Joe Stains

This is the blog of an angry old boston terrier. (and his little brother Tanner who gets to post every Tuesday)

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Oh the Doofus

So as you can imagine, Mom did not fall for Tanner's tricks but you have to admit he is at least TRYING! When she went to go to work this morning he was shaking and shivering and looking REALLY pathetic. SO she tried a new tactic. She can shut off all the rooms except our small sitting room/dining room/kitchen by blocking the office entryway. She did not have a baby gate so she slid Tanner's house into the entry way and slid the garbage in front of the gap, BUT it was not enough to contain the doofus. She came home and he was in the office and had got in teh office trash. She doesn't really care about him getting trash but if he chews up a cable or cord it could be lights out for Doofus!! So she is going to get a baby gate so he can't squeeze his butt through. By the way, when Mom and Dad came home I was still in the kitchen, I did NOT go through the barricade. That, my friends, is why I am the best!

So a while back we won a caption game on Boy and Baby's blog. WELL we got a fabulous collar in the mail from them as a prize. THANK YOU Boy and Baby. The collar is VERY handsome, but I decided to give it to Tanner because of this...

His collar is FILTHY! Mom has decided light colored collars will not work for him anymore.


Oh its so fun to be the blog owner and post naked pictures of your brother!!! woo!
See, I am not always angry! I get a good laugh now and again! (I was not laughing during the World Series tonight and that is all the more I will say about that subject)

Tanner looks pretty darn cool in his new collar. Thanks again Boy and Baby!

It certainly must be comfortable! He would like for me to point out his T tag because it is VERY special to him from a special someone!

31 Stains:

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Whoo - Tanner must jingle all through the house, LOL ...

9:29 PM  
Blogger Khady Lynn said...

Mom usually just throws our collars in the washing machine. That new collar is the bomb!!!


9:36 PM  
Blogger Girl Girl Hamster said...

OH Tanner look really handsome with the new collar. :) Woh the T tag be from his wife?

~ Girl girl

10:15 PM  
Blogger MJ's doghouse said...

tanner looks stunning in his new collar...that T is as special to him and my MJ one from my bff Opy...I wish I had an online boyfriend...i may put up a personal add....

10:19 PM  
Blogger Emily and Ike said...

You're letting him have a tag that is similar to yours???!!!

10:20 PM  
Blogger Myeo said...

What a nice brother you are... The collar looks nice on Tanner.

Boy n Baby

10:57 PM  
Blogger Boo Casanova said...


mom use the playpen (link with 2 pens) to block dopey from going to the kit. he thinks kitchen is his toilet and always have accident in there.

wet wet licks


11:51 PM  
Blogger Huskee and Hershey said...

Hi Joey,
Tanner looks pretty cool & tough with his new collar!!

1:16 AM  
Blogger Duke said...

Nice collar, Tanner! Leather suits you!

Love ya lots,

2:48 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

That collar looks fantastic on Tanner!


3:03 AM  
Blogger Sophie Brador said...

Joe, You are the best one! I can't believe what a doofus the Doofus is, although pulling that whole shaking routine is pretty smart.

Back to bed. I just got up to check your blog, but it's only 6 am. Too early for a beast like me.


3:16 AM  
Blogger Harry said...

What a lot of tags. Is the T tag from a special little lady perchance?

Toodle pip,
Harry x

3:29 AM  
Blogger Lorenza said...

Hi, Joe
You are very generous with Tanner!
And I have to say that he looks pretty good with the new collar!
Now, I want to know the story about the T tag!!
Have a nice day

7:07 AM  
Blogger Amber-Mae said...

Wow! That collar is really nice... You look very macho in it Joe. I'm wearing mine too.

Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer

7:11 AM  
Blogger Clover said...

Haha , oh poor Tanner, hating his little house. Well I hope the baby gate thing works out so that he doesn't have to stay in there anymore.
The new collar looks great too!
Love Clover xo

7:19 AM  
Blogger -The Mullin Clan's Mommy- said...

That was really nice of you, Joey, to give Tanner the new collar. I bet he can't sneak up on you wif all of those tags on it.

7:31 AM  
Blogger A&S said...

our gate is an expandable baby gate from babys r us or toys r us or some such and it has these pressure things kind of like suction cups that go against the wall so a whole didn't have to be drilled in the wall. it wasn't big enuf to fit in the other open space, so they jammed a two by four in between it and the wall and the pressure holds it there.
honestly we can jump it if we really want to, but sometimes that hurts. now we've almost knocked t down when sis has come in the door after being gone 3 wks, but other than that, we don't mind it being there.

8:57 AM  
Blogger Gus said...

Tanner is lookin pretty cool. I think we have an extra gate, I will look around to make sure. e-mail me if you want it, OK.

Teka climbs over them. It is the kind that doesn't need holes.


9:10 AM  
Blogger Moco said...

I think that Tanner should be recuited by an anti-terrorist organization. He could put all his good skills to use. I bet if there were any triscuits around he would have Bin Landen sniffed out in no time. He needs a Comfort Zone plug in to help calm him down.
Ding dang those Red Soxs. Where in the world did they come up with all that energy.

10:11 AM  
Blogger Lacy said...

woofies Joe and Tanner!!!! tanner lookies sooooooo cools in his new collar..and u wuz such a good brudder lettin him have it...

b safe,

10:39 AM  
Blogger Pugsley, Buster, Cricket & Daisy said...

Wow, the new collar be soooo cool.

Four Pugz

10:45 AM  
Blogger Simba and Jazzi said...

Should we have an 18 rating for those naked pictures? Love the new collar.

Simba xx

2:05 PM  
Blogger Asta said...

That's a gweat collaw!! Tanner looks quite dappew and gwown up in that..
sowwy aboout youw game Joey..I twied to send good vibes ,but I guess I failed..sowwy
smoochie kisses

2:14 PM  
Blogger Marvin -The Hollow Hound said...

Jingle Bells, Jingle Bells, Doofus is on the way!

Oh what fun, you know when Doofus is okay!

In the trash, in the mess, his collar all dirty and brown,

But the Doofus wears a jingle collar, so we all know when he's in town.

Yay, my poetry block has been cured by pictures of the Doofus naked.....

oh my Dog, is there something wrong with me.......?????!!!!!!

love and crazy licks, Marv xxxxx

2:25 PM  
Blogger Agatha and Archie said...

Archie is commiserating with Tanner( actually he does on ALOT of things) We both think he looks pretty handsome in his collar.Love A+A( is it possible that there are 2 Doofuses in the world?Love Agatha

4:07 PM  
Blogger wally said...

XXX in Terrier Town! Sweet!


5:06 PM  
Blogger Lillie Valentine said...

Tanner: You look handsome in your new collar. I didn't like my little hous either. Remember when I went down the stairs in it? My mom uses a baby gate for me and Mr. Whiskers and we can only be in the entry way when the hoomans are gone. Mom leaves me my toys and I try to be a good girl but I am in trouble tonight.....I got into the hamburger the hoomans were going to eat. Stoopid dad left it out on the counter and you know how I love to counter surf!!

6:26 PM  
Blogger Ferndoggle said...

Sweet collar T-man! Our collars get pretty dirty too and Mom just keeps warshin' & warshin' 'em...hoping they'll look good as new.

They never do.


4:26 AM  
Blogger Peanut said...

Oh man naked pictures of tanner. Kind of scary.

10:24 AM  
Blogger Frasier said...

He must really want to get in to the office !!!
He jumps over obstacles!

1:18 PM  
Blogger Stanley said...


I've been a little busy this past week so I'm catching up now. I've missed you guys, even though you've been here the whole time.

Thanks for the encouraging words about my sissy situation. I now feel some of your pain.

The collar from boy n baby is cool. Looks like it got here just in time for the Doofus. How long has he been wearing that nasty collar?

Goober love,

10:18 PM  

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