Poo Poo on Joe Stains
SO whats up people?! It is almost Tanner Tuesday and already is in some places so now you get to see me!
If you watch that baseball you know that Joey's Yankees are in the crapper right now.
Joey can't even watch...

He is even hidering behind that chair in MY little bed...

So like he is probably going to cry himself to sleep tonight and um, that is ok because its better than him being a complete JERK to me.
Oh and so like that brat up the street who TOTALLY called me fat has inspirationalized me to start exercising...
I went out with Mom and we walked and walked and walked and walked and walked and I was like Mom I think that we should go home now and then...

I totally was like WFT this exercising is harderest. Maybe I should just start Zumba or something...
Tan Torkelson who does not really mind being fat...OUT!
85 Stains:
Tell your mom NOT to watch the NLCS -
Sorry 'bout your Yankees but The Phormer Phillie pitched a great game on Monday!
PeeEssWoo: Woo khan join our side - there is lots of Arizona RED!
That poow Joe,pleez tell him I'm soo embawwased by those Yankees..I feel totally wesponsible I bet it's cause we didn't go and cheew and help them out..wemembew how good they wewe when we did?
And Tan..Mommi says to tell you she agwees 10000% about that excewcizewing thing, and she looks just like you lying thewe aftew a long walk
smoochie kisses
time to switch to rugby we thinks... arf arf arf
loves and licks
OMG, you look totally worn out, Tanner! Go easy on the exercising! You don't have to get down to a size 4 in one day, ya know!
Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch
Exercise is hard! I am glad Im not a Yankees fan :-P
Nice to see you relaxing! Sorry about Joe's Yankees, but we all have to pull for the Rangers down here.
Poor Joey - we know how much those Yankees mean to him. Tell him to come out of hiding, we need a Joey fix. We just love long walks - the longer the better. Maybe you need to go more often and not quite as far. We have such gorgeous weather here that we don't mind walking forever.
Happy Tanner Tuesday!
Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara
Tanner! You are an inspiration. You will be on the world's biggest loser soon. Don't stop now. Get that jolly bottom under control. You can do it!
Tanner, I have missed you and Joey! I do not think you are fat, just so you know. That little brat was blind.
And Joey, I am so sorry about your team! I know how upset that can make a true fan like you! :(
My mom does that zumba sometimes. It seems harder then just walking.
Hi, Tanner!
Yes. Last night was a sad night for us... Yankee fans... but sure today is going to be different!
... I hope so....
Good job making your mom walk, walk, walk!
Kisses and hugs
BOL....Oh Joey you crack us up. Please talk to those Yanks quick!
Benny & Lily
Tanner, this is Ozzie's & Rocky's mom. Don't tell them I said so, but they make you look skinny, lol...
Glad to see you are all about getting in shape though. Maybe they will be inspired...
Didnt the Yankees win the other day...crikey, how did we know that????
Noah Willow Tess Lucy
Sorry about your team. We really wanted them to play our team again. But with differenter results, maybe. It's good to see that the Doofus is getting some exercise. He also should do some exercise or his rain, like maybe doing algebra problems while you go for walks with your mom.
Sheps w/Pep
Let the ball teams come and go,
What I really miss is
Hey, Joey, I need to see your face and not have to wait for two months between fixes. Can you do something about that????
Tanner! YOu get to go for walks with your mom without Joey? That is just wrong.
Awww Tanner, you are not fat!! Exercise is hard work (for me at least) but Hershey seems to love her long walks!
Tanner. OurGirl is worrying about the Freshman 15 and just started a Zoomba class. She could barely move for several days afterwards. We recommend yoga. With meditations. About cheese.
Good luck.
Jake and Fergs
Started with the Zumba yet, Tanner?
I don't mind being kinda fat either. But my mom hates the snoring.
Sorry about the Yankees...
Hey Joe! Happy Halloween! WoooOooooOoo! Hehe!
Oh Tanner...you're just pleasingly plump...(Lacie reaches through the puter screen and gives Tanner a little pinch...)...see...I can only pinch six inches with my tiny paws...
How is Joey...still sobbing?
And the Steelers lost to the Saints...sheesch...'specially after the stoopid Browns beat the Saints...not fair...
Lacie Can't Pinch Even An Inch Cakes
Now if this isn't a heck of a comment after our VeryLongHiatus. Accept our apologies. OK?
OK. We're gonna admit. Straightaway. No bones about it. We're taking the easy peasy way out. We want to get around to EVERYONE on our blog roll to remind you about the Second Annual Worldwide Moment coming up on Sunday 14 Nov 10. Were you there last year? Do you remember? Or are you new to it this year? Wondering what that Countdown Clock is on blogs that you visit? Whatever. We want you and everyone you know to have a chance to participate in the Silent Minute, the Candle Lighting and the Shout Out! Come visit. We've got a new banner for you, HTML for an (accurate, now that the word UNTIL is in red) Countdown Clock and a link to figure out what time 11:00 PM GMT is in your neck of the woods.
So. You're getting this 'cause we've been friends in the blogging world and we want you to know.
Please forgive the "stock" comment, but we told Moma we've never done this before and we'll not do it again (at least until next year.)
Loads of wirey love and lots of encouragment to join in (and to pass the word)
Jake and Fergi (and OurMoma and OurCollegeGirl)
The Burgh Terriers
I know you like FB and Twitter.... but please.... don't forget us!
I hope you all are doing well!
Kisses and hugs
Happy Thanksgiving to Joe, Tanner and Mom and Dad.
We miss you guys!
Happy Thanksgiving to our favorite BT's...
Love ya lots,
Terriers from da Burgh!
You are not FAT! YOu are just perfect. Some say i'm fat too. They don't know what tehy are talking about. LOVE! LILLIE!
Come back Joey and Tan Tan Man!
Just stopping by to tell you all that we miss you and hope everything is OK there.
Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara
When our beloved Red Sox got eliminated early, it was hard for us to keep watching, too -- but man, what a Series it turned out to be!
- - - - - - -
dog beds and more
That's such a cute little doggy!
He's a real cutie!
My mum does that zumba sometimes. It seems harder then just walking.
Your dog is such a beautiful animal. I am sure it's a very good pet :)
lovey dog
Cute doggie :-)
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