pretty easy to drive...Did you try it out? You look really cute waiting for the bus...
Love Clover xo
Tanner! What kind of car is it? Do you need a booster seat to see over the steering wheel?
Goob love,
Hey Tanner -
Way to go and win a car! That was quite an adventure. We think you and Hana
need to go for rides together. Can we ride with you? Her car looks like a one seater.
Comet and BLU
ooooooh those pics of you were so so so so so funny Tanner!
I loved the one of you at the auction!
Not sure about driving, Jeannie just presses some pedals and wriggles a stick about in the middle of the car and we seem to move forward....
love and licks, Marvin xxxxx
Tanner.... We've been busy and missed your posts this week. This is AWESOME!! You winned a car!!! After you learn to drive it can you come to Michigan and give Zoe and I a ride?
Love, Seadra and Zoe
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