2010 is almost over!
We stink at blogging this year! We are very sorry, but we miss you all. Mom is still checking in on blogs, but just not commenting. We did get a new thing called a tumblr, you can check out pics of us there.
So not much else is going on around here. Tanner is still a doofus and I am still handsome and awesome.
But really, you just want to see pics of me right??

As you can see I still look darn good.
It is super cold around here lately so I have been wearing my sweatshirts and even tho they kind of bug me, they do help.

The doofus has started playing with the camera. You don't even want to see most of what he took pics of, but he insisted I post this..

Ugh! He just finds endless ways to annoy me!
I suppose you want to see the doofus too? Here he is with my new love seat!

Well guys, I hope you check out my tumblr and if you are on Twitter be sure to follow me @joestains. I am on there all the time with my gal Sophie!
I miss you all!!
31 Stains:
I was just going to put out an APB fur woo!
I thought woo might have frozen somewhere OR been burned alive by hot pepper fumes!
Nice to see your handsome Joe-ness again!
Hey guys we sure do miss you those handsome faces. You are to funny. Love the pictures!
Benny & Lily
Hi, Joey!
I really miss you!
I am happy to know you all are doing well!
I saw your pictures there.
And I saw a pink christmas tree! Hmmm....
Take care
Kisses and hugs
Dude, I totes miss you!
I've been missing you too! What the heck? Glad you are all OK and Tanner is still a total doofus. Hope you had a good Thanksgiving. Get ready for an action packed holiday season.
Glad to see you are doing fine! Keep warm and try not to let Doofus bother you too much Joe!
Pugs & Kisses,
Yoda & Brutus
Nice to see you (and Tanner)! How's the stain-makin' business these days??
Brutus & Carmen
Hey Joey, thanks so much for the pupdate. We have been missing you and hoping all was well. We will check out your new place to see your photos. You ARE still looking good. Have a wonderful holiday.
Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara
I was totally just thinking about you, Joey!!!! I miss you!
I am going to have my momma go follow you on that twitter thing...
We just happened to pop by because we saw your name on a blog list and realized we hadn't seen you here in several dogs' ages!!!
We do miss you. We like seeing your mom on FB, but it isn't the same thing.
Just sayin'!!!
Wirey woofs,
Jake and Just Harry
We are so glad we get to chat with you guys on Twitter :)
You are unbelievably awesome always.
How nice to see you, Joey! You always look so handsome to us and you always will!
Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch
Hey pal!
We've put our blog on hiatus for awhile too. Maybe permanently. But we're still checking in on our favorites, though we rarely leave comments either. Glad to hear you're still devastatingly handsome and Tanner is, well, Tanner. There are a couple of new Boston Terriers in the neighborhood, one little chocolate brown girl who's all over me like white on rice!
Your pal,
hey guys! Happy holidays! I know my momma has been really bad with blogging this year too :p we will for sure follow you on tumblr! stay warm guys!
You made my day by coming to visit..I can't tell you how much I miss you (and Tannewtoo)
Mommi gets soo busy too and hasn't been on twittew fow ages..between twittew and bloggie and facebook it's mowe houws than anyone has..sometimes I get mad that thewe awe so many options..i miss evewyone.
I will go look at youw pictoowes, but I'm suwe Mommi will fowget next time awound cause if it's not in fwont of hew ..pooof, it gets fowgotten.
Youw loveseat(and whole house) looks faboolous, but of couwse you look most faboolous of all
smoochie kisses
I posted the christmas video you did back in 2006 and just wanted to say thanks! It's awesome. Hope all is well and your having a very merry holiday season!
Joey, it's good to see your handsome face again! Tanner still cracks me up too :)
Wow, you have your own love seat?!? You are one lucky pup.
I made my blog private, so if you want to visit, send your e-mail address to teddypoodle@sbcglobal.net and I can add you to the list.
Oh Joey...we've missed you horribly!! And the Doofus too...
Please have a wonderful Christmas and blog more in the New Year...
Sending you tons of terrier flirty kisses and a truckload of mistletoe...
Lacie and her stoopid brothers
Hi Joe! I just wanted to stop by and wish you, Tanner and your pawrents a very Happy, Healthy New Year. Thats 2011 its gonna be.
I hope you are feeling good and still love your new home.
Cheers and hugs,
To all respected bloggers including Joe Stains, please participate in our contest. Please check out our http://advertisement4bloggers.blogspot.com/ if you are interested for earning money online. This probably interests you
More and more bloggers are migrating to Twitter -- surely you've got more to say than can be accommodated in 140 characters...!
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dog beds and more
a great blog Joey! it is exciting to see you again. keep blogging us.
Supplements for Dog
I think this all means that your name is just perfect for you!!!
Hey guys....in preparation of the big game this weekend....'n I mean the BIG GAME with the bestest team in the US playin'....who are they playin' Gram ??? Oh yeah....Green Bay....'n where's that, I ask ya?....somewhere in the heartland perhaps.
Go Steelers.....we're goin' black 'n gold all this weekend....
Dewey Dewster here....
OK. Here's the deal. We were gone for soooo long and now we get back and y'all quit blogging????? OH JOE! Say it ain't so. Twitter and FB are NOT the same. And you two are like the funneerest!
Scooter is inconsolable that this has happened. His twinnererer not blogging. No venshurs. he is heartbroke. Cryin an bawlin.(Very Annoying to me-to our new member, it makes him howl which is even more annoying to me) PUHLEESE???? not every day but maybe a couple times a week????
Scooter may go over the edge about this! (well more than usual.)
(Hey I will send great cookies and treats....bribe???)
Sadly this is Sunny, even I have a huge lump in my throat....*sigh*
Happy birthday, Joey! We sure do miss you and Tanner.
Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch
Happy Birthday Joey!
I hope you had a pawesome day!
Are you going to have the fabulous JoePalooza this year??
Take care
Kisses and hugs
Awesome Face!! Love The Blog Man.
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