stumble upon a brown pile
Mom found this new thing that she just looooves, It is called Stumble Upon It helps you find cool websites based on things you like and how you review websites! She was stumbling and found THIS:

DUDE I want this so bad!!! This is where you can buy one
I am sorry if Tanner's post confused the heck out of you dogs, but he just gets carried away sometimes. In the US football there is a team called The Cleveland Browns and they are TERRIBLE. A few years ago the Browns moved to Baltimore, and became the Baltimore Ravens. BUT Cleveland Ohio could not live without their stinkin Browns so now they have a team again. I am sure it is confusing but the rules of the Steelers fans are very easy. The Browns are the WORST team ever. The Ravens are actually the Browns so they are also the WORST team ever. Got it?
Another thing I would like to clarify is...

Tanner is FAT. I swear he has cellulite in his chest! HOW does that happen?!
31 Stains:
tanner...i think your cellulite is very beautiful....very very beautiful...
LOL @ Tanner's cellulite - are you planning on liposuctioning him with the vacuum anytime soon Joe!!
Hi Joe! The reason we can't go off leash April-August is that's the time of the year the wildlife have young. And to make sure they're safe no dogs are allowed off leash - even us.. Not that we'd go hunting any wildlife anyways! (So mom will let us off leash occationally, but not as much).
Snorts and sniffs,
Bajas, Coco & Nimbus
That PetPeek is pretty cool but you can't smell through it! I want to be able to sniff as well as see!
Love ya lots,
Tanner is just cuddley. The dog looks like he's going into space.
Simba xx
Dude, I don't get the dog in the bubble? Can that dog breathe? And how is that bubble not full of slobber?
That is so cool...and if I had a fence and a yard I would SO want one!!!
Oh and Tanner...hmmm...he might be a little chubby or maybe he's working out his pecs?
Lots of Licks, Ruby
Thanks for the clarification. I was kinda confused because in my house we only hear about "The Men in Blue! Oooooooh!" Whatever that means.
Oh my DoG! I can totally see Tanner's chest fat! Fievel has EVEN MORE chest fat if you can believe it. I'll have to try to get Mom to post a pic on our blog for you to see!
Thanks for the clarification, Joe, though I think Tanner is a better football analyst than Brent Musberger.
My mom says her favorite football player, Troy Smith, is one of the Ravens so they can't be THAT bad!
Your friend, Lenny
Wowzers, it's like a snooter bubble! Our fence is bars, not wood, so we wouldn't need one, but if we DID have a wooden fence, I'd be all over that!
How can you guys cheer for the Indians but not the Browns? Though there IS a lot of animosity around here about those Ravens ....
Play bows,
Wow! That's sooo cool! Oh tanner is juicy. Chloe has a lot of cellulite on her chest too! They both need to go for liposuction.
Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer
Ooh that is a sweet bubble thing! But mom thinks I have enough things IN the yard to bark at, without having to look out past the yard...hmm.
Well, I think Tanner is just cuddly too - don't they say something like "more to love" about "bigger" dogs?
Love Clover xo
Hey Joey! Teka has that stuff on her chest and she insists it is MUSCLE from pulling against her harness!
I think Tanner is very secure in his life space. Why else would he let you take a picture of his bumpy chest. Either that or he doesn't have a clue what you are doing!? Either way he is an OK guy and so are you Joe. I think there would be alot of barking with that bubble in the fence. That would make Pappy yell and then the sound barrier might be broken.
Hi, Joe
Sure Tanner description of the teams was confusing. Thanks for make it clear!
I have the same problem as Tanner but on my tummy! Maybe we should go to the 90210 Dr.'s!
Have a nice day
Aww Tanner just looks cozy.
Thats a pretty cool port window to the otherside
I had a cellulite chest too but walks and food control has lessened the cottage cheese look!!!
Maybe I have cellulite chest under my chest hair, don't be embarrased Tanner!
Toodle pip,
Harry x
Hey Tanner, I don't think you are fat! Bruthers like to pick on us & can be real mean.
Wow, Reilly and Tanner together must weigh almost a TON! Cause Reilly is fat, he jumps on the lady's stomach and she goes "UMPHHHH!" really loud and her face gets red. Cracks me up.
oh I guess there is just more of him to love!
woofies Joe and Tanner, me heared dat dyson iz good at laposuction...mama says me gots fat on me too, esp when she tries to pics me up...all me nos is me panthers r losin big time dis yr...and happy late birthday aunt Michelle...
b safe,
Thanks for the clarification, Joey... especially about Tanner's cellulite. I can sleep peacefully now.
Goob love,
Look at that space helmet!
~ChaChi Lu Pink Champagne
WOW..the Pet Peek! Thats great..I wonder do they come in larger sizes? I have a big ole head! Luckily I don't have a chest full of cellulite like Tanner! HA HA!
Love & Licks,
Joe I got it
Bwowns anywhewe awe BAD! Steelews GOOD!
I have no fence ow yawd fow that mattew, so it wouldn't help me, unless the neighbow wouldn't mind me peeking into his bedwoom. hehehe
The caw is KAPUT! We haven't told Koobie's pawents yet..she thinks she'll get away with it..good luck to hew.
smoochie kisses
pee ess. Tannew is softly wound,pleasantly plump, NOT FAT
That's a lot of extra meat on Tanner. Must be the wingalings! LOL!
Some much to read on your blog and so little time.... blast mommy getting sick...not fair! Yep Stumble Upon is cool and Joe isn't fat that is just his winter coat coming in....
have a wonderful day
Scrappy and Pebbles
Cellulite? Heh heh that's funny! Just dropping in to say hi
Does tanner limit meal?
from loved ume tyan
Our Servant has two bestest friends. 1. Miss Carolyn - lives in LAYtrobe and is a maniacal Stellars fan. 2. Auntie Nana Linda lives in Bawlmer and has season tickets to the Crows. Our manservant likes the Iggles, but gets too upset to watch the games on TV. It is too much for us because someone is always happy and someone else is always sad.
we just like to wage war on stupid city squirrellies.When we eat their heads off, Lindy Loo puts both forepaws strait up and Swede William yells "TOUCHDOWN" which is human translation for "Rah-ahrooooo!"
the whippet waggle
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