WHATSSSSSSSSSSSSSUUUUUUUUPPPPPPPPPP Everydog! Today is one day for VOTING! For Voting for one Tadpole and one Joe Stains.

MOM said you are not supposed to 'SLING MUD' at other can of dates, BUT nobody said I can't PEEEE on some other can of dates!!!

VOTE for Joe and Tad because other can of dates are covered in PEE!!!!!!!!! (this does not include other DOG can of dates, just the stinky PEEPLE ones. Get it PEEPLE!!!!!!!!!! OMFG I AM FUNNY!!!!!!!!!!!!!)
26 Stains:
Tan-Man...you ALWAYS make me laugh!!!
Lots of Licks, Ruby
You are too funner Tannerooskie!
Ozzie & Rocky
Hi Tanner
Pee on brudder!!
Mommy has been a little lazy blogging so we are just doing a short run thro!
PeePle..I get it. That was really funny! hehee.... :P
PeePle oh hahahahaha that's funny. You make us all laugh Tanner.
Oh Tanner!!! Archie is ROLLING with laughter!!!!!!!!(so much better than his crying spells) Love Agatha and Archie
oh tanner..you are one wild and crazy dog...way to go and pee on those can of dates....we arent voting in my country. But we have to watch all of the can of dates stuff here anyhow...I hope that joe and tad win lots of votes...
Good job tanner on how u destroy the rest of the can of dates!!!
hahahah YOu are so witty!
Muzzer laughed so hard she got hiccups. Dad says if we can't make them stop, she will barf soon. Way to go Tanner!!!!!
AH HA HA HA! Tanner - you are so funny! A-ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!
Love & Licks,
You are too funny. I would totally vote for you!
Haa you sure are funny Tanner. I hope Tadpole and Joey get lots of votes
~ Girl girl
You are makin' us pee ourselves laughing and the servant had to run to the bathroom with her legs crossed and she just had a swallow of her milk before she read your blog and it came out her noses!!!
Ha ha ha ha ha ah rooooooo!
wags from the whippets
What would we do without your Tanner Tuesdays??
Kisses and hugs
I voted for Joe and Tad. My mom and dad are a different story.
I forwarded a lot of pee-mails in St. Paul today for the P-S campaign. I'm trying to get the word out!
Yep you are funny. I won't be voting any stinky people.
Simba xx
YES, you are funny Tanner! And quite the snappy dresser too!
PeeS: Are you gonna miss Joe when he moves to Washington?
If I could vote, I would definitely vote for Joey! Love, Martha
Can't sling mud but your mom said nothin' about #2. That's all I'm sayin'. Then they'd be pooples.
Mom loves dates. I'm sure she'll be a little more cautious about eating them now though!
Tanner, you should be one of those political analysts on tv!!
Ha ha ha! I would totally vote for you! Mom is rolling in laughter! Glad you put a funny spin on all the series politcs!
Love, Herc
I voted!!!!!
That's a gweat job of slinging mud and peeing on the othew can of dateses(the peepel ones, hehehe..especially the stawched white mens, heheh)
love you ..you'we hilawious
smoochie kisses
heheheh I think Peeeepul are funny. I peed on my girl the first time I met her.
Hi Tanner!
Ha ha Love love that you peed on some can of dates. So does that mean you peed on Hill o'beans Clinton & Mitt Rummyknee?
Good work!
Nubbin wags,
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