Sunday updates...
Thanks for all the great advice on how to deal with these tracking devices we got. I keep trying to see if I can pick up some radio stations on mine, but so far no luck. Thank GOODNESS the Yankees won last night so I didn't have to have the WORST day ever.

I was so nervous before the game I was actually TOUCHING Tanner, can you even believe it??

Mom made us wear these Howloween shirts, I think I look pretty buff and tough in mine. Tanner just looks like a fat pumpkin.

Ooops, sorry Tanner. I mean you look very handsome. or something. CRAP. I am so worried about being bad now that I have this stupid chip in me I keep expecting to get a JOLT if am mean to Tanner. Or the dog police might show up and take away my treats. oh man, I hope these things eventually come out in our poop like when Tanner swallowed ear plugs.
Ah well, tonight is another Yankees game. I am going to go meditate while Tanner and Scooter do that mind meld insanity.
27 Stains:
SO so cute.
Well. Here's what I have to tell ya. (It's gross.)
I'm not so sure you want to be pooping out those chips. They tell us like look like a piece of rice. The last time Fergi pooped out what looked like pieces of rice they were tapeworms. (Turns out the girl was eating fleas in Florida.) It was nasty.
Just be good. Be nice to Tanner. Root for your team. And everything will be okay.
oh man....maybe they should at least gi e you some dip with those chips...or maybe tanner is the dip and you are the chip...i dont guys look good in your costumes though...tanners is making me hungry for pumpkin pie..
HI, Joey!
I was so nervous yesterday night watching the game. When Phillies scored those 3 runs I said... "Oh-oh..." But then Ta-Da!
I hope they do the same today again!
If you poop out those chips, it would be expensive poop!
Kisses and hugs
Archie put some head phones on to his transitor radio and he thought he heard Tanner saying WTF???? on the radio...Be very very carefull..Love A+A
hello joey its dennis the vizsla dog hay oh no yoo dont hav to wurry abowt gitting a jolt from beeing meen to tanner that is only if yoo ar meen to a hyooman!!! wel unless the inishyativ has chaynjd there chip deezine after the fiasko with spike i meen ha ha ok bye
Don't worry that doggie police don't really look at those chips that much.
Sally Ann
I've bitten most of my toenails off during the games, for as long as I could watch. Mom doesn't let me stay up for the really late ones. You guys are lucky being in another time zone. Go Yankees!
(Mom's a Cubs fan first and foremost, but since they are not in it...AGAIN...!)
Joe, You look cute. I mean TOUGH. Totally TOUGH. But Tanner does look like a fat pumpkin. Maybe you could bake him in a pie?
Pie would make me feel better about the Phillies losing.
wally t.
Tanner ass looks HUGE in that outfit. Maybe orange is not his color. You do look buff, but I think you better switch back to your Yankees jersey.
I hope you got the cooties off after you actually touched the doofus.
You are both looking quite buff. Now go give those Yankees a talking to.
Benny & Lily
Hey Joey,
What was Tanner looking at in that pic of him? And you do look buff in your shirt.
Joey, you look so handsome in your costume and you are right, Tanner looks a bit plump. But aren't pumpkins supposed to be round and fat?
Play bows, the OP Pack
Joe - we just LOVE that shirt! Much more distinguished than being a pumpkin! Oh, and don't worry - I have a chip too! Go Yankees!!
Brutus the Frenchie
You look really cool in that skeleton shirt. And Tanner looks good as a pumpkin. i am so upset about the Philles! Gotta go cross my paws for the rest of this sad looking game.
Joey...they only pick up NPR stations becvause they are part of a plot to control the minds of american doggies.
Was it Tanner?
Was it Lacie?
Ooh, Tanner looks very scary in that pic. Don't worry Joey, I have a tracking device and it's not a problem. "The Man" leaves me alone.
Hey there Staunch Fans of the Yankee team!
Congratulations of your win and good luck for tonight!
"Dip with your chip". Woo, MJ had a good one there!!!
hayhay joee. u duz dissapointerserz mee. u duz sez "insane" mindmelding whut mom sez meenz iz crazee. ok anok. jus wun qweshshun. IZ IT WURKIN???? thas whut i fotteded. hmmphh. ok anok i sez thoz yankee dudez iz gonna askesez mee an twinnerer tu be in that perade thay will haf. aaannnndd that if u duz stopz makin funz uf us wee mite letz u cum az owr gest... mabee. that derikz jeterz wil bee giffin us shirtez an hatesez an all kinna stuffz. prolly a sereez ringz tu! that mayer dude of noo yawk cidee will prolly gif us sumfing ferree spechal toooz.
ok anok. i duz godda restez upz acuz u haf no ideeeaa how ferree hard this iz fur us. an i will try to asplain how it duz wurk on that bloggee afterz that sereez iz ofer. ok anok. wunc agin i sez tannerer an mee iz sooo much smarterer then all of u finks!(u doan efien noz how wee iz twinnererz...sheeeesh)ok anok i needz rest an treetz.
hi 5s an waaassssuupppp to mi twinnerer. ok anok i hopez we iz notz sappin all owr kintetix energeez tannerer. rest up. lader!
You both look spooktacular!!!!
Wags and Licks,
Mollie Jo & Bobo
I don't have those chips but you know what I think is creepy? The guys who do have them think everything is JUST FINE. Not one thing wrong with them. And when you get yours, I bet you say the same thing, everything is very copasetic. Thats why I am never gonna get chips, except the eating kind!
hey Tanner be careful in that orangey pumpkin outfit. Somebloggie might cut holes in you and stick a candle where the sun don't shine haaaa!!!!
Wiry wags n kisses Eric xxx
Joey! Holy doodles, what a job this is trying to keep all you American pups calm. Even though you are #1, I've had to do all kinds of BSing with Wally to calm him down about me meditating for the Yankees. So just ignore anything you see in those tweets that looks like maybe I am a Phillies fan, okay?
We hope your Yankees hurry up and win so we don't have to see baseball on our tv anymore!
Your shirts were so much cooler than our fairie skirts and wings!
Hey Joey, Sunny here. Scooter is nearly comatose. We are going to have to call in the shaman for the twins. Scooter's aura kept fading and fading. these3 nites have just sapped them.
So I will get hold of the shaman so chi's can be realined and possibly iv's of electrolites, and the "secret ingredient" that Scooter tells me will revive the power of the mind meld.
The Shaman will of course be by to see Tanner. So if you see a strange looking dude messing with him, don't run him off.
Thank dog they have tomorrow night off.
Scooter barely got it out, but he wanted me to tell you and to tell twinnerer to look for the shaman dude. He says it's the only way. Godda go do some incense burning and reviving while waiting on the shaman.
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