Its election year!
I have been asked to run as Vice President with Tadpole Pomegranate! I know there are other dogs running for President, but I like to think that if one dog wins we will all be president together, that way we can take turns and still have lots of free time!
I haven't written my acceptance speech but I have been very busy getting some ads out there for us.

Billboards are a great way to make sure lots of people get to see you!!

Times Square is FILLED with people, Mom wanted to know why Tad's picture is so small in this when in this next one...

I AM HUGE! I swear its not an ego thing. I would hate for folks to get too close of a look at Tad because he IS Chinese and they may disqualify him from running!!! See, I am ALWAYS thinking!!!!
31 Stains:
Go for it, after all Boston Terriers are fully American.
woofies Joey n Tanner.... VOTE JOEY N TAD fur dogpresident!!!! u gots my vote...
b safe,
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You guys have our vote. Mom says she will write you guys in on her ballot.
Yay - vote 1 for Joey and Tad!!!
You never tske your eye off the ball do you Joey. You can count on my vote.
Simba xx
We need to visit Tad and read up on his presidential run! Where have we been? Sorry, Joey! We're off to Tad's blog!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
Pomegranate and Stains has a pawsome ring to it! You'd get my vote. J x
They won't think he is Chinese. "They" will think he is Paris Hilton. Either way you two have our vote.
Hi Joe!
Wow, you have GIANT HEAD!!! That must mean you're smart so I'll vote for you!
Nubbin wags,
I think you need to hurry to qualify for a couple of primaries before you start spending money on billboards in Times Square. However, I do think your logic is excellent, in terms of the strong American image. How much more American than Boston can you get, after all?
ps.....don't ask the folks in Vir ginee a that question, OK?
You & Tadpole better win b/c I would make an excellent first lady! I'm very Jackie-O.
Whoa. I'm supposed to be coordinating Ernest's East Coast campaign and I'm way behind you guys. All I've done is sent a lot of pee-mails.
You have our vote - our mom says you have her vote too...
We'll vote for you, Joe! We gave you and the Doofus an award, too, btw!
The Wriggles
Wow...I think I saw a poster of you 2 on the highway this morning...great work getting the word out there. Mom and I have been working on something too...we'll post it soon!!!
Joe & Tad in '08 --- woot!!!
Lots of Licks, Ruby
Joey, you look very presidential in that last poster. I would vote for you if I could. CC-man is registered, so he'll have to cast a vote for me!!
Youw thinking just shows in what good paws the countwy would be in with this mawvelous son as Mommi is bettew I'm going to times squawe to check out youw postews..Yuo look gweat and if we vote fow all of you, then like you siad you get time to wegwoup and wenew youw bwain cells..sowwy I'm late in answewing..Mommi is still out of it
smoochie kisses
We'll vote for you - as long as you promise not to give Doofus a cabinet position.
Comet and BLU
oh joe..those are some very nice posters you have up...or billboards...i am so impressed....ummm have you thought about who you are taking to the inaugural you need a back up....hmmmmmm
We never realized how vice-presidential you looked 'Stains. We think you guyz might stand a pretty good chance!
Ozzie & Rocky
Hey I'd vote for you guys! What better place to campaign than in Times Square with all those humans running around???
EXCELLENT strategic point, my future VP - I am impressed with your logic. And I like your idea on Global Warming too... see, I knew I picked you for a reason!
Hi, Joe!
Those billboards are great! Can you imagine how many votes you two will get??
Awesome work. Keep going!
Kisses and hugs
Go Stains and Pomegranate!
We live in Canada but...
Casper and Nikki are Miniature AMERICAN Eskimo Dogs so I'm sure we would get to vote!
i would love to volunteer in ur campaign as well...
if u won the election, will there be more dogggie parks, doggie public transport, doggie restaurant... etc etc...??
If you win, you won't start shooting people by accident, right? Don't go all Cheney on us, man.
You are very intelligent!!!
You have our vote! Love A+A
We'll vote for you guys. We need a doggie party.
Pomegranate and Stains! A winning combination! You got my vote from my sick bed.
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