Joe Stains

This is the blog of an angry old boston terrier. (and his little brother Tanner who gets to post every Tuesday)

Monday, September 14, 2009


So tomorrow is Tanner's birthday and they still have not found Joey. I sent him a text that he got a present in the mail and he can't have it until he gets serious and finds his brother.

He texts me back this photo...

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and says "ME TANZAR YOU MOM." That is it. argh.

So I don't know if Tanner will be back in time for his birthday tomorrow but he PROMISES he will do a Tanner Tuesday update.

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I gotta say this picture of them finding Joey's Steelers blankie made me pretty sad, I sure hope they find our Joey.

28 Stains:

Blogger MJ's doghouse said...

hey joeys mom...i dont imagine joey is in any danger...i am sure he is in the lap of luxury somewhere

8:05 PM  
Blogger Lorenza said...

Happy Birthday Tanner!
I am a little bit early because I don't have access to blogs until night at home and I don't want to be late!
I am sure you are going to have a pawesome celebration!
I hope you find Joey in time for the party!
Kisses and hugs

8:12 PM  
Blogger Lacey said...

We hope Tanner has a great birthday tomorrow. Maybe if you tell Joey that there will be cake (or cheese??) he'll return.

8:33 PM  
Blogger Emily and Ike said...

Have you checked the brothels?

8:44 PM  
Blogger Asta said...

Joeys Mom
Pleez don't wowwy
We have the best twackews looking fow youw joey and I just know he will be found safe and sound..and when he is, we awe going to have a gweat big biwfday celebwation fow tannew wight thewe in the wilds of Afwika
You'we welcome to come too
smoochie kisses

8:46 PM  
Blogger Oakley and Swisher said...

Happy early birthday tomorrow Tanner. You aren't going to come back from SouthAfrika to party with your mom and dad? (not a fart party tho) I'm sure you'll have many presents waiting for you.

Lots of Licks--
oak and swish

9:03 PM  
Blogger The Oceanside Animals said...

hello joey and tanners mama its dennis the vizsla dog hay do yoo need me to hop in the doghowse of justiss and go to afrika and help them find joey??? i can do it reely i can!!! oh shoor the doghowse of justiss may okayzhunaly malfunkshun and strand me amungst dinosawrs in the joorasic or on weerd stuffie plannits or in the distant fyootcher ware the wurld is roold by walmart but normaly it is eleventy hunnerd persent reliabul!!! ok bye

9:33 PM  
Blogger Morgan in Pittsburgh said...

Hey, Tanner's mom...So, do we have to wait till Tanner "straightens up and flies right" to wish him a happy birthday? Or can we do it now? If, or when, he is allowed to know we said "Happy Birthday Tanner" would you tell him please?
Morgan and Maisie

11:45 PM  
Blogger Maxmom said...

Dear Joey
This is just a note to say a big THANK YOU for being part of this amazing South AFrican adventure. It has been really extraordinary and wonderful fun to work with all you guys. I hope you have enjoyed the experience as much as I have. Thank you too for allowing me to be part of your venture and for showcasing my beloved country. I look forward to the final episode/s.
With much appreciation

and from MAX:
lots of licks

12:58 AM  
Blogger Duke said...

Happy birthday, Tanner! We're hoping they find Joey today so you can all celebrate your special day together in Africa!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

2:24 AM  
Blogger Dexter said...

Joey and Tanner Mom,
We will find the little guy. I mean, how many places could he be hiding in South Africa, right?


3:08 AM  
Blogger The Airechicks said...

Let the PAWTY start - Joey has been located....

Happy Birthday Tanner - enjoy your day maybe Mom will hide your birthday gifts in the trash can so you can do some dumpser driving ....

Joey - relax enjoy Tanner's birthday treats...


4:46 AM  
Blogger Patience-please said...

Ohhhhh we do not like to think of Joey out there without his Stellers blanket. We do not like it one bit.
Maybe he is sneaking home to wish his favorite ever Doofus a happiest birthday in person.

scared wags from the whippets

5:49 AM  
Blogger Rosie said...

Oh No - I hope a giraffe did not eat him and he is stuck in its neck!!

6:36 AM  
Blogger wally said...

Has anyone looked in Canada? Sophie's blog has been mighty quiet.. I'm just sayin'. Plus I'm guessing the weather up there is more to his liking.

Also, Tanner, I hope you have a great burpday filled with snacks & toys you can share with your brother.

wally t.

7:11 AM  
Blogger pam said...

They found him, they found him!!! According to Mango he is safe.

Whew and just in time to get home for Tanner's birthday.

Happy Birthday Tanner

Bobo and Meja

7:19 AM  
Blogger NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

Happy Almost Birfday Doofus!

I'm sure it will all work out in the end!


8:08 AM  
Blogger Martha said...

On Tanner - we do so hope you have a great birthday but we know it wont be complete without Joey.
We are worried sick about him. Oh lets hope he turns up with a birthday surprise for you,
Martha & Bailey xxxx

9:55 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Happy Birthday Tanzar!

I'd be "lion" if I said I wasn't glad to see Joey again, he sure "aped" out on us. A Steelers bar in the wilds of South Africa - what a "croc!" At least with all those babes around in "zebras" and zee panties, he wasn't tempted to "cheetah" on Sophie!

Okay - enough already! Happy 5th little Doofus!

Your pal and fellow adventurer,


11:51 AM  
Blogger Mia said...

I'm sure Joey is fine!!! He probably found himself a hotel somewhere and doesn't want to share his luxuries =)

We hope Tanner has a wonderful birthday!!! I'm sending lots fo pug hugs and kisses for his special day!!!


12:25 PM  
Blogger Deefor said...

I hope he just was too hot for that Steelers thing. I am so worried about him. We'll keep out paws crossed. I know Joe is a tough doggie who can take care of himself. Tell Tanzer to pitch in if he wants his pressies.

1:27 PM  
Blogger Eric said...

Phew Joey is saved! Can I yap Happy Barkday now then Tanzar? Have a blast. And can you let me know how you grew thosed new long leggeds?
Wiry wags n kisses Eric xxx

2:33 PM  
Blogger The Army of Four said...

This is getting really scary!

3:53 PM  
Blogger Suzy (∆••) said...

Sure hopes Joey gets home in times and safely.

Happys Barkday, Tanner. Be sure to take Joey's share to teach him a lessons if he doesn't make it home in times.


Suzy ∆••

4:28 PM  
Blogger Two French Bulldogs said...

keep looking Joey..gotta find that Tanner before his birthday. But then again...more cake for you
Benny & Lily

5:54 PM  
Blogger Scruffy, Lacie and Stanley's Place said...

Dear Auntie Joey's mom...

Laciegirlie here...Joey's problemo...I just don't know how were gonna get all this stuff back home!!!

We mailed a card and a package a couple of days ago for Tanner Yalooser...Oh...and I ate most of his cake over at Asta's...I adore lemon cream frosting with raspberry filling....oh yummers...

sorry...I'll have to bake another one...maybe from some of the extra pears we have in our back yardie....

Love ya lots better go to Mango's blog...I really think Joeys' been located.... Lacie barks, cake spewes from her big mouth in a most disgusting fashion...oh...sorry...

Love ya lots...Lacie

7:01 PM  
Blogger Noah the Airedale said...

Phew I was starting to get really worried but I read some of the other comments and Joey he seems to be fine. Thank dogness for that.
Well Tanner matie, happy birthday to ya from your buddies down under.

Noah Willow Tess Lucy

7:07 PM  
Blogger Moco said...

We are behind, so we read that joey was found. Happy Birthday to Tanner.

10:18 PM  

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