Joe Stains

This is the blog of an angry old boston terrier. (and his little brother Tanner who gets to post every Tuesday)

Monday, March 05, 2007

early birthdays present?

So today started out pretty normal and then all of the sudden I hear Mom coming home early and I thought something cool must be happening in preparation for Joey Palooza. Sure enough I come out and see this:

Is this my birthday present? A real dog, not a doofus face mess up?!!!!!!

Unfortunately, that was not the case. The real story was Mom and Dad went to work and found out that one of the ladies there was at her boyfriend's the night before with her dog and didn't have time to go home before work so she planned on leaving the dog in the car ALL DAY?!!! Mom was so mad she marched right up to that lady and said you can either take the dog to my house or I am calling the DOG POLICE!!! This lady didn't seem to think it was mean to leave the dog in the car all day! Mom and Dad were mad. The dog didn't even have a collar on so someone could have stole him as she left the windows down for him. But even though this lady was a dumbhead we benefited because we got to hang out with Petey all day!!

hey Petey, check out my yard!
Tanner took him on a tour.

Petey and Tanner
He showed him our bathroom and he liked it.

Picture 470
He liked doing his own thing, and we mostly let him.

But sometimes, following him was fun too. I tried to hump him a couple of times but he didn't like that so I stopped. We had SO MUCH FUN!

The dumb lady picked him up and Dad told her to put a collar on him and don't bring him to work ever again. She can bring him over here though, Petey was cool!!

A lot of you guys say that it is already my birthday, but Mom said that here in the US it is not until tomorrow!! So I have to wait....and tomorrow is Tanner Tuesday....and he is such a pest but I think he might let me share blogging duties.

35 Stains:

Blogger wally said...

This has reduced me to Tanner-speak. OMG! How dumb is it to leave your dog in the car all day? OMG!

You guys were very polite to share your house and even your private, luxury bathroom. I would have been a mean, jealous jerk.


6:32 PM  
Blogger Myeo said...

What was the lady thinking when she thought of doing that, huh? Petey is really a handsome looking dog, and both of you were so cute tagging behind him :)

Boy n Baby

6:35 PM  
Blogger Boo Casanova said...

joey, it is 6th here so i wanna wish you HAPPY BARKDAY! no matter what you said about today here is tomorrow for you. LOL

yes, what was the lady thinking bringing the dog to work and putting him at the car? can't she take like 1 hour off to send the dog back or maybe put it at the boyfriend's house?? luckily your hooman are good enough to let petey stay.

i wonder what will happen if petey was to stay in the car for so long.

wet wet licks


6:51 PM  
Blogger Fu Fu said...

Petey doggie looks nice. And it's so wonderful of you and Tanner to show him around your house. What a silly lady Petey dog lives with. I hope she takes better card of him.

~ fufu

7:11 PM  
Blogger jenn said...

Saidie ♥ dulamae! Friend of all dogs.

7:14 PM  
Blogger Cash said...

Some hoomans are SO STOOPID when it comes to knowing how to care for a doggie....never, never, never leave us in the car ALL DAY LONG!!
Thanks for taking Petey into your yard for the day! That was KEWL!

7:18 PM  
Blogger L said...

Well, happy barkday for tomorrow then. Love your blog. We have read about you in a lot of other doggies blogs. You are very popular! So, you're turning 8, eh? Not so old, young really! Many more treats to be had. You're mommy and daddy are really nice to let Petey stay with you guys for the day. Some people, eh?

Sweets ;)

7:19 PM  
Blogger Studly Dudley said...

I can't believe that woman would leave poor Petey in the car all day. What a jerkface. On the bright side, you guys got a new friend!! What kind of dog is he? Maybe you'll see more of Petey from now on! I like that photo where you are following him from behind. How kind of you guys to share your space.


7:38 PM  
Blogger A&S said...

wait a minute, tanner tuesday and the first day of joeypalooza are the same this week?! maybe you should both post. we are trying to get you a special barkday present, but probably won't be able to get it until friday, so it won't make it in time for joeypalooza, but hey, something to look forward to!

7:48 PM  
Blogger Emily and Ike said...

That lady is a big stupid head (wanted to say worse, but my mom said puppies read this.)
Happy Birthdays!

9:11 PM  
Blogger Opy - the Original GruffPuppy said...

Happy Barkday Joey :-) I hope you have a wonderful day - and that Joeypalooza is a huge success :-)

Lots of love

PS - that lady was so stupid - she doesn't deserve to have a dog !

9:51 PM  
Blogger T-man Angel said...

Your parents and you were so nice to let Petey visit with you. Too bad he had to go home to his dumb mama. Poor thing!

I like the doggie train you made in the backyard :)


PS: One more hour till your birthday & Tanner Tuesday!! I hope Tanner gives you a good tribute.

9:57 PM  
Blogger Joey said...

Happy Birthday Joey!
That Petey looks cute but unfortunately he got a dumb mum. What breed is he? he resembles a bull dog?

10:40 PM  
Blogger Nugget said...

Hi Joey, Your Mum did a good thing. Some humans should'nt have pups or childrens!

11:27 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

ooooh - my Mom's good friend always takes one of her dogs to work - and he stays in the car all day. She says he likes it and that he doesn't like to be left home without her. He has water and snacks in the car but, man, it's such a small place. I don't think I'd like it - I'd rather hang out with youse guys!

11:48 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

ooooh in the car??? that would be even worse in singapore, what with the hot weather and sun.

i'm glad you didn't mind petey over at your house. i can get very protective of my house sometimes.

Happy BURFDAY!!! :)


12:37 AM  
Blogger Toby said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY JOEY!~ Wishing you tons of treats and pressies!~


12:45 AM  
Blogger Simba and Jazzi said...

Mean lady going to leave the doggie in the car all day. Still it looks like he had great fun with you two.

Simba xx

2:33 AM  
Blogger Oscar's mummy and daddy said...

Poor Petey. I hope his mum was just having a super dumb day & she usually treats him better than that. Good job your mum & dad found out & rescued him from a day in the car.

Oscar x

2:59 AM  
Blogger Duke said...

Thank goodness you guys were nice to Petey! His mom sure isn't too bright!
Happy birthday Joey! I hope Tanner gives you a break and lets you post today!

Love ya lots,

3:31 AM  
Blogger wally said...

happy BURPDAY joey! let the party begin.


5:13 AM  
Blogger FleasGang said...

Happy Birthday Joey! Sorry you have to share your Tuesday with that doofus.

7:03 AM  
Blogger Marvin -The Hollow Hound said...

Poor Petey.....some hooooomans don't deserve dogs at all.

You were both so kind to him and accepted him into your home, garden and bathroom.........!

You were better than me with my House Guest....!

love and licks, Marv xxxx
ps I would think trying to hump him for you Joe, would be like trying to climb Mount Everest????

7:57 AM  
Blogger Charlie Kelley-Church said...

Happy birthday on Joey Palooza days! I think both you and tanner should blog if it is your birthday.


9:04 AM  
Blogger Tadpole said...

Wow - that's a GREAT present!! Are you going to get one dog a day?!


10:18 AM  
Blogger The Army of Four said...

Joey: Petey is adorable! You guys are SO nice to hang with him all day - and your parents are SO COOL to snatch him away from that ... that ... that ... biped!
Play bows,
PS: Stormy won't let me say what I want to about what kind of ... bipeds would leave somepuppy in the car all day. I think we all know and are of the same mind, though.
PPS: If I did say something, it would be along the lines of @#$@ #$%#$^% @#$@#$!!! Know what I mean?

11:42 AM  
Blogger The Leskiw Gang said...

Shame on her, doesn't she know that her doggy could've overheated, or anything could've happened to him. Some people should just be banned from having pets. Of all the nerve. Also a high paws to you and Tanner for being good hosts.
Paws & Kisses,
Maggie Rose

12:47 PM  
Blogger Bentley and Niko said...

We know you will have a great Birthday, our Mom will be out of town so she won't be able to help us wish you one tomorrow, so Happy Birthday! You get more witty and handsome every day!

-Bentley & Niko

1:49 PM  
Blogger L said...

Well, it's officially your birthday. So, here's an official Happy Birthday to you from Sweets.

Happy Birthday to you
Happy Birthday to you
Happy Birthday dear Joey
Happy Birthday to you.
Okay, now I'm exhausted. Typing Happy Birthday so many times took up all of my energy.


P.S. You ARE cute. Mom loves Bostons!

4:22 PM  
Blogger Sophie Brador said...

Petey is cute. That was very nice of your mom to take him home. He probably had a great day with you guys.

5:07 PM  
Blogger v said...

YAY for an impromptu playdate! But BOO on the stupid lady. I hope Petey gets better treatment from here on out. Dude deserves some respect!

5:21 PM  
Blogger Willie and Waylon said...

Some people are such morons. Thats what our mom said.

5:26 PM  
Blogger Buster the Wired Fox Terror said...

Happy burpday 2 u
happy burpday 2 u
happy burpday 2 u
happy burpday 2 u

can i have cake now?

Bussie Kissies

5:46 PM  
Blogger Boomer and his mom Carol said...

It's Tanner Tuesday!!
It's Joey-palooza!!!
Hey, is Jane's Addiction going to get back together and play at your house tonight? If so, I am so there and mom will be too!


5:57 PM  
Blogger L said...

That's cool that your mom let Petey come to play with you all day. Our girl never lets other dogs come visit, because Comet is naughty. I'm glad you had a fun day.

8:39 PM  

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