Blast from the Past and the Future
I have not blogged in a really long time and one of the reasons is because my health has not been so good lately. I have been having more bad poops and I have lost quite a bit of weight. Mom and Dad have been taking me to the vet to figure out what in the heck is wrong with me. Well, now we know. I have a large adrenal tumor in my upper abdomen and it is not operable. My vet doesn't recommend chemo so the plan is just letting me do my own stuff and keeping me happy. Sounds like what should have been going on my WHOLE LIFE!!
So guys, I am still as active as ever, eating fine, kicking Tanner's butt and being an over all pain in the rear. I will keep you guys posted if anything changes, but I just wanted to let you all know because we miss you all a lot.
Here is proof I am still just as awesome as ever...

That is me on my 12th birthday leaving Tanner in my dust!!

Does anyone know where a dog can get a job these days, holy cow these Vet bills SUCK!
Finally...if I find out that any of you dogs or humans out there are sad and maybe even get the leaky eye, I swear I will send you Tanner. I am celebrating my life and you should too. BACON FOR EVERYDOG!!
40 Stains:
I am sorry, Joey, I got the leaky eye. I will accept my Doofus Face punishment IF YOU MUST.
we love you joey!
I love you Joey! And I am so sorry to hear you are feeling poorly.
My Jeannie and I are thinking of you, and wish you every good wish possible.
I have not blogged for a while either, cos life has been soooooo busy here. You are looking good my friend, lotsalicks, Marvin xxxxxxx oh and Jeannie xxxxx
You are sure looking good to us, Joey! Keep on kicking Tanner's butt for a good long time!
We love ya lots, Joey!
Maggie and Mitch
'tude is evFURRYthing!
Woo got it -
That outlook will keep woo around to keep bugging The Doofus!
Our paws must seize the moments -
And we must do what we khan to impress THAT upon our humans -
They tend to get a bit khrazy when things like this happen -
So, grab a seat and get ready to watch some Yankee akhtion in The Blast Furnace!
That's right, Joey, seize the day! It is all about YOU as well it should be. Kick Doofus butt!
I also recommend cheese for everyone.
Love you, man!
Joe you have brought us a lot of laughs and smiles. We have missed you very much while you were not blogging. We hope that your days are filled with fun and love. Take care.
-Java & Bobby
Hi Joey, and happy birthday too. We are sorry to hear you have that nasty thing inside you - sounds just like what Dakota had. We understand your not wanting us to be sad but we can't help it. We hope you will try to blog once in a while. It's all about attitude and making Joey happy and comfortable. Hugs to you and your family, even Tanner:)
Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara
Hey Joey.. Keep up the positive attitude! Live life to the fullest! Get your mum and dad to feed you all day - you need more food to keep the attitude up!
Take care,
Jack, Joey and their HC.
OMD. I am so sad. But I won't cry because of the bacon. I love you, bud. Let me know if you need anything.
Joe we are so sorry for that news. Being happee is number one. We love ya kiddo. All the vet bills Lily has, mom said she is going to stand on a corner with a tin cup
Benny & Lily
we hear you dude... no leakies and far out to the bacon forever... count us in! loves, licks and slobbers, not sobbers, promise xxxx
Yo Joey...
Nope...not us...not one leaky eye 'cept when the Steelers lost. This guarantees you daily BACON, and whatever the heck else you want.
Your 'tude is as we expected...
And we know your grumpiness is unparalleled....
Birthday kisses dear boy....!!
Miss Lacie Teacakes and her stoopid brothers too!
For some reason I knew something was going on with you!
My mom got the leaky eye too... but I gave her "the look", and she agrees with you now. We will celebrate your life everyday!
Those Vet bills are scary, right?
Take care
Kisses and hugs
Dude, we don't blog at all these sometimes gets a little crazy you know!
You'll always be my sweet Joey! Stay strong buddy and tell the Doofus to stay out of the way!xo
Carry on, StrongMan! We are with you in spirit every inch of the way. I am so proud of what you have written and will honor you in your grumpiness forever!
Your pal Stella
Hey Joey! Stay strong, buddy. We have the SAME EXACT thing going on over here. Rudy is 11 and has the same diagnosis...but is also as grumpy and feisty as ever.
Joey's mom...if you ever want to share/compare what we're dealing with, please drop me a line. We could all use support... (s binns 1 @
-Susan and the gang of 5
Sometimes the leaky eye just happens...
You always have the best attitude & that's really important...
Keep kicking Tanner's butt...(Sorry, Tanner, but if it helps...)
Love you guys,
Abby & her Mom xxxxxxoooooo
I've found that if you just pass those vet bills on to your humans, you don't have to worry about them at all! ;-) Party on, dude! When TaiChi got sick, Mom fed her steak and treated her like a queen (none of which was any different than from when TaiChi was healthy), so we're all into that living life to the fullest. In fact, we're going to go hit Mom up for some bacon Right Now!
*kissey face*
-Fiona and Abby the Hippobottomus
Hi Joe, I read from Mango that you got some sickies. But you're still looking good, and kicking butts. I love your attitude, live in the moment!
Hi Joe! We're kinda new, but we'r all about living in the moment and making each one count. Bacon, ice cream, whatever. Here's to you, Joe!
-Gizmo, Bart and Ruby
Joe, you are one kick-ass dog! (can we say that on this blog?) We're pals of Mango's. Keep on rockin' Joe!
dude, you can't pimp yourself for the vet bills? think of all the girly action you'd get PLUS money. it's a double slam if you ask me...
so sorry to hear this news. i am sad, but i made sure not to get leaky...i don't want no stinkin tanner over way no how!
bacon for all dogs sounds liek a good idea!
Nope we told PL2 no leaky eye here either...... because you do have the Tude.. and you are a terrier man.... We love you and really just for you(and really ONLY for you) we hope the Yankees do well for you ..... Love and a squillion kisses A+A
Joe dude! It's all about the old bro kicking the younger bro's bottom. We rule!
We think you totally rock and wish you many more birthdays and a whole lot more bacon.
well joe that just sucks...but bacon doesnt...i am so sad....i keep watching out for you on twitter....and you are are as handsome as be strong little buddy...we are all cheering for you.....
My mom and I love you, and we miss you. She has a leaky eye but I'm tough like you. Us Bostons gotta stick together. I make her open up Tumblr so I can see what you and your dufus brother are up to.
Joe, we missed you!!! I'm so sorry to hear about your condition though but glad to know you are still doing good as always. Poor Doofus still being kicked around? BOL! We need MORE posts from you two!!!
We got to get on internets today and this Weds. we are actually finally getting it in the house!!!
So we are all stoked.
Joey, you are a tough ole bird and you just enjoy your life. ( Mom and Dad are pampering you a bit more???)
Scooter tells me to say we are crying-all 4 of us- so his twinnererer can come here!
(ya- those bills are soooo high. As yet I haven't been able to find a paying job for any of them....)
Sending big hugs and love to all of you. Today I speak for the 3 Texas Sundogs. (And all of us wish blogging would still be as used before dang many quit-we had an even if you can only blog once a week, please?)
Keep kicking butt Joey.( Sunny confesses to having had a huge crush on you even tho you belonged to Sophie.)
w00fs, we loves ya Joey..and we worry about u..
b safe,
I am following youw instwuctions and taking youw lead! Eating wif gusto and enjoying evewy minute of life along wif you.
did you say Bacon???
YEAH!!!!!!!! let's do it.
And about youw handsomeness. You ae and always have been a HUNK!!!1
I love you
I celebwate you and my luck in having you as a fwiend!
I wish I was wich ow something and could hiwe you as my food consultant and pay youw vettie bills
smoochie kisses
Joe, I have missed your posts so much and am grateful I stopped by to say "hi" and awesome job leaving Mr. Tanner in the dust! Keep up that Boston spirit - they never give up. Ann TBL
Joe we are not happy to hear that you are not well. We will do our best not to be too upset but it is not easy! Please keep us posted. We really love you dude:)
Ozzie, Rocky and Lola
Hi Joey!
Momma has been following your updates on Twitter, but I wanted to come over here and tell you that I have full confidence that this stoopid tumor is not going to slow you down and that you will be living it up! We all love you and we're thinking about you lots and lots.
We are celebrating with you, pal! Enjoy that bacon!!!
Enjoy all the bacon you can eat!
Peace out,
I've been celebwating wif that bacon so much that I gained a pound and bikini season is just awound the cownew..Lacie is going to give me the hawdest time when she sees me and it's all youw fault
smoochie kisses
We love you, bro!
OMD Joey, you just made mommy leaky eyed and i felt hear heart drop into her toes. WE love you.
Tail Wiggles & Puppy Kisses,
Coco The Princess, Lady Godiva & Truffle
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