OMDOG Those Yankees and stuff

We got that bath and then those Yankees lost, BUT what really happened is My Twinnerer and I just sort of lost all our ZEN TWIN POWERS. But we will be restored and tomorrow I have a feeling we will combine for a YANKEE VICTORY!!!

Joey has been walking around with this crazy thing on, its some kind of Yankees Medal. I was like WTF Buds???

THEN he showed me it is his most favoritest Yankee EVER which is Don Mattingly who played like a billion years before Joey was even born but WHATEVER.
My humans are going to NEVERLAND and wont be back until next week OMDOG. I don't know what they are doing there because that Michael Jackson guy died and um the only other NeverLands I have heard of is where Peter Pan lives and that seems kind of like a dumb place to go on a vacashun.
Mom said in the Neverlands there are wind mills and tulips and museyums and lots of great architecture. I dunno WTF she is talking about but we are going to Gram and Gramps so we will be talking to you guys for the last time TOMORROW for like eleventy billion days.
29 Stains:
May the better team win in SEVEN!
Mom is drooling...
and babbling
She khan still see your mom's pikhs from the honeymoon -
I hope they have FUN!
I bet woo and Doofus will have a pawesome time too!
PeeEssWoo:Mom says those Yankees were from the time of her other Phillies!
Hi, Joey!
I am sure your Mom and Dad are going to have a pawesome trip!
And you and Tanner too at your Grandparents!
I hope that is the lucky medal!
Kisses ad hugs
Our mom and dad used to live just south of the Netherlands! They went there all the time and think it's really pretty. Our great sisters would go with them and translate for them - from Dutch into Siberian. Pretty cool.
Play bows,
What a marvelous trip for your parents to be able to take!!!! Tell them we hope they have a marvelous time. Now the Yankees just HAVE to do it tomorrow or we will have to wait forever to hear Joey's reaction.
Woos, the OP Pack
Neverland, huh? Right in the middle of the world series? What are they thinking?
chocolate! Yum.
Have a great time with your grand hoomans, and tell your mom and dad to enjoy Neverland.
Wow forgot about him! You keep walking around with that good luck medal on and we will be all set for a win!
Benny & Lily
my mom loved neverlands...they makes the best fries ever in amsterdamn just outside grand central much fun...lots of interesting museums and stuff in amsterdamms...i hope they bring you home lots of cheese....neverlands has very much cheeses...
OM Dawgs... WTF is so great about netherlands? whatever joe. best part about the grand-units is they'll probablly spoil you with all sorts of treats... wooo hoo!
Oh Tannew I'm concewned it sounds like a cwazy place specially if you can't go thewe,
oh , Mommi just told me you must mean the one place whewe my one of my Gwammpas was fwom..
oh that's diffewent.
Tha is a most wondewful place
I hope youw pawents have fun, but I'm suwe going to miss you, and well if they leave, who will celebwate the yankee victowy wif you and joey???
This is all so upsetting.I hope you and youw twinnew get youw powews back..I can't stan any mowe shocks
smoochie kisses
Oh Tannew I'm concewned it sounds like a cwazy place specially if you can't go thewe,
oh , Mommi just told me you must mean the one place whewe my one of my Gwammpas was fwom..
oh that's diffewent.
Tha is a most wondewful place
I hope youw pawents have fun, but I'm suwe going to miss you, and well if they leave, who will celebwate the yankee victowy wif you and joey???
This is all so upsetting.I hope you and youw twinnew get youw powews back..I can't stan any mowe shocks
smoochie kisses
We hope you and Tanner have a nice vacation with your grandparents. You can wangle extra treats out of them, right?
Tell your mom and dad to have a great time in Neverlands!
Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch
I think today is their lucky day Joey!
Your mom and dad go to so many interesting places. Maybe they'll bring you a back a tulip-shaped milkbone?
Neverlands!!! It's a very cool place. Mom once worked for Neverlanders and they were very cool too!!
We dont know what to say about tonight and tomorrow night (GAME SEVEN) -- worse, with baseball season over until next April, we don't know how we'll be spending our time every evening!!!
Have a great time, hoomans!! And a fun time, terriers! (Eleventy billion years will go by in a flash, we bet!!)
Wirey woofs,
Jake and Just Harry
hay hay tannerer. that shaman will cum too see u agin tonites. ok anok. he iz gonna bringz sum more of that sage stuff too bernz arownd yer howse. we dided wurk sooo harderest owr chi's wuz owta plac. oh yeh, he sed sum mor lectrolytes wif that speshal ingreedeent fur bof of us.
ok anok uh, telz yer mom an daddee no mor bafs!! He did let ur mom an daddee no to gif u lotsa meets, right? an lotsa rests tu tannerer. i fink wif a day of restin an whut that shaman helpeses us wif will halp tu git bak into that zone. ok anok. thoz yankee dudz r gonna win that seereez! i jus wunner how u kin sneeks awaz frum ur grandma to bee in that bigerest parad! ok anok twinnerer. watch for that shaman (i fink he iz ferree nice), gitz restes and git sum red meets. ok anok
hi 5s
pee ess like owr shaman seded, doan efen thinkz at all til we duz meld tomorow.
We will miss you!!!
Also, you looked like you enjoyed the bath more than Joe. ;P
Tanner...make sure your Mom and Dad bring you a windmill back...or some of those funny little shoes!
Lots of Licks, Ruby
wooo! I hope your pawrents have a super time and don't forget to bring you some gifts!
Oh Tanner, Give Joey lots of kisses from me.
woah man we are gonna miss you while you are with the oldies - kinda was hoping tanner would join me in the biggest loser challenge but guess that's out with all the treats you are gonna get, tell your momma and dad to have a fab time, relax and indulge! and ive got all paws crossed (im in a tangle) for a yankes win!!!
We hope your parents have a great trip.
We hope the Yankees lose but its not looking so great for the Phillies right now.
Joey that is one cool medal you have on, it must be bringing the Yankees extra good luck.
Lots of Licks--
Oak and Swish
You should have demanded to go on vacay with your 'rents, Tanner. I hope they have a good time. Hopefully Joey will be nice to you while they are gone. Love, Martha
pssst sunny here joey.(I'm whispering so I don't disturb the mindmeld) Scooter's aura is stronger than ever. do NOT disturb Tanner until the series is ours! My only trouble is the sage cleansing is making me sneeze!
Here we go dude! Not much longer now....
hayhayhayhayhayhayTWINNERER.We dideded it,we diddeded it. ok anok!!! Thank goodness fur that shaman. so hows we gunno git u tu that parade in noo yawk????
ok anok-godda go. mom sez that derekz jeterz wantz tu tawks tu mee on that fone tu set up efereefing!!! i tolded joee an am gladerest ur daddee won't be sad no more!!!
good jobz tannererer!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
WE WON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
smoochie Yankee kisses
OMdoG.. how are we gonna survive the eleventy billion days without any Joey and Tanner updates??!
Hope they have a great vacation and you guys have a chill time over at your grandparents' place! (Grandparents are the best cos they spoil you rotten!!)
Congrats on those Yankees Joey! We know you are probably busy celebrating!
You look very dignified in your medal.
The neverland place sounds like tons of fun to my mom person, but I don't get it either.
Neverland! If you bark at them (and it's not too late - darn Moma for being such a slacker!) tell them to eat BREAD. Really good bread with marzipan right down the middle. And to bring you some! Lots.
And say hi to Van Go. He was a cool dude.
Jake and Fergi
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