I am BACK!
Sorry about TWO DAYS of Doofus, what a pain he is! We will have to try to see what happens when he moves around on his wheelies this weekend, I promise a video if its amusing!
Some dogs asked if those steps were for me because I am OLD. Well, Mom and Dad bought them for me but I hate them. I refuse to use them, but the Doofus likes them...

While Mom was cleaning up around her desk to put in the new computer she found this...

That is CANADIAN money! Do you know who lives in Canada?? SOPHIE!!!! I hear Canadian money is worth a lot compared to American money so I thought I would do some shopping for her.

Tanner thought for sure there must be a slot on the new computer to put the money in since Mom is always shopping online, but we will just let him keep on believing that.

SO I thought about what I should buy...I bet she might like this beautiful diamond collar...

Or one of those edible fruit arrangements, minus the grapes of course. But then I started thinking that the reason I like Sophie is because she is not flashy, very down to earth, smart, and loves her snacks. I wonder if I can get that bucket for $2?

mmmm Bullies!!!!!!!!!
I am off to do more shopping, tomorrow is Friday, HOORAY!
26 Stains:
Wow Joe! Where did you get that toonie from? Did you know that's what we call the two dollar coin? And get this... the one dollar coin is called a loonie! I know. Dumb, right?
I'm so flattered that you want to get me stuff. I love stuff! I'm torn between that edible arrangement and the pizzles. I love fruit, but I've never had one of those cow pee pee things, so maybe that's the way to go. Oh man, I don't know. Do you think if I sent you a couple more toonies, I could get it all?
What a sweet guy you are Joe...thinking about your gal, um I mean your friend Sophie!!!
She's a very lucky girl!
Lots of Licks, Ruby
wow for sure sophie would propose to you joe if you got her that big ole can of bully....yummmmmers...i think i would like that gift too...if you were wondering..;)
Woh... Internet shopping is fun. I hope you get pawsome stuff for Sophie
~ Girl girl
Joey, you are so right about Sophie! Her comment says it all, she is solid and real, and she should get a couple of pizzles. too many would make her sick, so send the rest to me.
You make a great boyfriend. Sophie is so lucky!
Boy n Baby
Aw, you be a sweet boy to Sophie, me sure she'll love whatever you buys.
Cassidy x
The collar is beautiful but I think you're right, Joey - too flashy for Sophie! The bullies are the better choice!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
Joey! I MUST have one of those tubs of goodies. Where did you get it?
Nothing says love like finding money and wanting to spend it on your sweetie!!
Oh we hope you got sophie a ton of stuff
Could you buy a plane ticket with that loonie???
I think she would love some bully boys--maybe you and me.
Good evening joey.
An expensive tiara in an online shop.
It shops happy.
However, it expends it serious.
Please enjoy shopping outside on a wonderful weekend. :)
from loved ume tyan
Joe, I'm really diggin' this softer side of you. I don't think anydog would turn down a bucket of bullies.
Baby, that's a twoonie as we call it here in Canada. The one dollar has a loon on it so it is a loonie and of course...
Why not come to Canada to spend it, we are a nation of beautiful creatures.
Try eBay. Maybe they have some used bones. My mom is always looking there.
Deefor's mom sounds like Motch. She looks on ebay for EVERYTHING. With all of that money, though, I think you can afford NEW bones!
WOWZERS, you're rich!
Play bows,
Oh my, I've been missing alot! Ooo, you should buy some bully sticks. Not sure if $2 can cover for all those bullies in the bucket.
Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer
Oh, Joe! You are sparing NO EXPENSE in shopping for your gal. I'm sure that ANYthing you pick out will be perfect, since it's from you!
Goober love & smooches,
Hey Joe!
My Uncle the Welsh is older too, so my parents bought him some steps and he refuses to use them. So, my human's family made him a ramp instead and he seems to like that much more. Also, you can buy a ramp on petedge.com...they have way cheap stuff (toys and treats too!)
Mr. T-Bone Beasley
I think the steps looks great. I am being carried up and down the bed or couch. I wonder if I will use the steps if jie jie get me one but I am not supposed to climb steps too.
Nice selection of pressie for Sophie.
Definitely get the bullies for Ms. Tuffie!! :))))
You're one in a million Joe! :)
Luv ya,
Lola Smiles
Woah, you're a good shopper!
- Charlie
Hi Joey!
I am Canadian too! This is the thing though, I don't think one toonie will buy you a whole lot... It might pay for part of your shipping though?
Love Clover xo
P.S. Tanner - I liked your Wheely Wednesday! Great wheels! :)
Wow, a bucket of penis! You really know how to treat a lady!
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