OMDOG its ME WHEELY-TANNER! Yesterday I did not get to do much of that blogging so I said since TODAY is WHEELY WEDNESDAY I can do one post, ok guys???

wooooooooooo!!!!!!!!! Don't think that I am one cheaterest, I have WHeelies!!!!!

SO COOL?!!!!
We got Tags for one wish from Maggie and Mitch then someone else tagged me for some OTHER game but MOM is OLD and crazy and CANNOT remember!?!? Can you dog tell me who tagged me for what GAME because I LOVE GAMES?! LIKE BASEBALL?!?!!!
Want to see my most favoriterest baseball player????

I cheer BIG for him mr HOT DOG GUY! His name is Nathan, he doesn't have a name on his jersey, its on his Box! SO COOL! GOOOO NATHAN!?!? I sure love baseball!!!!!
Happy WHEELY WEDNESDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!
34 Stains:
Cool board! You can skate with Seth when he comes out!
Tanner, You DO have a skateboard! Wow. What happens when it moves? Do you stay on it or jump off? Hey, do you guys use those stairs to get on the couch? Mom got me a poof to help me get on the bed. I like it.
I would totally eat a box of hot dogs!
Oh we think Nathan is cool. I bet he would be a great friend. Your wheels are great.
Haa you're such a cute wheely Tanner. :)
~ Girl girl
Nice wheels Joe - and that Nathan looks so cool - he'd be welcome at my place anytime!!
Tanner, you are one cool dude!
Oh my...E.Beth has a whole bunch of those wheely things lined up in her room! I will borrow one so I can post on Wednesday next week!
thanks fr the cool idea
Tanner, you make us giggle!
wags from the whippets
A wheely Tanner?? I thought I had seen everything with you but I guess I was wrong!
Nice to meet your friend Nathan. I suppose he has lots of friends there!
Kisses and hugs
oh man tanner...i love skater boys...say see you later boys...anyhow i also love hotdogs...that would definately prefer that to watcing the game..see ya later...
Hi Wheely Tanner,
You look cool on wheels!
You are just so darned cool with your skateboard. And that Nathan guy should have his own baseball card!
why is everyone on wheels on wednesdays? I want wheels too!
That is cheating. Do you have steps leading up to your sofa?
Simba x
I love that Nathan too !!!
OMG, a Tanner wheelie! Did you come from Ebay too? hehehehe
Mom is starting to really get jealous with all of these wheelies! She wants one too!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
Tee hee Tanner, you be so funny and cool. Me would never call you a doofuss!
Oooh, that man has nathan's like the Nathan's Maggie and Mitch sended big Harry, yum!
Cassidy x
Are you going to enter into the hot dog eating contest?
I don't think I would like the skateboard. I prefer my knees unskinned.
ps. Those Doctors sometimes send ME things--what's up with those dudes?
Use is soooo cool I love it, I hopes use post every Wednesday. Are use bringing use skateboard to the pawty? I would likes to have Pearl tries it, hee,hee.
Tanner tell use friend Helio's to joins us on Wednesday eyes woods like to meets him.
Well Tanner...I see no reason why your wheels wouldn't count too!
You friend Nathan must be really hungry if he's got a whole big box of hot dogs like that!
Lots of Licks, Ruby
Tanner, I never knew you were a skate rat! I'm gonna start calling you Tanner Hawk.
I think that Nathan's guy will be my favorite baseball player too. It certainly won't be any of the Buccos.
Oh, cool, Tanner! You're a skateboard dude! I'd love to have one of those!
Nathan's got my vote, too. Mmmmm! Yeah.
Hey, thanks for the cool link on our blog! Those treats look so tasty! I'm going to ask Mom to get us some.
Play bows,
Zim (The Cappuccino Kid)
What great eyes you have, Tanner! You can spot ladies eating hot dogs without ketchup in the crowd and focus in on Nathan, the hot dog man. I am so impressed!
You are so totally rad. Don't fall off your wheels. Do you have a helmet and all those paddings things?
We like that Nathan guy also. Baseball is the best thing on the TV.
woofies and burfs joey and tanner...dang u guys iz fast, me cant keep up with u..i likies ur skateboard too..and me angel lacylulu luvssss hot dogs...
b safe,
rocky, bear and angel lacylulu ;)
That Skateboard is PAWSOME!!!
wow, tanner, you guys always have the coolest toys! and that Nathan dude with the dogs, yeah, he's cool too. Beats the heck out of the ice cream/popsicle dude! ;)
Quite the athlete aren't you Tanner! (now you weren't just posing, were you?)
That Nathan guy looks very strong. Does he put the hot dogs down when he hits?
Hee hee - are those steps for OLD, ARTHRITIC Joseph?
I bet Nathan is a lot of people's favorite - along with another guy named BEER or something like that....
You're KILLIN' ME, Tanner. I can only imagine what you're doing to Joe.
Goober love,
Tanner, you look so cool on your skateboard.
Those hot dogs look yummy!
Nice wheels, Tanner!
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